Class SlingWrapFactory

  • public class SlingWrapFactory
    extends org.mozilla.javascript.WrapFactory
    • Constructor Detail

      • SlingWrapFactory

        public SlingWrapFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • wrapAsJavaObject

        public org.mozilla.javascript.Scriptable wrapAsJavaObject​(org.mozilla.javascript.Context cx,
                                                                  org.mozilla.javascript.Scriptable scope,
                                                                  Object javaObject,
                                                                  Class staticType)
        wrapAsJavaObject in class org.mozilla.javascript.WrapFactory
        cx - the current Context for this thread
        scope - the scope of the executing script
        javaObject - the object to be wrapped
        staticType - type hint. If security restrictions prevent to wrap object based on its class, staticType will be used instead.
        the wrapped value which shall not be null
      • registerWrapper

        public void registerWrapper​(Class<?> javaClass,
                                    String hostObjectName)
      • unregisterWrapper

        public void unregisterWrapper​(Class<?> javaClass)