Class ContextPlugins

  • @ProviderType
    public final class ContextPlugins
    extends Object
    Collects list of context plugins.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ContextPlugins

        public ContextPlugins()
        Start with empty list.
      • ContextPlugins

        public ContextPlugins​(@NotNull
                              @NotNull ContextCallback<T> afterSetUpCallback)
        Start with some callbacks.
        Type Parameters:
        T - context type
        afterSetUpCallback - Allows the application to register an own callback function that is called after the built-in setup rules are executed.
      • ContextPlugins

        public ContextPlugins​(@NotNull
                              @NotNull ContextCallback<U> afterSetUpCallback,
                              @NotNull ContextCallback<V> beforeTearDownCallback)
        Start with some callbacks.
        Type Parameters:
        U - context type
        V - context type
        afterSetUpCallback - Allows the application to register an own callback function that is called after the built-in setup rules are executed.
        beforeTearDownCallback - Allows the application to register an own callback function that is called before the built-in teardown rules are executed.
    • Method Detail

      • addPlugin

        public final <T extends OsgiContextImpl> void addPlugin​(@NotNull
                                                                @NotNull ContextPlugin<T> @NotNull ... plugin)
        Add plugin
        Type Parameters:
        T - context type
        plugin - Plugin
      • addBeforeSetUpCallback

        public final <T extends OsgiContextImpl> void addBeforeSetUpCallback​(@NotNull
                                                                             @NotNull ContextCallback<T> @NotNull ... beforeSetUpCallback)
        Add callback
        Type Parameters:
        T - context type
        beforeSetUpCallback - Allows the application to register an own callback function that is called before the built-in setup rules are executed.
      • addAfterSetUpCallback

        public final <T extends OsgiContextImpl> void addAfterSetUpCallback​(@NotNull
                                                                            @NotNull ContextCallback<T> @NotNull ... afterSetUpCallback)
        Add callback
        Type Parameters:
        T - context type
        afterSetUpCallback - Allows the application to register an own callback function that is called after the built-in setup rules are executed.
      • addBeforeTearDownCallback

        public final <T extends OsgiContextImpl> void addBeforeTearDownCallback​(@NotNull
                                                                                @NotNull ContextCallback<T> @NotNull ... beforeTearDownCallback)
        Add callback
        Type Parameters:
        T - context type
        beforeTearDownCallback - Allows the application to register an own callback function that is called before the built-in teardown rules are executed.
      • addAfterTearDownCallback

        public final <T extends OsgiContextImpl> void addAfterTearDownCallback​(@NotNull
                                                                               @NotNull ContextCallback<T> @NotNull ... afterTearDownCallback)
        Add callback
        Type Parameters:
        T - context type
        afterTearDownCallback - Allows the application to register an own callback function that is after before the built-in teardown rules are executed.
      • executeBeforeSetUpCallback

        public <T extends OsgiContextImpl> void executeBeforeSetUpCallback​(@NotNull
                                                                           T context)
        Execute all before setup callbacks.
        Type Parameters:
        T - context type
        context - Context
      • executeAfterSetUpCallback

        public <T extends OsgiContextImpl> void executeAfterSetUpCallback​(@NotNull
                                                                          T context)
        Execute all after setup callbacks.
        Type Parameters:
        T - context type
        context - Context
      • executeBeforeTearDownCallback

        public <T extends OsgiContextImpl> void executeBeforeTearDownCallback​(@NotNull
                                                                              T context)
        Execute all before teardown callbacks.
        Type Parameters:
        T - context type
        context - Context
      • executeAfterTearDownCallback

        public <T extends OsgiContextImpl> void executeAfterTearDownCallback​(@NotNull
                                                                             T context)
        Execute all after teardown callbacks.
        Type Parameters:
        T - context type
        context - Context