Class Aggregate

    • Field Detail

      • classifier

        public String classifier
        This is the classifier for the new feature. If not specified the feature is the main artifact for the project.
      • attach

        public boolean attach
        If this is set to false the feature is not added to the project artifacts.
      • markAsFinal

        public boolean markAsFinal
        If this is set to true the feature is marked as final.
      • markAsComplete

        public boolean markAsComplete
        If this is set to true the feature is marked as complete.
      • title

        public String title
        Optional title for the feature
      • description

        public String description
        Optional description for the feature
      • vendor

        public String vendor
        Optional vendor for the feature
      • artifactsOverrides

        public List<String> artifactsOverrides
      • configurationOverrides

        public List<String> configurationOverrides
      • frameworkPropertiesOverrides

        public Map<String,​String> frameworkPropertiesOverrides
    • Constructor Detail

      • Aggregate

        public Aggregate()