

package physical

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class BroadcastDistribution(mode: BroadcastMode) extends Distribution with Product with Serializable

    Represents data where tuples are broadcasted to every node.

  2. trait BroadcastMode extends AnyRef

    Marker trait to identify the shape in which tuples are broadcasted.

  3. case class BroadcastPartitioning(mode: BroadcastMode) extends Partitioning with Product with Serializable

    Represents a partitioning where rows are collected, transformed and broadcasted to each node in the cluster.

  4. case class ClusteredDistribution(clustering: Seq[Expression]) extends Distribution with Product with Serializable

    Represents data where tuples that share the same values for the clustering Expressions will be co-located.

  5. sealed trait Distribution extends AnyRef

    Specifies how tuples that share common expressions will be distributed when a query is executed in parallel on many machines.

  6. case class HashPartitioning(expressions: Seq[Expression], numPartitions: Int) extends Expression with Partitioning with Unevaluable with Product with Serializable

    Represents a partitioning where rows are split up across partitions based on the hash of expressions.

  7. case class OrderedDistribution(ordering: Seq[SortOrder]) extends Distribution with Product with Serializable

    Represents data where tuples have been ordered according to the ordering Expressions.

  8. sealed trait Partitioning extends AnyRef

    Describes how an operator's output is split across partitions.

  9. case class PartitioningCollection(partitionings: Seq[Partitioning]) extends Expression with Partitioning with Unevaluable with Product with Serializable

    A collection of Partitionings that can be used to describe the partitioning scheme of the output of a physical operator.

  10. case class RangePartitioning(ordering: Seq[SortOrder], numPartitions: Int) extends Expression with Partitioning with Unevaluable with Product with Serializable

    Represents a partitioning where rows are split across partitions based on some total ordering of the expressions specified in ordering.

  11. case class RoundRobinPartitioning(numPartitions: Int) extends Partitioning with Product with Serializable

    Represents a partitioning where rows are distributed evenly across output partitions by starting from a random target partition number and distributing rows in a round-robin fashion.

  12. case class UnknownPartitioning(numPartitions: Int) extends Partitioning with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object AllTuples extends Distribution with Product with Serializable

    Represents a distribution that only has a single partition and all tuples of the dataset are co-located.

  2. object IdentityBroadcastMode extends BroadcastMode with Product with Serializable

    IdentityBroadcastMode requires that rows are broadcasted in their original form.

  3. object Partitioning

  4. object SinglePartition extends Partitioning with Product with Serializable

  5. object UnspecifiedDistribution extends Distribution with Product with Serializable

    Represents a distribution where no promises are made about co-location of data.
