1. focushideorg.apache.spark.sql
    1. AnalysisException
    2. Encoder
    3. Encoders
    4. Row
    5. RowFactory
  1. focushideorg.apache.spark.sql.catalyst
    1. CatalystTypeConverters
    2. DefinedByConstructorParams
    3. FunctionIdentifier
    4. IdentifierWithDatabase
    5. InternalRow
    6. JavaTypeInference
    7. QualifiedTableName
    8. ScalaReflection
    9. ScalaReflectionLock
    10. TableIdentifier
  1. focushideorg.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis
    1. AliasViewChild
    2. AnalysisContext
    3. AnalysisErrorAt
    4. Analyzer
    5. CastSupport
    6. CheckAnalysis
    7. CleanupAliases
    8. DatabaseAlreadyExistsException
    9. DecimalPrecision
    10. EliminateEventTimeWatermark
    11. EliminateSubqueryAliases
    12. EliminateUnions
    13. EliminateView
    14. EmptyFunctionRegistry
    15. FunctionAlreadyExistsException
    16. FunctionRegistry
    17. GetColumnByOrdinal
    18. MultiAlias
    19. MultiInstanceRelation
    20. NoSuchDatabaseException
    21. NoSuchFunctionException
    22. NoSuchPartitionException
    23. NoSuchPartitionsException
    24. NoSuchPermanentFunctionException
    25. NoSuchTableException
    26. NoSuchTempFunctionException
    27. PartitionAlreadyExistsException
    28. PartitionsAlreadyExistException
    29. ResolveCreateNamedStruct
    30. ResolvedStar
    31. ResolveHints
    32. ResolveInlineTables
    33. ResolveTableValuedFunctions
    34. ResolveTimeZone
    35. SimpleAnalyzer
    36. SimpleFunctionRegistry
    37. Star
    38. SubstituteUnresolvedOrdinals
    39. TableAlreadyExistsException
    40. TempTableAlreadyExistsException
    41. TimeWindowing
    42. TypeCheckResult
    43. TypeCoercion
    44. UnresolvedAlias
    45. UnresolvedAttribute
    46. UnresolvedDeserializer
    47. UnresolvedException
    48. UnresolvedExtractValue
    49. UnresolvedFunction
    50. UnresolvedGenerator
    51. UnresolvedInlineTable
    52. UnresolvedOrdinal
    53. UnresolvedRelation
    54. UnresolvedStar
    55. UnresolvedTableValuedFunction
    56. UnsupportedOperationChecker
    57. UpdateOuterReferences
  1. focushideorg.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog
    1. ArchiveResource
    2. BucketSpec
    3. CatalogDatabase
    4. CatalogFunction
    5. CatalogStatistics
    6. CatalogStorageFormat
    7. CatalogTable
    8. CatalogTablePartition
    9. CatalogTableType
    10. CatalogTypes
    11. CatalogUtils
    12. CreateDatabaseEvent
    13. CreateDatabasePreEvent
    14. CreateFunctionEvent
    15. CreateFunctionPreEvent
    16. CreateTableEvent
    17. CreateTablePreEvent
    18. DatabaseEvent
    19. DropDatabaseEvent
    20. DropDatabasePreEvent
    21. DropFunctionEvent
    22. DropFunctionPreEvent
    23. DropTableEvent
    24. DropTablePreEvent
    25. DummyFunctionResourceLoader
    26. ExternalCatalog
    27. ExternalCatalogEvent
    28. ExternalCatalogEventListener
    29. ExternalCatalogUtils
    30. FileResource
    31. FunctionEvent
    32. FunctionResource
    33. FunctionResourceLoader
    34. FunctionResourceType
    35. GlobalTempViewManager
    36. HiveTableRelation
    37. InMemoryCatalog
    38. JarResource
    39. RenameFunctionEvent
    40. RenameFunctionPreEvent
    41. RenameTableEvent
    42. RenameTablePreEvent
    43. SessionCatalog
    44. TableEvent
    45. UnresolvedCatalogRelation
  1. focushideorg.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl
    1. ExpressionConversions
    2. expressions
    3. ImplicitOperators
    4. plans
  1. focushideorg.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.encoders
    1. ExpressionEncoder
    2. OuterScopes
    3. RowEncoder
  1. focushideorg.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.errors
    1. TreeNodeException
  1. focushideorg.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions
    1. Abs
    2. Acos
    3. Add
    4. AddMonths
    5. AggregateWindowFunction
    6. Alias
    7. And
    8. ArrayContains
    9. Ascending
    10. Ascii
    11. Asin
    12. AssertTrue
    13. Atan
    14. Atan2
    15. AtLeastNNonNulls
    16. Attribute
    17. AttributeEquals
    18. AttributeMap
    19. AttributeReference
    20. AttributeSeq
    21. AttributeSet
    22. Base64
    23. BaseGenericInternalRow
    24. Bin
    25. BinaryArithmetic
    26. BinaryComparison
    27. BinaryExpression
    28. BinaryMathExpression
    29. BinaryOperator
    30. BindReferences
    31. BitwiseAnd
    32. BitwiseNot
    33. BitwiseOr
    34. BitwiseXor
    35. BoundReference
    36. BRound
    37. CallMethodViaReflection
    38. Canonicalize
    39. CaseKeyWhen
    40. CaseWhen
    41. CaseWhenBase
    42. CaseWhenCodegen
    43. Cast
    44. Cbrt
    45. Ceil
    46. CheckOverflow
    47. Coalesce
    48. CollectionGenerator
    49. Concat
    50. ConcatWs
    51. Contains
    52. Conv
    53. Cos
    54. Cosh
    55. Crc32
    56. CreateArray
    57. CreateMap
    58. CreateNamedStruct
    59. CreateNamedStructLike
    60. CreateNamedStructUnsafe
    61. CreateStruct
    62. Cube
    63. CumeDist
    64. CurrentBatchTimestamp
    65. CurrentDatabase
    66. CurrentDate
    67. CurrentRow
    68. CurrentTimestamp
    69. DateAdd
    70. DateDiff
    71. DateFormatClass
    72. DateSub
    73. DayOfMonth
    74. DayOfYear
    75. DecimalLiteral
    76. Decode
    77. DenseRank
    78. Descending
    79. Divide
    80. Elt
    81. Encode
    82. EndsWith
    83. Equality
    84. EqualNullSafe
    85. EqualTo
    86. EquivalentExpressions
    87. EulerNumber
    88. Exists
    89. Exp
    90. ExpectsInputTypes
    91. Explode
    92. ExplodeBase
    93. Expm1
    94. Expression
    95. ExpressionDescription
    96. ExpressionInfo
    97. ExpressionSet
    98. ExprId
    99. ExtractValue
    100. Factorial
    101. FindInSet
    102. FixedLengthRowBasedKeyValueBatch
    103. Floor
    104. FormatNumber
    105. FormatString
    106. FrameBoundary
    107. FrameType
    108. FromUnixTime
    109. FromUnsafeProjection
    110. FromUTCTimestamp
    111. Generator
    112. GeneratorOuter
    113. GenericInternalRow
    114. GenericRow
    115. GenericRowWithSchema
    116. GetArrayItem
    117. GetArrayStructFields
    118. GetJsonObject
    119. GetMapValue
    120. GetStructField
    121. GreaterThan
    122. GreaterThanOrEqual
    123. Greatest
    124. Grouping
    125. GroupingID
    126. GroupingSet
    127. HashExpression
    128. Hex
    129. HiveHash
    130. HiveHashFunction
    131. Hour
    132. Hypot
    133. If
    134. IfNull
    135. ImplicitCastInputTypes
    136. In
    137. InitCap
    138. Inline
    139. InputFileBlockLength
    140. InputFileBlockStart
    141. InputFileName
    142. InSet
    143. IntegerLiteral
    144. InterpretedHashFunction
    145. InterpretedMutableProjection
    146. InterpretedOrdering
    147. InterpretedPredicate
    148. InterpretedProjection
    149. IsNaN
    150. IsNotNull
    151. IsNull
    152. JoinedRow
    153. JsonExprUtils
    154. JsonToStructs
    155. JsonTuple
    156. Lag
    157. LastDay
    158. Lead
    159. LeafExpression
    160. LeafMathExpression
    161. Least
    162. Length
    163. LessThan
    164. LessThanOrEqual
    165. Levenshtein
    166. Like
    167. ListQuery
    168. Literal
    169. Log
    170. Log10
    171. Log1p
    172. Log2
    173. Logarithm
    174. Lower
    175. MakeDecimal
    176. MapKeys
    177. MapValues
    178. Md5
    179. Minute
    180. MonotonicallyIncreasingID
    181. Month
    182. MonthsBetween
    183. Multiply
    184. Murmur3Hash
    185. Murmur3HashFunction
    186. MutableAny
    187. MutableBoolean
    188. MutableByte
    189. MutableDouble
    190. MutableFloat
    191. MutableInt
    192. MutableLong
    193. MutableProjection
    194. MutableShort
    195. MutableValue
    196. NamedExpression
    197. NamePlaceholder
    198. NaNvl
    199. NextDay
    200. Nondeterministic
    201. NonNullLiteral
    202. NonSQLExpression
    203. Not
    204. NTile
    205. NullIf
    206. NullIntolerant
    207. NullOrdering
    208. NullsFirst
    209. NullsLast
    210. Nvl
    211. Nvl2
    212. OffsetWindowFunction
    213. Or
    214. OuterReference
    215. ParseToDate
    216. ParseToTimestamp
    217. ParseUrl
    218. PercentRank
    219. Pi
    220. PlanExpression
    221. Pmod
    222. PosExplode
    223. Pow
    224. PreciseTimestamp
    225. Predicate
    226. PredicateHelper
    227. PrettyAttribute
    228. PrintToStderr
    229. Projection
    230. PromotePrecision
    231. Quarter
    232. Rand
    233. Randn
    234. RangeFrame
    235. Rank
    236. RankLike
    237. RDG
    238. RegExpExtract
    239. RegExpReplace
    240. Remainder
    241. Rint
    242. RLike
    243. Rollup
    244. Round
    245. RoundBase
    246. RowBasedKeyValueBatch
    247. RowFrame
    248. RowNumber
    249. RowNumberLike
    250. RowOrdering
    251. RuntimeReplaceable
    252. ScalarSubquery
    253. ScalaUDF
    254. Second
    255. Sentences
    256. Sha1
    257. Sha2
    258. ShiftLeft
    259. ShiftRight
    260. ShiftRightUnsigned
    261. Signum
    262. Sin
    263. Sinh
    264. Size
    265. SizeBasedWindowFunction
    266. SortArray
    267. SortDirection
    268. SortOrder
    269. SortPrefix
    270. SoundEx
    271. SparkPartitionID
    272. SpecializedGetters
    273. SpecificInternalRow
    274. SpecifiedWindowFrame
    275. Sqrt
    276. Stack
    277. StartsWith
    278. String2StringExpression
    279. StringInstr
    280. StringLocate
    281. StringLPad
    282. StringPredicate
    283. StringRegexExpression
    284. StringRepeat
    285. StringReverse
    286. StringRPad
    287. StringSpace
    288. StringSplit
    289. StringToMap
    290. StringTranslate
    291. StringTrim
    292. StringTrimLeft
    293. StringTrimRight
    294. StructsToJson
    295. SubExprUtils
    296. SubqueryExpression
    297. Substring
    298. SubstringIndex
    299. Subtract
    300. Tan
    301. Tanh
    302. TernaryExpression
    303. TimeAdd
    304. TimeSub
    305. TimeWindow
    306. TimeZoneAwareExpression
    307. ToDate
    308. ToDegrees
    309. ToRadians
    310. ToUnixTimestamp
    311. ToUTCTimestamp
    312. TruncDate
    313. UnaryExpression
    314. UnaryLogExpression
    315. UnaryMathExpression
    316. UnaryMinus
    317. UnaryPositive
    318. UnBase64
    319. UnboundedFollowing
    320. UnboundedPreceding
    321. Unevaluable
    322. Unhex
    323. UnixTime
    324. UnixTimestamp
    325. UnresolvedWindowExpression
    326. UnsafeArrayData
    327. UnsafeMapData
    328. UnsafeProjection
    329. UnsafeRow
    330. UnscaledValue
    331. UnspecifiedFrame
    332. UpCast
    333. Upper
    334. UserDefinedGenerator
    335. ValueFollowing
    336. ValuePreceding
    337. VariableLengthRowBasedKeyValueBatch
    338. VirtualColumn
    339. WeekOfYear
    340. WindowExpression
    341. WindowFrame
    342. WindowFunction
    343. WindowSpec
    344. WindowSpecDefinition
    345. WindowSpecReference
    346. XXH64
    347. XxHash64
    348. XxHash64Function
    349. Year
  1. focushideorg.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.aggregate
    1. AggregateExpression
    2. AggregateFunction
    3. AggregateMode
    4. ApproximatePercentile
    5. Average
    6. CentralMomentAgg
    7. Collect
    8. CollectList
    9. CollectSet
    10. Complete
    11. Corr
    12. Count
    13. CountMinSketchAgg
    14. Covariance
    15. CovPopulation
    16. CovSample
    17. DeclarativeAggregate
    18. Final
    19. First
    20. HyperLogLogPlusPlus
    21. ImperativeAggregate
    22. Kurtosis
    23. Last
    24. Max
    25. Min
    26. NoOp
    27. Partial
    28. PartialMerge
    29. Percentile
    30. PivotFirst
    31. Skewness
    32. StddevPop
    33. StddevSamp
    34. Sum
    35. TypedImperativeAggregate
    36. VariancePop
    37. VarianceSamp
  1. focushideorg.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen
    1. BaseMutableProjection
    2. BaseOrdering
    3. BaseProjection
    4. BufferHolder
    5. CodeAndComment
    6. CodeFormatter
    7. CodegenContext
    8. CodeGenerator
    9. CodegenFallback
    10. DumpByteCode
    11. ExprCode
    12. ExpressionCanonicalizer
    13. GeneratedClass
    14. GenerateMutableProjection
    15. GenerateOrdering
    16. GeneratePredicate
    17. GenerateSafeProjection
    18. GenerateUnsafeProjection
    19. GenerateUnsafeRowJoiner
    20. LazilyGeneratedOrdering
    21. Predicate
    22. SubExprCodes
    23. SubExprEliminationState
    24. UnsafeArrayWriter
    25. UnsafeRowJoiner
    26. UnsafeRowWriter
  1. focushideorg.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.objects
    1. AssertNotNull
    2. CreateExternalRow
    3. DecodeUsingSerializer
    4. EncodeUsingSerializer
    5. ExternalMapToCatalyst
    6. GetExternalRowField
    7. InitializeJavaBean
    8. Invoke
    9. InvokeLike
    10. LambdaVariable
    11. MapObjects
    12. NewInstance
    13. StaticInvoke
    14. UnresolvedMapObjects
    15. UnwrapOption
    16. ValidateExternalType
    17. WrapOption
  1. focushideorg.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.xml
    1. UDFXPathUtil
    2. XPathBoolean
    3. XPathDouble
    4. XPathExtract
    5. XPathFloat
    6. XPathInt
    7. XPathList
    8. XPathLong
    9. XPathShort
    10. XPathString
  1. focushideorg.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.json
    1. JacksonParser
    2. JacksonUtils
  1. focushideorg.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.optimizer
    1. BooleanSimplification
    2. CheckCartesianProducts
    3. CollapseProject
    4. CollapseRepartition
    5. CollapseWindow
    6. ColumnPruning
    7. CombineFilters
    8. CombineLimits
    9. CombineTypedFilters
    10. CombineUnions
    11. ComputeCurrentTime
    12. ConstantFolding
    13. ConvertToLocalRelation
    14. Cost
    15. CostBasedJoinReorder
    16. DecimalAggregates
    17. EliminateMapObjects
    18. EliminateOuterJoin
    19. EliminateSerialization
    20. EliminateSorts
    21. FoldablePropagation
    22. GetCurrentDatabase
    23. InferFiltersFromConstraints
    24. JoinGraphInfo
    25. JoinReorderDP
    26. JoinReorderDPFilters
    27. LikeSimplification
    28. LimitPushDown
    29. NullPropagation
    30. OptimizeCodegen
    31. OptimizeIn
    32. Optimizer
    33. OrderedJoin
    34. PropagateEmptyRelation
    35. PruneFilters
    36. PullupCorrelatedPredicates
    37. PushDownPredicate
    38. PushPredicateThroughJoin
    39. PushProjectionThroughUnion
    40. RemoveDispensableExpressions
    41. RemoveLiteralFromGroupExpressions
    42. RemoveRedundantAliases
    43. RemoveRedundantProject
    44. RemoveRepetitionFromGroupExpressions
    45. ReorderAssociativeOperator
    46. ReorderJoin
    47. ReplaceDeduplicateWithAggregate
    48. ReplaceDistinctWithAggregate
    49. ReplaceExceptWithAntiJoin
    50. ReplaceExpressions
    51. ReplaceIntersectWithSemiJoin
    52. RewriteCorrelatedScalarSubquery
    53. RewriteDistinctAggregates
    54. RewritePredicateSubquery
    55. SimpleTestOptimizer
    56. SimplifyBinaryComparison
    57. SimplifyCaseConversionExpressions
    58. SimplifyCasts
    59. SimplifyConditionals
    60. SimplifyCreateArrayOps
    61. SimplifyCreateMapOps
    62. SimplifyCreateStructOps
    63. StarSchemaDetection
  1. focushideorg.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.parser
    1. AbstractSqlParser
    2. AstBuilder
    3. CatalystSqlParser
    4. LegacyTypeStringParser
    5. ParseErrorListener
    6. ParseException
    7. ParserInterface
    8. ParserUtils
    9. PostProcessor
    10. SqlBaseBaseListener
    11. SqlBaseBaseVisitor
    12. SqlBaseLexer
    13. SqlBaseListener
    14. SqlBaseParser
    15. SqlBaseVisitor
  1. focushideorg.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.planning
    1. ExtractEquiJoinKeys
    2. ExtractFiltersAndInnerJoins
    3. GenericStrategy
    4. PhysicalAggregation
    5. PhysicalOperation
    6. QueryPlanner
  1. focushideorg.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans
    1. Cross
    2. ExistenceJoin
    3. FullOuter
    4. Inner
    5. InnerLike
    6. JoinType
    7. LeftAnti
    8. LeftExistence
    9. LeftOuter
    10. LeftSemi
    11. NaturalJoin
    12. QueryPlan
    13. RightOuter
    14. UsingJoin
  1. focushideorg.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical
    1. Aggregate
    2. AppendColumns
    3. AppendColumnsWithObject
    4. BinaryNode
    5. CatalystSerde
    6. CoGroup
    7. ColumnStat
    8. Command
    9. Deduplicate
    10. DeserializeToObject
    11. Distinct
    12. EventTimeTimeout
    13. EventTimeWatermark
    14. Except
    15. Expand
    16. Filter
    17. FlatMapGroupsInR
    18. FlatMapGroupsWithState
    19. FunctionUtils
    20. Generate
    21. GlobalLimit
    22. GroupingSets
    23. HintInfo
    24. InsertIntoTable
    25. Intersect
    26. Join
    27. LeafNode
    28. Limit
    29. LocalLimit
    30. LocalRelation
    31. LogicalGroupState
    32. LogicalPlan
    33. MapElements
    34. MapGroups
    35. MapPartitions
    36. MapPartitionsInR
    37. NoTimeout
    38. ObjectConsumer
    39. ObjectProducer
    40. OneRowRelation
    41. Pivot
    42. ProcessingTimeTimeout
    43. Project
    44. Range
    45. Repartition
    46. RepartitionByExpression
    47. RepartitionOperation
    48. ResolvedHint
    49. ReturnAnswer
    50. Sample
    51. ScriptInputOutputSchema
    52. ScriptTransformation
    53. SerializeFromObject
    54. SetOperation
    55. Sort
    56. Statistics
    57. Subquery
    58. SubqueryAlias
    59. TypedFilter
    60. UnaryNode
    61. Union
    62. UnresolvedHint
    63. View
    64. Window
    65. With
    66. WithWindowDefinition
  1. focushideorg.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.statsEstimation
    1. AggregateEstimation
    2. ColumnStatsMap
    3. DefaultRange
    4. EstimationUtils
    5. FilterEstimation
    6. InnerOuterEstimation
    7. JoinEstimation
    8. LeftSemiAntiEstimation
    9. NullRange
    10. NumericRange
    11. ProjectEstimation
    12. Range
  1. focushideorg.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.physical
    1. AllTuples
    2. BroadcastDistribution
    3. BroadcastMode
    4. BroadcastPartitioning
    5. ClusteredDistribution
    6. Distribution
    7. HashPartitioning
    8. IdentityBroadcastMode
    9. OrderedDistribution
    10. Partitioning
    11. PartitioningCollection
    12. RangePartitioning
    13. RoundRobinPartitioning
    14. SinglePartition
    15. UnknownPartitioning
    16. UnspecifiedDistribution
  1. focushideorg.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.rules
    1. Rule
    2. RuleExecutor
  1. focushideorg.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.trees
    1. CurrentOrigin
    2. Origin
    3. TreeNode
    4. TreeNodeRef
  1. focushideorg.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util
    1. AbstractScalaRowIterator
    2. ArrayBasedMapData
    3. ArrayData
    4. BadRecordException
    5. CaseInsensitiveMap
    6. CompressionCodecs
    7. DateTimeUtils
    8. DropMalformedMode
    9. FailFastMode
    10. GenericArrayData
    11. MapData
    12. NumberConverter
    13. ParseMode
    14. PermissiveMode
    15. QuantileSummaries
    16. StringKeyHashMap
    17. StringUtils
    18. TypeUtils
  1. focushideorg.apache.spark.sql.execution
    1. RecordBinaryComparator
    2. UnsafeExternalRowSorter
    3. UnsafeKeyValueSorter
  1. focushideorg.apache.spark.sql.internal
    1. SQLConf
    2. StaticSQLConf
  1. focushideorg.apache.spark.sql.streaming
    1. GroupStateTimeout
    2. OutputMode
  1. focushideorg.apache.spark.sql.types
    1. AnyDataType
    2. ArrayType
    3. AtomicType
    4. BinaryType
    5. BooleanType
    6. ByteType
    7. CalendarIntervalType
    8. CharType
    9. DataType
    10. DataTypes
    11. DateType
    12. Decimal
    13. DecimalType
    14. DoubleType
    15. FloatType
    16. HiveStringType
    17. IntegerType
    18. LongType
    19. MapType
    20. Metadata
    21. MetadataBuilder
    22. NullType
    23. NumericType
    24. ObjectType
    25. ShortType
    26. SQLUserDefinedType
    27. StringType
    28. StructField
    29. StructType
    30. TimestampType
    31. VarcharType