

package execution

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class CreateHiveTableAsSelectCommand(tableDesc: CatalogTable, query: LogicalPlan, ignoreIfExists: Boolean) extends LeafNode with RunnableCommand with Product with Serializable

    Create table and insert the query result into it.

  2. case class HiveScriptIOSchema(inputRowFormat: Seq[(String, String)], outputRowFormat: Seq[(String, String)], inputSerdeClass: Option[String], outputSerdeClass: Option[String], inputSerdeProps: Seq[(String, String)], outputSerdeProps: Seq[(String, String)], recordReaderClass: Option[String], recordWriterClass: Option[String], schemaLess: Boolean) extends HiveInspectors with Product with Serializable

    The wrapper class of Hive input and output schema properties

  3. case class InsertIntoHiveTable(table: MetastoreRelation, partition: Map[String, Option[String]], child: SparkPlan, overwrite: Boolean, ifNotExists: Boolean) extends SparkPlan with UnaryExecNode with Product with Serializable

    Command for writing data out to a Hive table.

  4. case class ScriptTransformation(input: Seq[Expression], script: String, output: Seq[Attribute], child: SparkPlan, ioschema: HiveScriptIOSchema) extends SparkPlan with UnaryExecNode with Product with Serializable

    Transforms the input by forking and running the specified script.

Value Members

  1. object HiveScriptIOSchema extends Serializable
