

class PythonMLLibAPI extends Serializable

:: DeveloperApi :: The Java stubs necessary for the Python mllib bindings.

Linear Supertypes
Serializable, Serializable, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. PythonMLLibAPI
  2. Serializable
  3. Serializable
  4. AnyRef
  5. Any
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  1. Public
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Instance Constructors

  1. new PythonMLLibAPI()

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  5. def chiSqTest(data: JavaRDD[LabeledPoint]): Array[ChiSqTestResult]

    Java stub for mllib Statistics.chiSqTest(RDD[LabelPoint])

  6. def chiSqTest(observed: Matrix): ChiSqTestResult

    Java stub for mllib Statistics.chiSqTest(observed: Matrix)

  7. def chiSqTest(observed: Vector, expected: Vector): ChiSqTestResult

    Java stub for mllib Statistics.chiSqTest()

  8. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  9. def colStats(rdd: JavaRDD[Vector]): MultivariateStatisticalSummary

    Java stub for mllib Statistics.colStats(X: RDD[Vector]).

    Java stub for mllib Statistics.colStats(X: RDD[Vector]). TODO figure out return type.

  10. def corr(x: JavaRDD[Double], y: JavaRDD[Double], method: String): Double

    Java stub for mllib Statistics.corr(x: RDD[Double], y: RDD[Double], method: String).

  11. def corr(x: JavaRDD[Vector], method: String): Matrix

    Java stub for mllib Statistics.corr(X: RDD[Vector], method: String).

    Java stub for mllib Statistics.corr(X: RDD[Vector], method: String). Returns the correlation matrix serialized into a byte array understood by deserializers in pyspark.

  12. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  13. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  14. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  15. def fitIDF(minDocFreq: Int, dataset: JavaRDD[Vector]): IDFModel

    Java stub for

    Java stub for This stub returns a handle to the Java object instead of the content of the Java object. Extra care needs to be taken in the Python code to ensure it gets freed on exit; see the Py4J documentation.

  16. def fitStandardScaler(withMean: Boolean, withStd: Boolean, data: JavaRDD[Vector]): StandardScalerModel

    Java stub for

    Java stub for This stub returns a handle to the Java object instead of the content of the Java object. Extra care needs to be taken in the Python code to ensure it gets freed on exit; see the Py4J documentation.

  17. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  18. def getUpdaterFromString(regType: String): Updater

    Return the Updater from string

  19. def hashCode(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  20. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  21. def loadLabeledPoints(jsc: JavaSparkContext, path: String, minPartitions: Int): JavaRDD[LabeledPoint]

    Loads and serializes labeled points saved with RDD#saveAsTextFile.

    Loads and serializes labeled points saved with RDD#saveAsTextFile.


    Java SparkContext


    file or directory path in any Hadoop-supported file system URI


    min number of partitions


    serialized labeled points stored in a JavaRDD of byte array

  22. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  23. def normalRDD(jsc: JavaSparkContext, size: Long, numPartitions: Integer, seed: Long): JavaRDD[Double]

    Java stub for Python mllib RandomRDDGenerators.normalRDD()

  24. def normalVectorRDD(jsc: JavaSparkContext, numRows: Long, numCols: Int, numPartitions: Integer, seed: Long): JavaRDD[Vector]

    Java stub for Python mllib RandomRDDGenerators.normalVectorRDD()

  25. def normalizeVector(p: Double, rdd: JavaRDD[Vector]): JavaRDD[Vector]

    Java stub for Normalizer.transform()

  26. def normalizeVector(p: Double, vector: Vector): Vector

    Java stub for Normalizer.transform()

  27. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  28. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  29. def poissonRDD(jsc: JavaSparkContext, mean: Double, size: Long, numPartitions: Integer, seed: Long): JavaRDD[Double]

    Java stub for Python mllib RandomRDDGenerators.poissonRDD()

  30. def poissonVectorRDD(jsc: JavaSparkContext, mean: Double, numRows: Long, numCols: Int, numPartitions: Integer, seed: Long): JavaRDD[Vector]

    Java stub for Python mllib RandomRDDGenerators.poissonVectorRDD()

  31. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  32. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  33. def trainALSModel(ratingsJRDD: JavaRDD[Rating], rank: Int, iterations: Int, lambda: Double, blocks: Int, nonnegative: Boolean, seed: Long): MatrixFactorizationModel

    Java stub for Python mllib ALS.train().

    Java stub for Python mllib ALS.train(). This stub returns a handle to the Java object instead of the content of the Java object. Extra care needs to be taken in the Python code to ensure it gets freed on exit; see the Py4J documentation.

  34. def trainDecisionTreeModel(data: JavaRDD[LabeledPoint], algoStr: String, numClasses: Int, categoricalFeaturesInfo: Map[Int, Int], impurityStr: String, maxDepth: Int, maxBins: Int, minInstancesPerNode: Int, minInfoGain: Double): DecisionTreeModel

    Java stub for Python mllib DecisionTree.train().

    Java stub for Python mllib DecisionTree.train(). This stub returns a handle to the Java object instead of the content of the Java object. Extra care needs to be taken in the Python code to ensure it gets freed on exit; see the Py4J documentation.


    Training data


    Categorical features info, as Java map

  35. def trainImplicitALSModel(ratingsJRDD: JavaRDD[Rating], rank: Int, iterations: Int, lambda: Double, blocks: Int, alpha: Double, nonnegative: Boolean, seed: Long): MatrixFactorizationModel

    Java stub for Python mllib ALS.trainImplicit().

    Java stub for Python mllib ALS.trainImplicit(). This stub returns a handle to the Java object instead of the content of the Java object. Extra care needs to be taken in the Python code to ensure it gets freed on exit; see the Py4J documentation.

  36. def trainKMeansModel(data: JavaRDD[Vector], k: Int, maxIterations: Int, runs: Int, initializationMode: String): KMeansModel

    Java stub for Python mllib KMeans.train()

  37. def trainLassoModelWithSGD(data: JavaRDD[LabeledPoint], numIterations: Int, stepSize: Double, regParam: Double, miniBatchFraction: Double, initialWeights: Vector): List[AnyRef]

    Java stub for Python mllib LassoWithSGD.train()

  38. def trainLinearRegressionModelWithSGD(data: JavaRDD[LabeledPoint], numIterations: Int, stepSize: Double, miniBatchFraction: Double, initialWeights: Vector, regParam: Double, regType: String, intercept: Boolean): List[AnyRef]

    Java stub for Python mllib LinearRegressionWithSGD.train()

  39. def trainLogisticRegressionModelWithLBFGS(data: JavaRDD[LabeledPoint], numIterations: Int, initialWeights: Vector, regParam: Double, regType: String, intercept: Boolean, corrections: Int, tolerance: Double): List[AnyRef]

    Java stub for Python mllib LogisticRegressionWithLBFGS.train()

  40. def trainLogisticRegressionModelWithSGD(data: JavaRDD[LabeledPoint], numIterations: Int, stepSize: Double, miniBatchFraction: Double, initialWeights: Vector, regParam: Double, regType: String, intercept: Boolean): List[AnyRef]

    Java stub for Python mllib LogisticRegressionWithSGD.train()

  41. def trainNaiveBayes(data: JavaRDD[LabeledPoint], lambda: Double): List[AnyRef]

    Java stub for NaiveBayes.train()

  42. def trainRandomForestModel(data: JavaRDD[LabeledPoint], algoStr: String, numClasses: Int, categoricalFeaturesInfo: Map[Int, Int], numTrees: Int, featureSubsetStrategy: String, impurityStr: String, maxDepth: Int, maxBins: Int, seed: Int): RandomForestModel

    Java stub for Python mllib RandomForest.train().

    Java stub for Python mllib RandomForest.train(). This stub returns a handle to the Java object instead of the content of the Java object. Extra care needs to be taken in the Python code to ensure it gets freed on exit; see the Py4J documentation.

  43. def trainRidgeModelWithSGD(data: JavaRDD[LabeledPoint], numIterations: Int, stepSize: Double, regParam: Double, miniBatchFraction: Double, initialWeights: Vector): List[AnyRef]

    Java stub for Python mllib RidgeRegressionWithSGD.train()

  44. def trainSVMModelWithSGD(data: JavaRDD[LabeledPoint], numIterations: Int, stepSize: Double, regParam: Double, miniBatchFraction: Double, initialWeights: Vector, regType: String, intercept: Boolean): List[AnyRef]

    Java stub for Python mllib SVMWithSGD.train()

  45. def trainWord2Vec(dataJRDD: JavaRDD[ArrayList[String]], vectorSize: Int, learningRate: Double, numPartitions: Int, numIterations: Int, seed: Long): Word2VecModelWrapper

    Java stub for Python mllib Word2Vec fit().

    Java stub for Python mllib Word2Vec fit(). This stub returns a handle to the Java object instead of the content of the Java object. Extra care needs to be taken in the Python code to ensure it gets freed on exit; see the Py4J documentation.


    input JavaRDD


    size of vector


    initial learning rate


    number of partitions


    number of iterations


    initial seed for random generator


    A handle to java Word2VecModelWrapper instance at python side

  46. def uniformRDD(jsc: JavaSparkContext, size: Long, numPartitions: Integer, seed: Long): JavaRDD[Double]

    Java stub for Python mllib RandomRDDGenerators.uniformRDD()

  47. def uniformVectorRDD(jsc: JavaSparkContext, numRows: Long, numCols: Int, numPartitions: Integer, seed: Long): JavaRDD[Vector]

    Java stub for Python mllib RandomRDDGenerators.uniformVectorRDD()

  48. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  49. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  50. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
