Interface UserAuth

All Superinterfaces:
ClientSessionHolder, NamedResource, UserAuthInstance<ClientSession>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractUserAuth, UserAuthHostBased, UserAuthKeyboardInteractive, UserAuthPassword, UserAuthPublicKey

public interface UserAuth extends ClientSessionHolder, UserAuthInstance<ClientSession>
Represents a user authentication mechanism
Apache MINA SSHD Project
  • Method Details

    • init

      void init(ClientSession session, String service) throws Exception
      session - The ClientSession
      service - The requesting service name
      Exception - If failed to initialize the mechanism
    • process

      boolean process(Buffer buffer) throws Exception
      buffer - The Buffer to process - null if not a response buffer, i.e., the underlying authentication mechanism should initiate whatever challenge/response mechanism is required
      true if request handled - false if the next authentication mechanism should be used
      Exception - If failed to process the request
    • signalAuthMethodSuccess

      default void signalAuthMethodSuccess(ClientSession session, String service, Buffer buffer) throws Exception
      Signal reception of SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS message
      session - The ClientSession
      service - The requesting service name
      buffer - The Buffer containing the success message (after having consumed the relevant data from it)
      Exception - If failed to handle the callback - Note: may cause session close
    • signalAuthMethodFailure

      default void signalAuthMethodFailure(ClientSession session, String service, boolean partial, List<String> serverMethods, Buffer buffer) throws Exception
      Signals reception of SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE message
      session - The ClientSession
      service - The requesting service name
      partial - true if some partial authentication success so far
      serverMethods - The List of authentication methods that can continue
      buffer - The Buffer containing the failure message (after having consumed the relevant data from it)
      Exception - If failed to handle the callback - Note: may cause session close
    • isCancellable

      default boolean isCancellable()
      Tells whether the authentication protocol is cancellable currently.
      true if the protocol can be canceled at its current state; false if not.
    • destroy

      void destroy()
      Called to release any allocated resources