Interface ModifiedServerKeyAcceptor

All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultKnownHostsServerKeyVerifier, KnownHostsServerKeyVerifier
Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

@FunctionalInterface public interface ModifiedServerKeyAcceptor
Apache MINA SSHD Project
  • Method Details

    • acceptModifiedServerKey

      boolean acceptModifiedServerKey(ClientSession clientSession, SocketAddress remoteAddress, KnownHostEntry entry, PublicKey expected, PublicKey actual) throws Exception
      Invoked when a matching known host key was found but it does not match the presented one.
      clientSession - The ClientSession
      remoteAddress - The remote host address
      entry - The original KnownHostEntry whose key did not match
      expected - The expected server PublicKey
      actual - The presented server PublicKey
      true if accept the server key anyway
      Exception - if cannot process the request - equivalent to false return value