Interface SessionListenerManager

All Known Subinterfaces:
ClientFactoryManager, ClientSession, FactoryManager, ServerFactoryManager, ServerSession, Session
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractClientSession, AbstractFactoryManager, AbstractServerSession, AbstractSession, ClientSessionImpl, ServerSessionImpl, SessionHelper, SshClient, SshServer

public interface SessionListenerManager
Marker interface for classes that allow to add/remove session listeners. Note: if adding/removing listeners while connections are being established and/or torn down there are no guarantees as to the order of the calls to the recently added/removed listener's methods in the interim. The correct order is guaranteed only as of the next session after the listener has been added/removed.
Apache MINA SSHD Project
  • Method Details

    • addSessionListener

      void addSessionListener(SessionListener listener)
      Add a session listener.
      listener - The SessionListener to add - not null
    • removeSessionListener

      void removeSessionListener(SessionListener listener)
      Remove a session listener.
      listener - The SessionListener to remove
    • getSessionListenerProxy

      SessionListener getSessionListenerProxy()
      A (never null proxy SessionListener that represents all the currently registered listeners. Any method invocation on the proxy is replicated to the currently registered listeners