Class CoreModuleProperties


public final class CoreModuleProperties extends Object
Configurable properties for sshd-core.
Apache MINA SSHD Project
  • Field Details


      public static final Property<String> PROXY_AUTH_CHANNEL_TYPE
      Value that can be set in order to control the type of authentication channel being requested when forwarding a PTY session.

      public static final Property<Boolean> PREFER_UNIX_AGENT

      public static final Property<Duration> CHANNEL_OPEN_TIMEOUT
      Value that can be set on the FactoryManager or the session to configure the channel open timeout value (millis).

      public static final Property<String> PROXY_CHANNEL_TYPE
      Value used to configure the type of proxy forwarding channel to be used. See also

      public static final Property<Duration> AUTH_SOCKET_TIMEOUT
      Property that can be set on the Session in order to control the authentication timeout (millis).

      public static final int DEFAULT_FORWARDER_BUF_SIZE
      See Also:

      public static final int MIN_FORWARDER_BUF_SIZE
      See Also:

      public static final int MAX_FORWARDER_BUF_SIZE
      See Also:

      public static final Property<Integer> FORWARDER_BUFFER_SIZE
      Property that can be set on the factory manager in order to control the buffer size used to forward data from the established channel
      See Also:

      public static final Property<String> PREFERRED_AUTHS
      Ordered comma separated list of authentications methods. Authentications methods accepted by the server will be tried in the given order. If not configured or null/empty, then the session's UserAuthFactoriesManager.getUserAuthFactories() is used as-is

      public static final Property<Integer> PASSWORD_PROMPTS
      Specifies the number of interactive attempts at password or keyboard-interactive user authentication before giving up. The argument to this keyword must be an integer; if <= 0, the value 1 is substituted.

      public static final Property<String> CLIENT_IDENTIFICATION
      Key used to retrieve the value of the client identification string. If set, then it is appended to the (standard) "SSH-2.0-" prefix. Otherwise a default is sent that consists of "SSH-2.0-" plus the current SSHD artifact name and version in uppercase - e.g., "SSH-2.0-APACHE-SSHD-1.0.0"

      public static final Property<Boolean> SEND_IMMEDIATE_IDENTIFICATION
      Whether to send the identification string immediately upon session connection being established or wait for the server's identification before sending our own.
      See Also:

      public static final Property<Boolean> SEND_IMMEDIATE_KEXINIT
      Whether to send SSH_MSG_KEXINIT immediately after sending the client identification string or wait until the severer's one has been received.
      See Also:

      public static final Property<Boolean> ALLOW_DHG1_KEX_FALLBACK
      Whether allowed to fall back to DH group with SHA-1 KEX if exhausted all available primes for SHA-256.

      public static final Property<Duration> KEX_PROPOSAL_SETUP_TIMEOUT
      If the peer initiates a key exchange, we send our own KEX_INIT message with the proposal. This is a last-resort timeout for waiting until we have prepared our own KEX proposal. This timeout should actually never be hit unless there is a serious deadlock somewhere and the session is never closed. It should be set to a reasonably high value; it must be at least 5 seconds and the default is 42 seconds. If the timeout is ever hit, the key exchange initiated by the peer will fail.

      public static final Property<Duration> HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL
      Key used to set the heartbeat interval in milliseconds (0 to disable = default)

      public static final Property<String> HEARTBEAT_REQUEST
      Key used to check the heartbeat request that should be sent to the server

      public static final Property<Duration> HEARTBEAT_REPLY_WAIT
      Key used to indicate that the heartbeat request is also expecting a reply - time in milliseconds to wait for the reply. If non-positive then no reply is expected (nor requested).

      public static final Property<Boolean> IGNORE_INVALID_IDENTITIES
      Whether to ignore invalid identities files when pre-initializing the client session
      See Also:

      public static final Property<Boolean> ABORT_ON_INVALID_CERTIFICATE
      Defines if we should abort in case we encounter an invalid (e.g. expired) openssh certificate.

      public static final Property<String> INTERACTIVE_LANGUAGE_TAG
      As per RFC-4256: The language tag is deprecated and SHOULD be the empty string. It may be removed in a future revision of this specification. Instead, the server SHOULD select the language to be used based on the tags communicated during key exchange

      public static final Property<String> INTERACTIVE_SUBMETHODS
      As per RFC-4256: The submethods field is included so the user can give a hint of which actual methods to use. It is a comma-separated list of authentication submethods (software or hardware) that the user prefers. If the client has knowledge of the submethods preferred by the user, presumably through a configuration setting, it MAY use the submethods field to pass this information to the server. Otherwise, it MUST send the empty string. The actual names of the submethods is something the user and the server need to agree upon. Server interpretation of the submethods field is implementation- dependent.

      public static final Property<Boolean> REQUEST_EXEC_REPLY
      Configure whether reply for the "exec" request is required

      public static final Property<Integer> INPUT_STREAM_PUMP_CHUNK_SIZE
      On some platforms, a call to always throws an IOException. So we need to protect against that and chunk the call into smaller calls. This problem was found on Windows, JDK 1.6.0_03-b05.

      public static final Property<Boolean> REQUEST_SHELL_REPLY
      Configure whether reply for the "shell" request is required

      public static final Property<Boolean> REQUEST_SUBSYSTEM_REPLY
      Configure whether reply for the "subsystem&quoot; request is required

      Default value for REQUEST_SUBSYSTEM_REPLY - according to RFC4254 section 6.5:

      It is RECOMMENDED that the reply to these messages be requested and checked.


      public static final Property<Integer> PROP_DHGEX_CLIENT_MIN_KEY

      public static final Property<Integer> PROP_DHGEX_CLIENT_MAX_KEY

      public static final Property<Integer> PROP_DHGEX_CLIENT_PRF_KEY

      public static final long DEFAULT_WINDOW_SIZE
      See Also:

      public static final Property<Long> WINDOW_SIZE
      Key used to retrieve the value of the channel window size in the configuration properties map.

      public static final Property<Duration> WINDOW_TIMEOUT
      Key used to retrieve timeout (msec.) to wait for data to become available when reading from a channel. If not set or non-positive then infinite value is assumed

      public static final Property<Integer> BUFFERED_IO_OUTPUT_MAX_PENDING_WRITE_SIZE
      Key used when creating a BufferedIoOutputStream in order to specify max. allowed unwritten pending bytes. If this value is exceeded then the code waits up to BUFFERED_IO_OUTPUT_MAX_PENDING_WRITE_WAIT for the pending data to be written and thus make room for the new request.

      public static final Property<Duration> BUFFERED_IO_OUTPUT_MAX_PENDING_WRITE_WAIT
      Key used when creating a BufferedIoOutputStream in order to specify max. wait time (msec.) for pending writes to be completed before enqueuing a new request
      See Also:

      public static final long DEFAULT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE
      See Also:

      public static final Property<Long> MAX_PACKET_SIZE
      Key used to retrieve the value of the maximum packet size in the configuration properties map.

      public static final long DEFAULT_LIMIT_PACKET_SIZE
      See Also:

      public static final Property<Long> LIMIT_PACKET_SIZE
      A safety value that is designed to avoid an attack that uses large channel packet sizes

      public static final Property<Integer> NIO_WORKERS
      Number of NIO worker threads to use.

      public static final Property<Duration> AUTH_TIMEOUT
      Key used to retrieve the value of the timeout after which it will close the connection if the other side has not been authenticated - in milliseconds.

      public static final Property<Duration> IDLE_TIMEOUT
      Key used to retrieve the value of idle timeout after which it will close the connection - in milliseconds.

      public static final Property<Duration> IO_CONNECT_TIMEOUT
      Key used to retrieve the value of the socket connect time-out.

      Connection time-outs are generally handled in Apache MINA SSHD at the application level via ConnectFuture.verify(). However, the underlying I/O library may have its own connection time-out. By setting this property on an SshClient or SshServer, users can explicitly set this I/O connection time-out to any value. If the duration is zero or negative, or the property is not set on the client or server, the default of the I/O library used is in effect. These defaults are:

      I/O back-end Default connection time-out
      NIO2 infinite
      MINA 1 minute
      Netty 30 seconds

      The default value of this property is 1 minute.


      public static final Property<Duration> NIO2_READ_TIMEOUT
      Key used to retrieve the value of the socket read timeout for NIO2 session implementation - in milliseconds.

      public static final Property<Duration> NIO2_MIN_WRITE_TIMEOUT
      Minimum NIO2 write wait timeout for a single outgoing packet - in milliseconds

      public static final Property<Duration> DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT
      Key used to retrieve the value of the disconnect timeout which is used when a disconnection is attempted. If the disconnect message has not been sent before the timeout, the underlying socket will be forcibly closed - in milliseconds.

      public static final Property<Duration> CHANNEL_CLOSE_TIMEOUT
      Key used to configure the timeout used when writing a close request on a channel. If the message can not be written before the specified timeout elapses, the channel will be immediately closed. In milliseconds.

      public static final Property<Duration> STOP_WAIT_TIME
      Timeout (milliseconds) to wait for client / server stop request if immediate stop requested.

      public static final Property<Integer> SOCKET_BACKLOG

      public static final Property<Boolean> SOCKET_KEEPALIVE
      Socket keep-alive. See StandardSocketOptions.SO_KEEPALIVE

      public static final Property<Integer> SOCKET_SNDBUF
      Socket send buffer size. See StandardSocketOptions.SO_SNDBUF

      public static final Property<Integer> SOCKET_RCVBUF
      Socket receive buffer size. See StandardSocketOptions.SO_RCVBUF

      public static final Property<Boolean> SOCKET_REUSEADDR
      Socket reuse address. See StandardSocketOptions.SO_REUSEADDR

      public static final Property<Integer> SOCKET_LINGER

      public static final Property<Boolean> TCP_NODELAY
      Socket tcp no-delay. See StandardSocketOptions.TCP_NODELAY

      public static final Property<Integer> NIO2_READ_BUFFER_SIZE
      Read buffer size in bytes. Has no effect on the Netty transport. The NIO2 transport uses this setting as fixed-size read buffer for all sessions. The MINA transport uses it as the initial read buffer size, MINA requires this to be in the range [64 .. 65536]; if larger, MINA uses 64kB. If not set explicitly on the SshClient or SshServer, or if smaller than 64, MINA will use its built-in default of 2kB.

      public static final Property<Integer> MIN_READ_BUFFER_SIZE
      Minimum read buffer size in bytes. Has an effect only on the MINA transport and must be in the range [64..65536]. If not set, MINA by default uses 64 bytes as minimal read buffer size.

      If larger than NIO2_READ_BUFFER_SIZE, MINA will use this value also as the initial read buffer size.


      public static final Property<Integer> MAX_IDENTIFICATION_SIZE
      Maximum allowed size of the initial identification text sent during the handshake

      public static final Property<Long> REKEY_BYTES_LIMIT
      Key re-exchange will be automatically performed after the session has sent or received the given amount of bytes. If non-positive, then disabled.

      public static final Property<Duration> REKEY_TIME_LIMIT
      Key re-exchange will be automatically performed after the specified amount of time has elapsed since the last key exchange - in milliseconds. If non-positive then disabled.
      See Also:

      public static final Property<Long> REKEY_PACKETS_LIMIT
      Key re-exchange will be automatically performed after the specified number of packets has been exchanged - positive 64-bit value. If non-positive then disabled.
      See Also:

      public static final Property<Long> REKEY_BLOCKS_LIMIT
      Key re-exchange will be automatically performed after the specified number of cipher blocks has been processed - positive 64-bit value. If non-positive then disabled. The default is calculated according to RFC4344 section 3.2

      public static final Property<Long> IGNORE_MESSAGE_FREQUENCY
      Average number of packets to be skipped before an SSH_MSG_IGNORE message is inserted in the stream. If non-positive, then feature is disabled
      See Also:

      public static final Property<Integer> IGNORE_MESSAGE_VARIANCE
      The variance to be used around the configured IGNORE_MESSAGE_FREQUENCY value in order to avoid insertion at a set frequency. If zero, then exact frequency is used. If negative, then the absolute value is used. If greater or equal to the frequency, then assumed to be zero - i.e., no variance
      See Also:

      public static final Property<Integer> IGNORE_MESSAGE_SIZE
      Minimum size of SSH_MSG_IGNORE payload to send if feature enabled. If non-positive then no message is sent. Otherwise, the actual size is between this size and twice its value
      See Also:

      public static final String AGENT_FORWARDING_TYPE
      The request type of agent forwarding. The value may be "auth-agent-req" or "[email protected]".
      See Also:

      public static final String AGENT_FORWARDING_TYPE_IETF
      The agent forwarding type defined by IETF (
      See Also:

      public static final String AGENT_FORWARDING_TYPE_OPENSSH
      The agent forwarding type defined by OpenSSH.
      See Also:

      public static final Property<Duration> WAIT_FOR_SPACE_TIMEOUT
      Configure max. wait time (millis) to wait for space to become available

      public static final Property<Duration> FORWARD_REQUEST_TIMEOUT
      Used to configure the timeout (milliseconds) for receiving a response for the forwarding request

      public static final Property<Integer> MAX_CONCURRENT_CHANNELS
      Property that can be used to configure max. allowed concurrent active channels
      See Also:

      public static final Property<Boolean> SEND_REPLY_FOR_CHANNEL_DATA
      RFC4254 does not clearly specify how to handle SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA and SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA received through an unknown channel. Therefore, we provide a configurable approach to it with the default set to ignore it.

      public static final Property<Integer> MAX_AUTH_REQUESTS
      Key used to retrieve the value in the configuration properties map of the maximum number of failed authentication requests before the server closes the connection.

      public static final Property<Object> WELCOME_BANNER
      Key used to retrieve the value of welcome banner that will be displayed when a user connects to the server. If null/empty then no banner will be sent. The value can be one of the following:

      • A File or Path, in which case its contents will be transmitted. Note: if the file is empty or does not exits, no banner will be transmitted.
      • A URI or a string starting with "file:/", in which case it will be converted to a Path and handled accordingly.
      • A string containing a special value indicator - e.g., AUTO_WELCOME_BANNER_VALUE, in which case the relevant banner content will be generated.
      • Any other object whose toString() value yields a non empty string will be used as the banner contents.
      See Also:

      public static final String AUTO_WELCOME_BANNER_VALUE
      Special value that can be set for the WELCOME_BANNER property indicating that the server should generate a banner consisting of the random art of the server's keys (if any are provided). If no server keys are available, then no banner will be sent
      See Also:

      public static final Property<String> WELCOME_BANNER_LANGUAGE
      Key used to denote the language code for the welcome banner (if such a banner is configured).

      public static final Property<WelcomeBannerPhase> WELCOME_BANNER_PHASE
      The WelcomeBannerPhase value - either as an enum or a string

      public static final Property<Charset> WELCOME_BANNER_CHARSET
      The charset to use if the configured welcome banner points to a file - if not specified (either as a string or a Charset then the local default is used.

      public static final Property<String> AUTH_METHODS
      This key is used when configuring multi-step authentications. The value needs to be a blank separated list of comma separated list of authentication method names. For example, an argument of publickey,password publickey,keyboard-interactive would require the user to complete public key authentication, followed by either password or keyboard interactive authentication. Only methods that are next in one or more lists are offered at each stage, so for this example, it would not be possible to attempt password or keyboard-interactive authentication before public key.

      public static final Property<Integer> MAX_CONCURRENT_SESSIONS
      Key used to retrieve the value of the maximum concurrent open session count per username. If not set, then unlimited

      public static final Property<String> SERVER_EXTRA_IDENTIFICATION_LINES
      Key used to retrieve any extra lines to be sent during initial protocol handshake before the identification. The configured string value should use '|' character to denote line breaks

      public static final char SERVER_EXTRA_IDENT_LINES_SEPARATOR
      Separator used in the SERVER_EXTRA_IDENTIFICATION_LINES configuration string to indicate new line break
      See Also:

      public static final Property<String> SERVER_IDENTIFICATION
      Key used to retrieve the value of the server identification string. If set, then it is appended to the (standard) "SSH-2.0-" prefix. Otherwise a default is sent that consists of "SSH-2.0-" plus the current SSHD artifact name and version in uppercase - e.g., "SSH-2.0-APACHE-SSHD-1.0.0"

      public static final Property<Duration> COMMAND_EXIT_TIMEOUT
      Key used to configure the timeout used when receiving a close request on a channel to wait until the command cleanly exits after setting an EOF on the input stream.

      public static final Property<String> MODULI_URL
      A URL pointing to the moduli file. If not specified, the default internal file will be used.

      public static final Property<String> KB_SERVER_INTERACTIVE_NAME

      public static final Property<String> KB_SERVER_INTERACTIVE_INSTRUCTION

      public static final Property<String> KB_SERVER_INTERACTIVE_LANG

      public static final Property<String> KB_SERVER_INTERACTIVE_PROMPT

      public static final Property<Boolean> KB_SERVER_INTERACTIVE_ECHO_PROMPT

      public static final Property<Integer> MAX_EXTDATA_BUFSIZE
      Maximum amount of extended (a.k.a. STDERR) data allowed to be accumulated until a ChannelDataReceiver for the data is registered

      public static final Property<Integer> PROP_DHGEX_SERVER_MIN_KEY

      public static final Property<Integer> PROP_DHGEX_SERVER_MAX_KEY

      public static final Property<Duration> PUMP_SLEEP_TIME
      Value used by the InvertedShellWrapper to control the "busy-wait" sleep time (millis) on the pumping loop if nothing was pumped - must be positive.

      public static final Property<Integer> BUFFER_SIZE
      Value used by the InvertedShellWrapper to control copy buffer size.

      public static final Property<Duration> X11_OPEN_TIMEOUT
      Configuration value for the X11ForwardSupport to control the channel open timeout.

      public static final Property<Integer> X11_DISPLAY_OFFSET
      Configuration value for the X11ForwardSupport to control from which X11 display number to start looking for a free value.

      public static final Property<Integer> X11_MAX_DISPLAYS
      Configuration value for the X11ForwardSupport to control up to which (but not including) X11 display number to look or a free value.
    • X11_BASE_PORT

      public static final Property<Integer> X11_BASE_PORT
      Configuration value for the X11ForwardSupport to control the base port number for the X11 display number socket binding.
    • X11_BIND_HOST

      public static final Property<String> X11_BIND_HOST
      Configuration value for the X11ForwardSupport to control the host used to bind to for the X11 display when looking for a free port.