Interface PasswordAuthenticationReporter

    • Method Detail

      • signalAuthenticationAttempt

        default void signalAuthenticationAttempt​(ClientSession session,
                                                 String service,
                                                 String oldPassword,
                                                 boolean modified,
                                                 String newPassword)
                                          throws Exception
        session - The ClientSession
        service - The requesting service name
        oldPassword - The password being attempted
        modified - true if this is an attempt due to SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_PASSWD_CHANGEREQ
        newPassword - The changed password
        Exception - If failed to handle the callback - Note: may cause session close
      • signalAuthenticationSuccess

        default void signalAuthenticationSuccess​(ClientSession session,
                                                 String service,
                                                 String password)
                                          throws Exception
        session - The ClientSession
        service - The requesting service name
        password - The password that was attempted
        Exception - If failed to handle the callback - Note: may cause session close
      • signalAuthenticationFailure

        default void signalAuthenticationFailure​(ClientSession session,
                                                 String service,
                                                 String password,
                                                 boolean partial,
                                                 List<String> serverMethods)
                                          throws Exception
        session - The ClientSession
        service - The requesting service name
        password - The password that was attempted
        partial - true if some partial authentication success so far
        serverMethods - The List of authentication methods that can continue
        Exception - If failed to handle the callback - Note: may cause session close