Interface ClientProxyConnector

  • Functional Interface:
    This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

    public interface ClientProxyConnector
    Provides a way to implement proxied connections where some metadata about the client is sent before the actual SSH protocol is executed - e.g., the PROXY protocol. The implementor should use the IoSession#write(Buffer) method to send any packets with the meta-data.
    Apache MINA SSHD Project
    • Method Detail

      • sendClientProxyMetadata

        void sendClientProxyMetadata​(ClientSession session)
                              throws Exception
        Invoked once initial connection has been established so that the proxy can open its channel and send the meta-data to its peer. Upon successful return the SSH identification line is eventually sent and the protocol proceeds as usual.
        session - The ClientSession instance - Note: at this stage the client's identification line is not set yet.
        Exception - If failed to initialize the proxy - which will also terminate the session
        See Also: