Class DefaultChannelStreamWriter

    • Field Detail

      • channel

        protected final Channel channel
      • closed

        protected volatile boolean closed
    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultChannelStreamWriter

        public DefaultChannelStreamWriter​(Channel channel)
    • Method Detail

      • writeData

        public IoWriteFuture writeData​(Buffer buffer)
                                throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: ChannelStreamWriter
        Encode and send the given data packet buffer. Note: the buffer has to have 5 bytes free at the beginning to allow the encoding to take place. Also, the write position of the buffer has to be set to the position of the last byte to write.
        Specified by:
        writeData in interface ChannelStreamWriter
        buffer - the buffer to encode and send. NOTE: the buffer must not be touched until the returned write future is completed.
        An IoWriteFuture that can be used to check when the packet has actually been sent
        IOException - if an error occurred when encoding or sending the packet
      • isOpen

        public boolean isOpen()
        Specified by:
        isOpen in interface Channel