Interface SessionDisconnectHandler

  • public interface SessionDisconnectHandler
    Invoked when the internal session code decides it should disconnect a session due to some consideration. Usually allows intervening in the decision and even canceling it.
    Apache MINA SSHD Project
    • Method Detail

      • handleTimeoutDisconnectReason

        default boolean handleTimeoutDisconnectReason​(Session session,
                                                      TimeoutIndicator timeoutStatus)
                                               throws IOException
        Invoked when an internal timeout has expired (e.g., authentication, idle).
        session - The session whose timeout has expired
        timeoutStatus - The expired timeout
        true if expired timeout should be reset (i.e., no disconnect). If false then session will disconnect due to the expired timeout
        IOException - If failed to handle the event
      • handleSessionsCountDisconnectReason

        default boolean handleSessionsCountDisconnectReason​(Session session,
                                                            Service service,
                                                            String username,
                                                            int currentSessionCount,
                                                            int maxSessionCount)
                                                     throws IOException
        Called to inform that the maximum allowed concurrent sessions threshold has been exceeded. Note: when handler is invoked the session is not yet marked as having been authenticated, nor has the authentication success been acknowledged to the peer.
        session - The session that caused the excess
        service - The Service instance through which the request was received
        username - The authenticated username that is associated with the session.
        currentSessionCount - The current sessions count
        maxSessionCount - The maximum allowed sessions count
        true if accept the exceeding session regardless of the threshold. If false then exceeding session will be disconnected
        IOException - If failed to handle the event, Note: choosing to ignore this disconnect reason does not reset the current concurrent sessions counter in any way - i.e., the handler will be re-invoked every time the threshold is exceeded.
        See Also:
      • handleUnsupportedServiceDisconnectReason

        default boolean handleUnsupportedServiceDisconnectReason​(Session session,
                                                                 int cmd,
                                                                 String serviceName,
                                                                 Buffer buffer)
                                                          throws IOException
        Invoked when a request has been made related to an unknown SSH service as described in RFC 4253 - section 10.
        session - The session through which the command was received
        cmd - The service related command
        serviceName - The service name
        buffer - Any extra data received in the packet containing the request
        true if disregard the request (e.g., the handler handled it)
        IOException - If failed to handle the request
      • handleAuthCountDisconnectReason

        default boolean handleAuthCountDisconnectReason​(Session session,
                                                        Service service,
                                                        String serviceName,
                                                        String method,
                                                        String user,
                                                        int currentAuthCount,
                                                        int maxAuthCount)
                                                 throws IOException
        Invoked if the number of authentication attempts exceeded the maximum allowed
        session - The session being authenticated
        service - The Service instance through which the request was received
        serviceName - The authentication service name
        method - The authentication method name
        user - The authentication username
        currentAuthCount - The authentication attempt count
        maxAuthCount - The maximum allowed attempts
        true if OK to ignore the exceeded attempt count and allow more attempts. Note: choosing to ignore this disconnect reason does not reset the current count - i.e., it will be re-invoked on the next attempt.
        IOException - If failed to handle the event
      • handleAuthParamsDisconnectReason

        default boolean handleAuthParamsDisconnectReason​(Session session,
                                                         Service service,
                                                         String authUser,
                                                         String username,
                                                         String authService,
                                                         String serviceName)
                                                  throws IOException
        Invoked if the authentication parameters changed in mid-authentication process.
        session - The session being authenticated
        service - The Service instance through which the request was received
        authUser - The original username being authenticated
        username - The requested username
        authService - The original authentication service name
        serviceName - The requested service name
        true if OK to ignore the change
        IOException - If failed to handle the event
      • handleKexDisconnectReason

        default boolean handleKexDisconnectReason​(Session session,
                                                  Map<KexProposalOption,​String> c2sOptions,
                                                  Map<KexProposalOption,​String> s2cOptions,
                                                  Map<KexProposalOption,​String> negotiatedGuess,
                                                  KexProposalOption option)
                                           throws IOException
        Invoked if after KEX negotiation parameters resolved one of the options violates some internal constraint (e.g., cannot negotiate a value, or RFC 8308 - section 2.2).
        session - The session where the violation occurred
        c2sOptions - The client options
        s2cOptions - The server options
        negotiatedGuess - The negotiated KEX options
        option - The violating KexProposalOption
        true if disregard the violation - if false then session will disconnect
        IOException - if attempted to exchange some packets to fix the situation