Class AbstractDelegatingCommandFactory

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractDelegatingCommandFactory

        protected AbstractDelegatingCommandFactory​(String name)
    • Method Detail

      • getDelegateCommandFactory

        public CommandFactory getDelegateCommandFactory()
      • setDelegateCommandFactory

        public void setDelegateCommandFactory​(CommandFactory factory)
      • createCommand

        public Command createCommand​(ChannelSession channel,
                                     String command)
                              throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: CommandFactory
        Create a command with the given name. If the command is not known, a dummy command should be returned to allow the display output to be sent back to the client.
        Specified by:
        createCommand in interface CommandFactory
        channel - The ChannelSession through which the command has been received
        command - The command that will be run
        a non null Command instance
        IOException - if failed to create the instance
      • isSupportedCommand

        public abstract boolean isSupportedCommand​(ChannelSession channel,
                                                   String command)
        channel - The ChannelSession through which the command was received
        command - The command about to be executed
        true if this command is supported by the command factory, false if it will be passed on to the delegate factory