Class MD5HandleExtensionImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
NamedResource, OptionalFeature, MD5HandleExtension, SftpClientExtension, RawSftpClient, SftpClientHolder

public class MD5HandleExtensionImpl extends AbstractMD5HashExtension implements MD5HandleExtension
Implements "md5-hash-handle" extension
Apache MINA SSHD Project
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getHash

      public byte[] getHash(SftpClient.Handle handle, long offset, long length, byte[] quickHash) throws IOException
      Specified by:
      getHash in interface MD5HandleExtension
      handle - The (remote) file Handle
      offset - The offset to start calculating the hash
      length - The number of data bytes to calculate the hash on - if greater than available, then up to whatever is available
      quickHash - A quick-hash of the 1st 2048 bytes - ignored if null/empty
      The hash value if the quick hash matches (or null/empty), or null/empty if the quick hash is provided and it does not match
      IOException - If failed to calculate the hash