Class TProtocolUtil

  • public class TProtocolUtil
    extends java.lang.Object
    Utility class with static methods for interacting with protocol data streams.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static TProtocolFactory guessProtocolFactory​(byte[] data, TProtocolFactory fallback)
      Attempt to determine the protocol used to serialize some data.
      static void setMaxSkipDepth​(int depth)
      Specifies the maximum recursive depth that the skip function will traverse before throwing a TException.
      static void skip​(TProtocol prot, byte type)
      Skips over the next data element from the provided input TProtocol object.
      static void skip​(TProtocol prot, byte type, int maxDepth)
      Skips over the next data element from the provided input TProtocol object.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • TProtocolUtil

        public TProtocolUtil()
    • Method Detail

      • setMaxSkipDepth

        public static void setMaxSkipDepth​(int depth)
        Specifies the maximum recursive depth that the skip function will traverse before throwing a TException. This is a global setting, so any call to skip in this JVM will enforce this value.
        depth - the maximum recursive depth. A value of 2 would allow the skip function to skip a structure or collection with basic children, but it would not permit skipping a struct that had a field containing a child struct. A value of 1 would only allow skipping of simple types and empty structs/collections.
      • skip

        public static void skip​(TProtocol prot,
                                byte type)
                         throws TException
        Skips over the next data element from the provided input TProtocol object.
        prot - the protocol object to read from
        type - the next value will be interpreted as this TType value.
      • skip

        public static void skip​(TProtocol prot,
                                byte type,
                                int maxDepth)
                         throws TException
        Skips over the next data element from the provided input TProtocol object.
        prot - the protocol object to read from
        type - the next value will be interpreted as this TType value.
        maxDepth - this function will only skip complex objects to this recursive depth, to prevent Java stack overflow.
      • guessProtocolFactory

        public static TProtocolFactory guessProtocolFactory​(byte[] data,
                                                            TProtocolFactory fallback)
        Attempt to determine the protocol used to serialize some data. The guess is based on known specificities of supported protocols. In some cases, no guess can be done, in that case we return the fallback TProtocolFactory. To be certain to correctly detect the protocol, the first encoded field should have a field id < 256
        data - The serialized data to guess the protocol for.
        fallback - The TProtocol to return if no guess can be made.
        a Class implementing TProtocolFactory which can be used to create a deserializer.