Class TTupleProtocol

    • Constructor Detail

      • TTupleProtocol

        public TTupleProtocol​(TTransport transport)
    • Method Detail

      • writeBitSet

        public void writeBitSet​(java.util.BitSet bs,
                                int vectorWidth)
                         throws TException
      • fromByteArray

        public static java.util.BitSet fromByteArray​(byte[] bytes)
        Returns a bitset containing the values in bytes. The byte-ordering must be big-endian.
      • toByteArray

        public static byte[] toByteArray​(java.util.BitSet bits,
                                         int vectorWidth)
        Returns a byte array of at least length 1. The most significant bit in the result is guaranteed not to be a 1 (since BitSet does not support sign extension). The byte-ordering of the result is big-endian which means the most significant bit is in element 0. The bit at index 0 of the bit set is assumed to be the least significant bit.
        bits -
        vectorWidth -
        a byte array of at least length 1