Class THsHaServer

  • public class THsHaServer
    extends TNonblockingServer
    An extension of the TNonblockingServer to a Half-Sync/Half-Async server. Like TNonblockingServer, it relies on the use of TFramedTransport.
    • Constructor Detail

      • THsHaServer

        public THsHaServer​(THsHaServer.Args args)
        Create the server with the specified Args configuration
    • Method Detail

      • waitForShutdown

        protected void waitForShutdown()
        A method that will block until when threads handling the serving have been shut down.
        waitForShutdown in class TNonblockingServer
      • createInvokerPool

        protected static java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService createInvokerPool​(THsHaServer.Args options)
        Helper to create an invoker pool
      • getInvoker

        protected java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService getInvoker()
      • gracefullyShutdownInvokerPool

        protected void gracefullyShutdownInvokerPool()
      • requestInvoke

        protected boolean requestInvoke​(AbstractNonblockingServer.FrameBuffer frameBuffer)
        We override the standard invoke method here to queue the invocation for invoker service instead of immediately invoking. The thread pool takes care of the rest.
        requestInvoke in class TNonblockingServer
        true if invocation was successfully requested, which is not a guarantee that invocation has completed. False if the request failed.