Class AsyncMethodFutureAdapter<T>

Type Parameters:
T - return type (can be Void).
All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class AsyncMethodFutureAdapter<T> extends Object implements AsyncMethodCallback<T>
A simple adapter that bridges AsyncMethodCallback with CompletableFuture-returning style clients. Compiler generated code will invoke this adapter to implement FutureClients.
  • Method Details

    • create

      public static <T> AsyncMethodFutureAdapter<T> create()
    • getFuture

      public CompletableFuture<T> getFuture()
    • onComplete

      public void onComplete(T response)
      Description copied from interface: AsyncMethodCallback
      This method will be called when the remote side has completed invoking your method call and the result is fully read. For oneway method calls, this method will be called as soon as we have completed writing out the request.
      Specified by:
      onComplete in interface AsyncMethodCallback<T>
      response - The return value of the asynchronously invoked method; null for void methods which includes oneway methods.
    • onError

      public void onError(Exception exception)
      Description copied from interface: AsyncMethodCallback
      This method will be called when there is either an unexpected client-side exception like an IOException or else when the remote method raises an exception, either declared in the IDL or due to an unexpected server-side error.
      Specified by:
      onError in interface AsyncMethodCallback<T>
      exception - The exception encountered processing the the asynchronous method call, may be a local exception or an unmarshalled remote exception.