Class AbstractNonblockingServer.FrameBuffer

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Enclosing class:

public class AbstractNonblockingServer.FrameBuffer extends Object
Class that implements a sort of state machine around the interaction with a client and an invoker. It manages reading the frame size and frame data, getting it handed off as wrapped transports, and then the writing of response data back to the client. In the process it manages flipping the read and write bits on the selection key for its client.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • read

      public boolean read()
      Give this FrameBuffer a chance to read. The selector loop should have received a read event for this FrameBuffer.
      true if the connection should live on, false if it should be closed
    • write

      public boolean write()
      Give this FrameBuffer a chance to write its output to the final client.
    • changeSelectInterests

      public void changeSelectInterests()
      Give this FrameBuffer a chance to set its interest to write, once data has come in.
    • close

      public void close()
      Shut the connection down.
    • isFrameFullyRead

      public boolean isFrameFullyRead()
      Check if this FrameBuffer has a full frame read.
    • responseReady

      public void responseReady()
      After the processor has processed the invocation, whatever thread is managing invocations should call this method on this FrameBuffer so we know it's time to start trying to write again. Also, if it turns out that there actually isn't any data in the response buffer, we'll skip trying to write and instead go back to reading.
    • invoke

      public void invoke()
      Actually invoke the method signified by this FrameBuffer.
    • requestSelectInterestChange

      protected void requestSelectInterestChange()
      When this FrameBuffer needs to change its select interests and execution might not be in its select thread, then this method will make sure the interest change gets done when the select thread wakes back up. When the current thread is this FrameBuffer's select thread, then it just does the interest change immediately.