Class TraversalOpProcessor

    • Field Detail

      • traversalOpTimer

        public static final com.codahale.metrics.Timer traversalOpTimer
    • Constructor Detail

      • TraversalOpProcessor

        public TraversalOpProcessor()
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public String getName()
        Description copied from interface: OpProcessor
        The name of the processor which requests must refer to "processor" field on a request.
      • select

        public org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.util.function.ThrowingConsumer<Context> select​(Context context)
                                                                                    throws OpProcessorException
        Description copied from interface: OpProcessor
        Given the context (which contains the RequestMessage), return back a Consumer function that will be executed with the context. A typical implementation will simply check the "op" field on the RequestMessage and return the Consumer function for that particular operation.
      • beforeProcessing

        protected void beforeProcessing​(Graph graph,
                                        Context ctx)
      • onError

        protected void onError​(Graph graph,
                               Context ctx)
      • onTraversalSuccess

        protected void onTraversalSuccess​(Graph graph,
                                          Context ctx)