Class CopyDistribution

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class CopyDistribution
    extends Object
    implements Distribution
    CopyDistribution returns the conditional value.

    Hence, this class can be used as the in-degree distribution to ensure that the in-degree of a vertex is equal to the out-degree.

    Matthias Broecheler ([email protected])
    • Constructor Detail

      • CopyDistribution

        public CopyDistribution()
    • Method Detail

      • initialize

        public Distribution initialize​(int invocations,
                                       int expectedTotal)
        Description copied from interface: Distribution
        Initializes the distribution such that expectedTotal is equal to the expected sum of generated values after the given number of invocatiosn.

        Since most distributions have an element of randomness, these values are the expected values.

        Specified by:
        initialize in interface Distribution
        A new distribution configured to match the expected total for the number of invocations.
      • nextValue

        public int nextValue​(Random random)
        Description copied from interface: Distribution
        Returns the next value. If this value is randomly generated, the randomness must be drawn from the provided random generator.

        DO NOT use your own internal random generator as this makes the generated values non-reproducible and leads to faulty behavior.

        Specified by:
        nextValue in interface Distribution
        random - random generator to use for randomness
        next value
      • nextConditionalValue

        public int nextConditionalValue​(Random random,
                                        int otherValue)
        Description copied from interface: Distribution
        Returns the next value conditional on another given value.

        This can be used, for instance, to define conditional degree distributions where the in-degree is conditional on the out-degree.

        If this value is randomly generated, the randomness must be drawn from the provided random generator. DO NOT use your own internal random generator as this makes the generated values non-reproducible and leads to faulty behavior.

        Specified by:
        nextConditionalValue in interface Distribution
        random - random generator to use for randomness
        otherValue - The prior value
        next value