Class AbstractAjaxBehavior

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, IComponentAwareEventSink, IRequestListener, IComponentAwareHeaderContributor,
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractAjaxBehavior extends Behavior implements IRequestListener
Abstract class for handling Ajax roundtrips. This class serves as a base for javascript specific implementations, like ones based on Dojo or Scriptaculous, or Wicket's default.
Eelco Hillenius, Ralf Ebert, Igor Vaynberg
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • bind

      public final void bind(Component hostComponent)
      Bind this handler to the given component.
      bind in class Behavior
      hostComponent - the component to bind to
    • getCallbackUrl

      Gets the url that references this handler.
      the url that references this handler
    • onComponentTag

      public final void onComponentTag(Component component, ComponentTag tag)
      Description copied from class: Behavior
      Called any time a component that has this behavior registered is rendering the component tag.
      onComponentTag in class Behavior
      component - the component that renders this tag currently
      tag - the tag that is rendered
    • afterRender

      public final void afterRender(Component hostComponent)
      Description copied from class: Behavior
      Called when a component that has this behavior coupled was rendered.
      afterRender in class Behavior
      hostComponent - the component that has this behavior coupled
    • getComponent

      protected final Component getComponent()
      Gets the component that this handler is bound to.
      the component that this handler is bound to
    • onComponentTag

      protected void onComponentTag(ComponentTag tag)
      Called any time a component that has this handler registered is rendering the component tag. Use this method e.g. to bind to javascript event handlers of the tag
      tag - the tag that is rendered
    • onBind

      protected void onBind()
      Called when the component was bound to it's host component. You can get the bound host component by calling getComponent.
    • onComponentRendered

      protected void onComponentRendered()
      Called to indicate that the component that has this handler registered has been rendered. Use this method to do any cleaning up of temporary state
    • unbind

      public final void unbind(Component component)
      Description copied from class: Behavior
      Notifies the behavior it is removed from the specified component
      unbind in class Behavior
      component - the component this behavior is unbound from
    • onUnbind

      protected void onUnbind()
      Called when the behavior is removed from its component. The bound host component is still available through getComponent(). The relation to it will be removed right after the finish of the execution of this method.