Class CrossOriginOpenerPolicyRequestCycleListener

All Implemented Interfaces:

Sets Cross-Origin Opener Policy headers on the responses based on the policy specified by CrossOriginOpenerPolicyConfiguration. The header is not set for the paths that are exempted from COOP.

COOP is a mitigation against cross-origin information leaks and is used to make websites cross-origin isolated. Setting the COOP header allows you to ensure that a top-level window is isolated from other documents by putting them in a different browsing context group, so they cannot directly interact with the top-level window. Using COEP and COOP together allows developers to safely use * powerful features such as SharedArrayBuffer, performance.measureMemory(), * and the JS Self-Profiling API.See CrossOriginEmbedderPolicyRequestCycleListener for instructions * on how to enable COOP. Read more about cross-origin isolation on

Santiago Diaz - [email protected], Ecenaz Jen Ozmen - [email protected]
See Also: