Package org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker

Interface Summary
IObjectChecker IObjectChecker can be used to check whether an object has/has not given state before serializing it.

Class Summary
AbstractObjectChecker A base class for IObjectChecker implementations which handles the logic for checking type exclusions.
CheckingObjectOutputStream Checks an object tree during serialization for wrong state by delegating the work to the used IObjectCheckers.
DifferentPageChecker An implementation of IObjectChecker that returns a failure result when the checked object is a second Page instance in the component tree.
IObjectChecker.Result Represents the result of a check.
NotDetachedModelChecker An implementation of IObjectChecker that returns a failure result when the checked object is a LoadableDetachableModel and it is model object is still attached.
OrphanComponentChecker A checker that doesn't allow the serialization of components which are not a page and have no parent component.
SessionChecker An implementation of IObjectChecker that returns a failure result when the checked object is a Session.

Enum Summary

Exception Summary

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