Interface IXmlPullParser

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface IXmlPullParser
    The interface of a streaming XML parser as required by Wicket.
    Juergen Donnerstag, Jonathan Locke
    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Interface Description
      static class  IXmlPullParser.HttpTagType
      The last element found
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.lang.CharSequence getDoctype()
      Gets the <!DOCTYPE ...> tag if found in the markup
      XmlTag getElement()  
      java.lang.String getEncoding()
      Return the encoding applied while reading the markup resource.
      java.lang.CharSequence getInput​(int fromPos, int toPos)
      Wicket dissects the markup into Wicket relevant tags and raw markup, which is not further analyzed by Wicket.
      java.lang.CharSequence getInputFromPositionMarker​(int toPos)
      Wicket dissects the markup into Wicket relevant tags and raw markup, which is not further analyzed by Wicket.
      java.lang.CharSequence getString()  
      IXmlPullParser.HttpTagType next()
      Move to the next XML element
      void parse​( inputStream)
      Reads and parses markup from an input stream, using UTF-8 encoding by default when not specified in XML declaration.
      void parse​( inputStream, java.lang.String encoding)
      Reads and parses markup from an input stream.
      void parse​(java.lang.CharSequence string)
      Parse the markup provided.
      void setPositionMarker()
      Set the position marker of the markup at the current position.
      void setPositionMarker​(int pos)
      Set the position marker of the markup
    • Method Detail

      • getEncoding

        java.lang.String getEncoding()
        Return the encoding applied while reading the markup resource. The encoding is determined by analyzing the <?xml version=".." encoding=".." ?> tag.
        if null, JVM defaults have been used.
      • getDoctype

        java.lang.CharSequence getDoctype()
        Gets the <!DOCTYPE ...> tag if found in the markup
        Null, if not found
      • getInputFromPositionMarker

        java.lang.CharSequence getInputFromPositionMarker​(int toPos)
        Wicket dissects the markup into Wicket relevant tags and raw markup, which is not further analyzed by Wicket. The method getInputFromPositionMarker() is used to access the raw markup.
        toPos - To position
        The raw markup in between the position marker and toPos
      • getInput

        java.lang.CharSequence getInput​(int fromPos,
                                        int toPos)
        Wicket dissects the markup into Wicket relevant tags and raw markup, which is not further analyzed by Wicket. The getInputSubsequence() method is used to access the raw markup.
        fromPos - From position
        toPos - To position
        The raw markup in between fromPos and toPos
      • parse

        void parse​(java.lang.CharSequence string)
        Parse the markup provided. Use nextTag() to access the tags contained one after another.

        Note: xml character encoding is NOT applied. It is assumed the input provided does have the correct encoding already.

        string - The markup to be parsed
        Throws: - Error while reading the resource
      • parse

        void parse​( inputStream)
        Reads and parses markup from an input stream, using UTF-8 encoding by default when not specified in XML declaration. Use nextTag() to access the tags contained, one after another.
        inputStream - The input stream to read and parse
        Throws: - Error while reading the resource
      • parse

        void parse​( inputStream,
                   java.lang.String encoding)
        Reads and parses markup from an input stream. Use nextTag() to access the tags contained, one after another.
        inputStream - A resource like e.g. a file
        encoding - Use null to apply JVM/OS default
        Throws: - Error while reading the resource
      • next

        IXmlPullParser.HttpTagType next()
                                 throws java.text.ParseException
        Move to the next XML element
        o, if end of file. Else a TAG, COMMENT etc.
      • getElement

        XmlTag getElement()
        The current element
      • getString

        java.lang.CharSequence getString()
        The xml string from the last element
      • setPositionMarker

        void setPositionMarker()
        Set the position marker of the markup at the current position.
      • setPositionMarker

        void setPositionMarker​(int pos)
        Set the position marker of the markup
        pos -