Class HeadForceTagIdHandler

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class HeadForceTagIdHandler
    extends AbstractMarkupFilter
    Handler that sets unique tag id for every inline script and style element in <wicket:head>, unless the element already has one.
    This is needed to be able to detect multiple ajax header contribution. Tags that are not inline (stript with src attribute set and link with href attribute set) do not require id, because the detection is done by comparing URLs.

    Tags with wicket:id are not processed. To setOutputWicketId(true) on attached component is developer's responsibility. FIXME: Really? And if so, document properly

    Matej Knopp
    • Constructor Detail

      • HeadForceTagIdHandler

        public HeadForceTagIdHandler​(java.lang.Class<?> markupFileClass)
        markupFileClass - Used to generated the a common prefix for the id
    • Method Detail

      • onComponentTag

        protected final MarkupElement onComponentTag​(ComponentTag tag)
                                              throws java.text.ParseException
        Description copied from class: AbstractMarkupFilter
        Invoked when a ComponentTag was found.

        By default this method is also called for WicketTags.

        Specified by:
        onComponentTag in class AbstractMarkupFilter
        Usually the same as the tag attribute