Class HtmlProblemFinder

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class HtmlProblemFinder
    extends AbstractMarkupFilter
    This is a markup inline filter which by default is not added to the list of markup filter. It can be added by means of subclassing Application.newMarkupParser() like
     Application#init() {
       getMarkupSettings().setMarkupParserFactory() {
          new MarkupParserFactory() {
            MarkupParser newMarkupParser(final MarkupResourceStream resource) {
                      MarkupParser parser=super.newMarkupParser(resource);
                parser.appendMarkupFilter(new HtmlProblemFinder(HtmlProblemFinder.ERR_THROW_EXCEPTION));
                return parser;
    The purpose of the filter is to find possible HTML issues and to log a warning.
    Juergen Donnerstag
    • Field Detail

      • ERR_INGORE

        public static final int ERR_INGORE
        Ignore the issue detected
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • ERR_LOG_WARN

        public static final int ERR_LOG_WARN
        Log a warning on the issue detected
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int ERR_LOG_ERROR
        Log an error on the issue detected
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int ERR_THROW_EXCEPTION
        Throw an exception on the issue detected
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • HtmlProblemFinder

        public HtmlProblemFinder​(int problemEscalation)
        problemEscalation - How to escalate the issue found.
    • Method Detail

      • onComponentTag

        protected final MarkupElement onComponentTag​(ComponentTag tag)
                                              throws java.text.ParseException
        Description copied from class: AbstractMarkupFilter
        Invoked when a ComponentTag was found.

        By default this method is also called for WicketTags.

        Specified by:
        onComponentTag in class AbstractMarkupFilter
        Usually the same as the tag attribute