Class CheckBoxSelector

    • Constructor Detail

      • CheckBoxSelector

        public CheckBoxSelector​(String id)
        id - The component ID
        See Also:
      • CheckBoxSelector

        public CheckBoxSelector​(String id,
                                CheckBox... boxes)
        id - The component ID
        boxes - checkBoxes this selector will control
    • Method Detail

      • getFindCheckboxesFunction

        protected CharSequence getFindCheckboxesFunction()
        Description copied from class: AbstractCheckSelector
        Concrete subclasses must override this to provide a Javascript function that returns the IDs of all checkboxes that should be controlled by this selector.
        Specified by:
        getFindCheckboxesFunction in class AbstractCheckSelector
        a String containing a Javascript expression that evaluates to a function(!). This function must return an array containing the IDs of all checkbox input elements that this selector should control.
      • getCheckBoxes

        protected Iterable<? extends CheckBox> getCheckBoxes()
        Override this method to control a dynamic collection of CheckBoxes.
        by default returns the checkBoxes passed to the constructor
      • collectCheckBoxes

        public static final Iterable<CheckBox> collectCheckBoxes​(WebMarkupContainer container)
        Utility method to collect all CheckBoxes inside a container.
        container - container with checkBoxes
        all contained checkBoxes