Class Audio

    • Constructor Detail

      • Audio

        public Audio​(String id)
        Creates an audio component
        id - the component id
      • Audio

        public Audio​(String id,
                     IModel<?> model)
        Creates an audio component
        id - the component id
        model - the internally used model
      • Audio

        public Audio​(String id,
                     ResourceReference resourceReference)
        Creates an audio component
        id - the component id
        resourceReference - the resource reference of the audio file
      • Audio

        public Audio​(String id,
                     IModel<?> model,
                     ResourceReference resourceReference)
        Creates an audio component
        id - the component id
        model - the internally used model
        resourceReference - the resource reference of the audio file
      • Audio

        public Audio​(String id,
                     ResourceReference resourceReference,
                     org.apache.wicket.request.mapper.parameter.PageParameters pageParameters)
        Creates an audio component
        id - the component id
        resourceReference - the resource reference of the audio file
        pageParameters - the page parameters to be used to be prepended to the audio URL
      • Audio

        public Audio​(String id,
                     IModel<?> model,
                     ResourceReference resourceReference,
                     org.apache.wicket.request.mapper.parameter.PageParameters pageParameters)
        Creates an audio component
        id - the component id
        model - the internally used model
        resourceReference - the resource reference of the audio file
        pageParameters - the page parameters to be used to be prepended to the audio URL
      • Audio

        public Audio​(String id,
                     String url)
        Creates an audio component
        id - the component id
        url - an external URL to be used for the audio component
      • Audio

        public Audio​(String id,
                     IModel<?> model,
                     String url)
        Creates an audio component
        id - the component id
        model - the internally used model
        url - an external URL to be used for the audio component
      • Audio

        public Audio​(String id,
                     String url,
                     org.apache.wicket.request.mapper.parameter.PageParameters pageParameters)
        Creates an audio component
        id - the component id
        url - an external URL to be used for the audio component
        pageParameters - the page parameters to be used to be prepended to the audio URL
      • Audio

        public Audio​(String id,
                     IModel<?> model,
                     String url,
                     org.apache.wicket.request.mapper.parameter.PageParameters pageParameters)
        Creates an audio component
        id - the component id
        model - the internally used model
        url - an external URL to be used for the audio component
        pageParameters - the page parameters to be used to be prepended to the audio URL
    • Method Detail

      • onComponentTag

        protected void onComponentTag​(ComponentTag tag)
        Description copied from class: Component
        Processes the component tag. Overrides of this method most likely should call the super implementation.
        onComponentTag in class MediaComponent
        tag - Tag to modify