Class CachingResourceVersion

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class CachingResourceVersion
    extends Object
    implements IResourceVersion
    Caches the results of a delegating IResourceVersion instance in a member variable. The cache will be valid for the lifetime of this instance. It will expire the oldest entries if the maximum number of entries is exceeded.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CachingResourceVersion

        public CachingResourceVersion​(IResourceVersion delegate)
        create version cache

        the cache will accept up to 5000 before evicting the oldest entries.

        delegate - delegating resource version provider
      • CachingResourceVersion

        public CachingResourceVersion​(IResourceVersion delegate,
                                      int maxEntries)
        create version cache

        the cache will accept a maximum number of entries specified by maxEntries before evicting the oldest entries.

        delegate - resource version provider
        maxEntries - maximum number of cache entries
    • Method Detail

      • getVersion

        public String getVersion​(IStaticCacheableResource resource)
        Description copied from interface: IResourceVersion
        get unique string identifying the version of the resource
        Specified by:
        getVersion in interface IResourceVersion
        resource - cacheable resource
        unique version string or null if version string could not be calculated
      • invalidate

        public void invalidate​(IStaticCacheableResource resource)
        remove cacheable resource from cache
        resource - cacheable resource
      • invalidateAll

        public void invalidateAll()