Class RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException

    • Constructor Detail

      • RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException

        public RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException​(Class<? extends Page> interceptPageClass)
        Redirects to the specified intercept page, this will result in a bookmarkable redirect.
        interceptPageClass -
      • RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException

        public RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException​(Class<? extends Page> interceptPageClass,
                                                       org.apache.wicket.request.mapper.parameter.PageParameters parameters)
        Redirects to the specified intercept page, this will result in a bookmarkable redirect.
        interceptPageClass -
        parameters -
    • Method Detail

      • getOriginalUrl

        public static org.apache.wicket.request.Url getOriginalUrl()
        the url of the request when the interception happened or null or null if there was no interception yet
      • getOriginalPostParameters

        public static Map<String,​List<org.apache.wicket.util.string.StringValue>> getOriginalPostParameters()
        the post parameters of thе request when the interception happened or null if there was no interception yet