Interface IPageProvider

    • Method Detail

      • getPageParameters

        org.apache.wicket.request.mapper.parameter.PageParameters getPageParameters()
                                                                             throws PageExpiredException
        Returns PageParameters of the page.
        page parameters
        PageExpiredException - if the specified page could not have been found and the constructor used did not provide enough information to create new page instance
      • wasExpired

        boolean wasExpired()
        Returns whether the provided page was expired prior to this access.
        true if the page was created after its original instance expired.
      • getRenderCount

        Integer getRenderCount()
        Returns the number of times this page has been rendered.
        the number of times this page has been rendered.
      • detach

        void detach()
        Detaches the page if it has been loaded.
      • hasPageInstance

        boolean hasPageInstance()
        If this provider returns existing page, regardless if it was already created by PageProvider itself or is or can be found in the data store. The only guarantee is that by calling PageProvider.getPageInstance() this provider will return an existing instance and no page will be created.
        if provides an existing page
      • doesProvideNewPage

        boolean doesProvideNewPage()
        Returns whether or not the page instance held by this provider has been instantiated by the provider.
        true iff the page instance held by this provider was instantiated by the provider
        IllegalStateException - if this method is called and the provider does not yet have a page instance, ie if getPageInstance() has never been called on this provider