Class AbstractMarkupSourcingStrategy

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractMarkupSourcingStrategy

        public AbstractMarkupSourcingStrategy()
    • Method Detail

      • searchMarkupInTransparentResolvers

        protected IMarkupFragment searchMarkupInTransparentResolvers​(MarkupContainer container,
                                                                     IMarkupFragment containerMarkup,
                                                                     Component child)
        If the child has not been directly added to the container, but via a TransparentWebMarkupContainer, then we are in trouble. In general Wicket iterates over the markup elements and searches for associated components, not the other way around. Because of TransparentWebMarkupContainer (or more generally resolvers), there is no "synchronous" search possible.
        container - the parent container.
        containerMarkup - the markup of the parent container.
        child - The component to find the markup for.
        the markup fragment for the child, or null.
      • searchInNestedTransparentResolvers

        protected IMarkupFragment searchInNestedTransparentResolvers​(IMarkupFragment containerMarkup,
                                                                     Component child,
                                                                     List<MarkupContainer> componentResolvers)
        Search for the markup of a child that might be nested inside transparent siblings. For example:
         <div wicket:id="outerTransparent">
                <div wicket:id="innerTransparent">
                 <span wicket:id="childComponent"></span>
        containerMarkup - the markup of the parent container.
        child - The component to find the markup for.
        componentResolvers - the transparent siblings
        the markup fragment for the child, or null.