All Classes and Interfaces

Generates a persistent id as username for anonymous service access.
Base class for mutable, persistable registered services.
This is DefaultRegisteredServiceAccessStrategy that allows the following rules: A service may be disallowed to use CAS for authentication A service may be disallowed to take part in CAS single sign-on such that presentation of credentials would always be required. A service may be prohibited from receiving a service ticket if the existing principal attributes don't contain the required attributes that otherwise grant access to the service.
Contact assigned to a service definition.
The DefaultRegisteredServiceProperty represents a single property associated with a registered service.
Resolves the username for the service to be the default principal id.
Resolves the username for the service to be the default principal id.
This is HttpRequestRegisteredServiceAccessStrategy that reaches out to a remote endpoint, passing the CAS principal id to determine if access is allowed.
This is OpenFGARegisteredServiceAccessStrategy that reaches out to OpenFGA to check for user access.
This is OpenPolicyAgentRegisteredServiceAccessStrategy that reaches out to OPA to check for user access.
Determines the username for this registered service based on a principal attribute.
A proxy policy that disallows proxying.
A proxy policy that only allows proxying to pgt urls that match the specified regex pattern.
This class is scheduled to be replaced with CasRegi
This is RegisteredServiceAccessStrategyUtils that encapsulates common operations relevant to registered service access strategy and authorizations.
The filter that chains other filters inside it.
Serializes registered services to JSON based on the Jackson JSON library.
A filtering policy that selectively applies patterns to attributes mapped in the config.
Represents a public key for a CAS registered service.
The regex filter that is responsible to make sure only attributes that match a certain regex pattern registered service are released.
A filtering policy that selectively applies patterns to attributes mapped in the config.
Interface for DefaultRegisteredServicesEventListener to allow spring @Async support to use JDK proxy.
This is RemoteEndpointServiceAccessStrategy that reaches out to a remote endpoint, passing the CAS principal id to determine if access is allowed.
A proxy policy that only allows proxying to pgt urls via a REST endpoint.
Generates PersistentIds based on the Shibboleth algorithm.
The TimeBasedRegisteredServiceAccessStrategy is responsible for enforcing CAS authorization strategy based on a configured start/end time.