Class CrawlHost

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, FetchStats.HasFetchStats, org.archive.util.IdentityCacheable

public class CrawlHost
extends Object
implements Serializable, FetchStats.HasFetchStats, org.archive.util.IdentityCacheable
Represents a single remote "host". An host is a name for which there is a dns record or an IP-address. This might be a machine or a virtual host.
See Also:
Serialized Form
  • Field Details


      public static final long IP_NEVER_EXPIRES
      Flag value indicating always-valid IP
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values

      public static final long IP_NEVER_LOOKED_UP
      Flag value indicating an IP has not yet been looked up
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
    • substats

      protected FetchStats substats
  • Constructor Details

    • CrawlHost

      public CrawlHost​(String hostname)
      Create a new CrawlHost object.
      hostname - the host name for this host.
    • CrawlHost

      public CrawlHost​(String hostname, String countryCode)
      Create a new CrawlHost object.
      hostname - the host name for this host.
      countryCode - the country code for this host.
  • Method Details

    • hasBeenLookedUp

      public boolean hasBeenLookedUp()
      Return true if the IP for this host has been looked up. Returns true even if the lookup failed.
      true if the IP for this host has been looked up.
    • setIP

      public void setIP​(InetAddress address, long ttl)
      Set the IP address for this host.
      address -
      ttl - the TTL from the dns record in seconds or -1 if it should live forever (is a numeric IP).
    • getIP

      public InetAddress getIP()
      Get the IP address for this host.
      the IP address for this host.
    • getIpFetched

      public long getIpFetched()
      Get the time when the IP address for this host was last looked up.
      the time when the IP address for this host was last looked up.
    • getIpTTL

      public long getIpTTL()
      Get the TTL value from the dns record for this host.
      the TTL value from the dns record for this host -- in seconds -- or -1 if this lookup should be valid forever (numeric ip).
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals​(Object obj)
      equals in class Object
    • getHostName

      public String getHostName()
      Get the host name.
      Returns the host name.
    • getEarliestNextURIEmitTime

      public long getEarliestNextURIEmitTime()
      Get the earliest time a URI for this host could be emitted. This only has effect if constraints on bandwidth per host is set.
      Returns the earliestNextURIEmitTime.
    • setEarliestNextURIEmitTime

      public void setEarliestNextURIEmitTime​(long earliestNextURIEmitTime)
      Set the earliest time a URI for this host could be emitted. This only has effect if constraints on bandwidth per host is set.
      earliestNextURIEmitTime - The earliestNextURIEmitTime to set.
    • getCountryCode

      public String getCountryCode()
      Get country code of this host
      Retruns country code or null if not availabe
    • setCountryCode

      public void setCountryCode​(String countryCode)
      Set country code for this hos
      countryCode - The country code of this host
    • getSubstats

      public FetchStats getSubstats()
      Specified by:
      getSubstats in interface FetchStats.HasFetchStats
    • autoregisterTo

      public static void autoregisterTo​(org.archive.bdb.AutoKryo kryo)
    • getKey

      public String getKey()
      Specified by:
      getKey in interface org.archive.util.IdentityCacheable
    • makeDirty

      public void makeDirty()
      Specified by:
      makeDirty in interface org.archive.util.IdentityCacheable
    • setIdentityCache

      public void setIdentityCache​(org.archive.util.ObjectIdentityCache<?> cache)
      Specified by:
      setIdentityCache in interface org.archive.util.IdentityCacheable
    • fixUpName

      public String fixUpName()