Package org.archive.modules

package org.archive.modules
The beginnings of a refactored settings framework. It's very similar to the previous settings framework, except that it's (A) way easier, (B) testable, (C) typesafe at compile-time, (D) more extensible and (E) it supports the use of Processors outside of a Heritrix context.

Implementors still have to define their attributes and register them with a central store, but this is much easier, and the central store is much more lightweight. It once was actually a single static class, org.archive.state.KeyManager. That package defines the way to create and register the context-sensitive attributes for a class.

CrawlURI is dead, at least as far as Processor implementors are concerned. Instead, each ProcessorChain category is going to have its own ProcessorURI subinterface. For instance, extractors have ExtractorURI. These ProcessorURI interfaces define a subset of the CrawlURI API we know and love. The ExtractorURI provides methods for accessing the ReplayInputStream (or CharSequence), but does not provide access to the actual HttpRecorder. A FetchURI would provide access to the HttpRecorder, but not to the linkExtractorFinished methods. And so on. The idea is for implementors to have a dozen or so URI methods to contend with, instead of over a hundred.

CrawlURI is now an interface that extends ExtractorURI, FetchURI and so on, making a CrawlURI something that can be passed to any processor, like we're used to.

To isolate concerns, any previously global state should be moved into the ProcessorURI interfaces. For instance, the addLocalizedError method from CrawlController was moved into ProcessorURI. An implementation that is bound to Heritrix can delegate the call to the CrawlController; but a CrawlController is not necessary to implement the method. The DefaultExtractorURI implementation just saves the local error messages in a list that can be queried later.

Which makes DefaultExtractorURI something that can be passed to an extractor in a unit test. See ExtractorCSSTest for a quick and dirty example. DefaultExtractorURI instances are created with inline test data as the "fetched" content, and run through the process method of ExtractorCSS. The tests then examine the outLinks of the URI to make sure the correct links were extracted. The tests also examine the various error log and annotation collections to ensure there were no unanticipated side-effects of processing. Note the unit test runs without setting up a full Heritrix application, without loading any XML files and without starting any special threads.

This proof-of-concept prototype doesn't deal with JMX -- I would need to wade through quite a bit of org.archive.crawler.framework to get a working prototype of that. But hopefully the approach to take is obvious. KeyManager maps classes to their defined attributes. Some other class can adapt those defined attributes to OpenMBeanAttributeInfo instance.

Which is probably what I'd do next, if we all agree that this is a good direction to proceed in.