Class AjcMemberMaker


public class AjcMemberMaker extends Object
The AjcMemberMaker is responsible for creating the representations of methods/fields/etc that are placed in both aspects and affected target types. It uses the NameMangler class to create the actual names that will be used.
  • Field Details


      public static final UnresolvedType CFLOW_STACK_TYPE

      public static final UnresolvedType AROUND_CLOSURE_TYPE

      public static final UnresolvedType CONVERSIONS_TYPE

      public static final UnresolvedType NO_ASPECT_BOUND_EXCEPTION

      public static final UnresolvedType ASPECT_ANNOTATION

      public static final UnresolvedType BEFORE_ANNOTATION

      public static final UnresolvedType AROUND_ANNOTATION

      public static final UnresolvedType AFTERRETURNING_ANNOTATION

      public static final UnresolvedType AFTERTHROWING_ANNOTATION

      public static final UnresolvedType AFTER_ANNOTATION

      public static final UnresolvedType POINTCUT_ANNOTATION

      public static final UnresolvedType DECLAREERROR_ANNOTATION

      public static final UnresolvedType DECLAREWARNING_ANNOTATION

      public static final UnresolvedType DECLAREPRECEDENCE_ANNOTATION

      public static final UnresolvedType DECLAREPARENTS_ANNOTATION

      public static final UnresolvedType DECLAREMIXIN_ANNOTATION

      public static final UnresolvedType TYPEX_JOINPOINT

      public static final UnresolvedType TYPEX_PROCEEDINGJOINPOINT

      public static final UnresolvedType TYPEX_STATICJOINPOINT

      public static final UnresolvedType TYPEX_ENCLOSINGSTATICJOINPOINT
  • Constructor Details

    • AjcMemberMaker

      public AjcMemberMaker()
  • Method Details

    • ajcPreClinitMethod

      public static ResolvedMember ajcPreClinitMethod(UnresolvedType declaringType)
    • ajcPostClinitMethod

      public static ResolvedMember ajcPostClinitMethod(UnresolvedType declaringType)
    • noAspectBoundExceptionInit

      public static Member noAspectBoundExceptionInit()
    • noAspectBoundExceptionInit2

      public static Member noAspectBoundExceptionInit2()
    • noAspectBoundExceptionInitWithCause

      public static Member noAspectBoundExceptionInitWithCause()
    • perCflowPush

      public static ResolvedMember perCflowPush(UnresolvedType declaringType)
    • perCflowField

      public static ResolvedMember perCflowField(UnresolvedType declaringType)
    • perSingletonField

      public static ResolvedMember perSingletonField(UnresolvedType declaringType)
    • initFailureCauseField

      public static ResolvedMember initFailureCauseField(UnresolvedType declaringType)
    • perObjectField

      public static ResolvedMember perObjectField(UnresolvedType declaringType, ResolvedType aspectType)
    • perTypeWithinField

      public static ResolvedMember perTypeWithinField(UnresolvedType declaringType, ResolvedType aspectType)
    • perTypeWithinWithinTypeField

      public static ResolvedMember perTypeWithinWithinTypeField(UnresolvedType declaringType, ResolvedType aspectType)
    • perObjectBind

      public static ResolvedMember perObjectBind(UnresolvedType declaringType)
    • perTypeWithinGetInstance

      public static ResolvedMember perTypeWithinGetInstance(UnresolvedType declaringType)
    • perTypeWithinGetWithinTypeNameMethod

      public static ResolvedMember perTypeWithinGetWithinTypeNameMethod(UnresolvedType declaringType, boolean inJava5Mode)
    • perTypeWithinCreateAspectInstance

      public static ResolvedMember perTypeWithinCreateAspectInstance(UnresolvedType declaringType)
    • perObjectInterfaceType

      public static UnresolvedType perObjectInterfaceType(UnresolvedType aspectType)
    • perObjectInterfaceGet

      public static ResolvedMember perObjectInterfaceGet(UnresolvedType aspectType)
    • perObjectInterfaceSet

      public static ResolvedMember perObjectInterfaceSet(UnresolvedType aspectType)
    • perTypeWithinLocalAspectOf

      public static ResolvedMember perTypeWithinLocalAspectOf(UnresolvedType shadowType, UnresolvedType aspectType)
    • perSingletonAspectOfMethod

      public static ResolvedMember perSingletonAspectOfMethod(UnresolvedType declaringType)
    • perSingletonHasAspectMethod

      public static ResolvedMember perSingletonHasAspectMethod(UnresolvedType declaringType)
    • perCflowAspectOfMethod

      public static ResolvedMember perCflowAspectOfMethod(UnresolvedType declaringType)
    • perCflowHasAspectMethod

      public static ResolvedMember perCflowHasAspectMethod(UnresolvedType declaringType)
    • perObjectAspectOfMethod

      public static ResolvedMember perObjectAspectOfMethod(UnresolvedType declaringType)
    • perObjectHasAspectMethod

      public static ResolvedMember perObjectHasAspectMethod(UnresolvedType declaringType)
    • perTypeWithinAspectOfMethod

      public static ResolvedMember perTypeWithinAspectOfMethod(UnresolvedType declaringType, boolean inJava5Mode)
    • perTypeWithinHasAspectMethod

      public static ResolvedMember perTypeWithinHasAspectMethod(UnresolvedType declaringType, boolean inJava5Mode)
    • privilegedAccessMethodForMethod

      public static ResolvedMember privilegedAccessMethodForMethod(UnresolvedType aspectType, ResolvedMember method)
    • privilegedAccessMethodForFieldGet

      public static ResolvedMember privilegedAccessMethodForFieldGet(UnresolvedType aspectType, Member field, boolean shortSyntax)
      Return a resolvedmember representing the synthetic getter for the field. The old style (<1.6.9) is a heavyweight static method with a long name. The new style (1.6.9 and later) is short, and reusable across aspects.
      aspectType - the aspect attempting the access
      field - the field to be accessed
      shortSyntax - is the old (long) or new (short) style format being used
      a resolvedmember representing the synthetic getter
    • privilegedAccessMethodForFieldSet

      public static ResolvedMember privilegedAccessMethodForFieldSet(UnresolvedType aspectType, Member field, boolean shortSyntax)
      Return a resolvedmember representing the synthetic setter for the field. The old style (<1.6.9) is a heavyweight static method with a long name. The new style (1.6.9 and later) is short, not always static, and reusable across aspects.
      aspectType - the aspect attempting the access
      field - the field to be accessed
      shortSyntax - is the old or new style format being used
      a resolvedmember representing the synthetic setter
    • superAccessMethod

      public static ResolvedMember superAccessMethod(UnresolvedType baseType, ResolvedMember method)
    • inlineAccessMethodForMethod

      public static ResolvedMember inlineAccessMethodForMethod(UnresolvedType aspectType, ResolvedMember method)
    • inlineAccessMethodForFieldGet

      public static ResolvedMember inlineAccessMethodForFieldGet(UnresolvedType aspectType, Member field)
    • inlineAccessMethodForFieldSet

      public static ResolvedMember inlineAccessMethodForFieldSet(UnresolvedType aspectType, Member field)
    • cflowStackPeekInstance

      public static Member cflowStackPeekInstance()
    • cflowStackPushInstance

      public static Member cflowStackPushInstance()
    • cflowStackIsValid

      public static Member cflowStackIsValid()
    • cflowStackInit

      public static Member cflowStackInit()
    • aroundClosurePreInitializationField

      public static Member aroundClosurePreInitializationField()
    • aroundClosurePreInitializationGetter

      public static Member aroundClosurePreInitializationGetter()
    • preIntroducedConstructor

      public static ResolvedMember preIntroducedConstructor(UnresolvedType aspectType, UnresolvedType targetType, UnresolvedType[] paramTypes)
    • postIntroducedConstructor

      public static ResolvedMember postIntroducedConstructor(UnresolvedType aspectType, UnresolvedType targetType, UnresolvedType[] paramTypes)
    • itdAtDeclareParentsField

      public static ResolvedMember itdAtDeclareParentsField(ResolvedType targetType, UnresolvedType itdType, UnresolvedType aspectType)
    • interConstructor

      public static ResolvedMember interConstructor(ResolvedType targetType, ResolvedMember constructor, UnresolvedType aspectType)
    • interFieldInitializer

      public static ResolvedMember interFieldInitializer(ResolvedMember field, UnresolvedType aspectType)
    • interFieldSetDispatcher

      public static ResolvedMember interFieldSetDispatcher(ResolvedMember field, UnresolvedType aspectType)
      This static method goes on the aspect that declares the inter-type field
    • interFieldGetDispatcher

      public static ResolvedMember interFieldGetDispatcher(ResolvedMember field, UnresolvedType aspectType)
      This static method goes on the aspect that declares the inter-type field
    • interFieldClassField

      public static ResolvedMember interFieldClassField(ResolvedMember field, UnresolvedType aspectType, boolean newStyle)
      This field goes on the class the field is declared onto. Field names for ITDs onto interfaces are handled below.
    • interFieldInterfaceField

      public static ResolvedMember interFieldInterfaceField(ResolvedMember field, UnresolvedType onClass, UnresolvedType aspectType, boolean newStyle)
      This field goes on top-most implementers of the interface the field is declared onto
    • interFieldInterfaceSetter

      public static ResolvedMember interFieldInterfaceSetter(ResolvedMember field, ResolvedType onType, UnresolvedType aspectType)
      This instance method goes on the interface the field is declared onto as well as its top-most implementors
    • interFieldInterfaceGetter

      public static ResolvedMember interFieldInterfaceGetter(ResolvedMember field, ResolvedType onType, UnresolvedType aspectType)
      This instance method goes on the interface the field is declared onto as well as its top-most implementors
    • interMethod

      public static ResolvedMember interMethod(ResolvedMember meth, UnresolvedType aspectType, boolean onInterface)
      This method goes on the target type of the inter-type method. (and possibly the topmost-implementors, if the target type is an interface). The implementation will call the interMethodDispatch method on the aspect.
    • interMethodBridger

      public static ResolvedMember interMethodBridger(ResolvedMember meth, UnresolvedType aspectType, boolean onInterface)
      This method goes on the target type of the inter-type method. (and possibly the topmost-implementors, if the target type is an interface). The implementation will call the interMethodDispatch method on the aspect.
    • bridgerToInterMethod

      public static ResolvedMember bridgerToInterMethod(ResolvedMember meth, UnresolvedType aspectType)
      Sometimes the intertyped method requires a bridge method alongside it. For example if the method 'N SomeI<N>.m()' is put onto an interface 'interface I<N extends Number>' and then a concrete implementation is 'class C implements I<Float>' then the ITD on the interface will be 'Number m()', whereas the ITD on the 'topmostimplementor' will be 'Float m()'. A bridge method needs to be created in the topmostimplementor 'Number m()' that delegates to 'Float m()'
    • interMethodDispatcher

      public static ResolvedMember interMethodDispatcher(ResolvedMember meth, UnresolvedType aspectType)
      This static method goes on the declaring aspect of the inter-type method. The implementation calls the interMethodBody() method on the aspect.
    • interMethodBody

      public static ResolvedMember interMethodBody(ResolvedMember meth, UnresolvedType aspectType)
      This method goes on the declaring aspect of the inter-type method. It contains the real body of the ITD method.
    • toObjectConversionMethod

      public static ResolvedMember toObjectConversionMethod(UnresolvedType fromType)
    • interfaceConstructor

      public static Member interfaceConstructor(ResolvedType resolvedTypeX)