Klasse SourceMapper

Alle implementierten Schnittstellen:
ISourceElementRequestor, SuffixConstants

public class SourceMapper extends ReferenceInfoAdapter implements ISourceElementRequestor, SuffixConstants
A SourceMapper maps source code in a ZIP file to binary types or binary modules in a JAR. The SourceMapper uses the fuzzy parser to identify source fragments in a .java file, and attempts to match the source code with children in a binary type. Since a module has no children in the Java Model no such matching happens in that case. A SourceMapper is associated with a JarPackageFragment by an AttachSourceOperation.
Siehe auch:
  • JarPackageFragment
  • Felddetails


      public static boolean VERBOSE
    • rootPaths

      protected ArrayList rootPaths
      Specifies the location of the package fragment roots within the zip (empty specifies the default root). null is not a valid root path.
    • binaryTypeOrModule

      protected NamedMember binaryTypeOrModule
      The binary type or module source is being mapped for
    • sourcePath

      protected org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath sourcePath
      The location of the zip file containing source.
    • rootPath

      protected String rootPath
      Specifies the location of the package fragment root within the zip (empty specifies the default root). null is not a valid root path.
    • parameterNames

      protected HashMap parameterNames
      Table that maps a binary method to its parameter names. Keys are the method handles, entries are char[][].
    • sourceRanges

      protected HashMap sourceRanges
      Table that maps a binary element to its SourceRanges. Keys are the element handles, entries are SourceRange[] which is a two element array; the first being source range, the second being name range.
    • categories

      protected HashMap categories
    • parametersRanges

      protected HashMap parametersRanges
      Table that contains all source ranges for local variables. Keys are the special local variable elements, entries are char[][].
    • finalParameters

      protected HashSet finalParameters
      Set that contains all final local variables.

      public static final SourceRange UNKNOWN_RANGE
      The unknown source range {-1, 0}
    • memberDeclarationStart

      protected int[] memberDeclarationStart
      The position within the source of the start of the current member element, or -1 if we are outside a member.
    • memberNameRange

      protected SourceRange[] memberNameRange
      The SourceRange of the name of the current member element.
    • memberName

      protected String[] memberName
      The name of the current member element.
    • methodParameterNames

      protected char[][][] methodParameterNames
      The parameter names for the current member method element.
    • methodParameterTypes

      protected char[][][] methodParameterTypes
      The parameter types for the current member method element.
    • searchedElement

      protected IJavaElement searchedElement
      The element searched for
  • Konstruktordetails

    • SourceMapper

      public SourceMapper()
    • SourceMapper

      public SourceMapper(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath sourcePath, String rootPath, Map options)
    • SourceMapper

      public SourceMapper(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath sourcePath, String rootPath, Map options, String encoding)
      Creates a SourceMapper that locates source in the zip file at the given location in the specified package fragment root.
  • Methodendetails