Alle implementierten Schnittstellen:
IDocumentElementRequestor, ILineStartFinder

public class DOMBuilder extends AbstractDOMBuilder implements IDocumentElementRequestor
The JDOM was made obsolete by the addition in 2.0 of the more powerful, fine-grained DOM/AST API found in the package.
The DOMBuilder constructs each type of JDOM document fragment, for the DOMFactory. The DOMBuilder has been separated from the DOMFactory to hide the implmentation of node creation and the public Requestor API methods.
  • Feldübersicht

    Modifizierer und Typ
    protected boolean
    True when parsing a single member - ignore any problems encountered after the member.
    protected ArrayList
    Collection of multiple fields in one declaration
    protected boolean
    True when the single member being built has been exited.

    Von Klasse geerbte Felder

    fAbort, fBuildingCU, fBuildingType, fDocument, fFieldCount, fLineStartPositions, fNode, fStack
  • Konstruktorübersicht

    Creates a new DOMBuilder
  • Methodenübersicht

    Modifizierer und Typ
    acceptImport(int declarationStart, int declarationEnd, int[] javaDocPositions, char[] name, int nameStart, boolean onDemand, int modifiers)
    acceptInitializer(int declarationStart, int declarationEnd, int[] javaDocPositions, int modifiers, int modifiersStart, int bodyStart, int bodyEnd)
    acceptPackage(int declarationStart, int declarationEnd, int[] javaDocPositions, char[] name, int nameStartPosition)
    Sets the abort flag to true.
    protected void
    Adds the given node to the current enclosing scope, building the JDOM tree.
    createField(char[] sourceCode)
    createFields(char[] sourceCode)
    createImport(char[] sourceCode)
    createInitializer(char[] sourceCode)
    Creates an INITIALIZER document fragment from the given source.
    createMethod(char[] sourceCode)
    createPackage(char[] sourceCode)
    createType(char[] sourceCode)
    protected void
    enterAbstractMethod(int declarationStart, int[] javaDocPositions, int modifiers, int modifiersStart, char[] returnType, int returnTypeStart, int returnTypeEnd, int returnTypeDimensionCount, char[] name, int nameStart, int nameEnd, char[][] parameterTypes, int[] parameterTypeStarts, int[] parameterTypeEnds, char[][] parameterNames, int[] parameterNameStarts, int[] parameterNameEnds, int parametersEnd, int extendedReturnTypeDimensionCount, int extendedReturnTypeDimensionEnd, char[][] exceptionTypes, int[] exceptionTypeStarts, int[] exceptionTypeEnds, int bodyStart, boolean isConstructor)
    Creates a new DOMMethod and inizializes.
    enterClass(int declarationStart, int[] javaDocPositions, int modifiers, int modifiersStart, int keywordStart, char[] name, int nameStart, int nameEnd, char[] superclass, int superclassStart, int superclassEnd, char[][] superinterfaces, int[] superinterfaceStarts, int[] superinterfaceEnds, int bodyStart)
    enterConstructor(int declarationStart, int[] javaDocPositions, int modifiers, int modifiersStart, char[] name, int nameStart, int nameEnd, char[][] parameterTypes, int[] parameterTypeStarts, int[] parameterTypeEnds, char[][] parameterNames, int[] parameterNameStarts, int[] parameterNameEnds, int parametersEnd, char[][] exceptionTypes, int[] exceptionTypeStarts, int[] exceptionTypeEnds, int bodyStart)
    enterField(int declarationStart, int[] javaDocPositions, int modifiers, int modifiersStart, char[] type, int typeStart, int typeEnd, int typeDimensionCount, char[] name, int nameStart, int nameEnd, int extendedTypeDimensionCount, int extendedTypeDimensionEnd)
    enterInterface(int declarationStart, int[] javaDocPositions, int modifiers, int modifiersStart, int keywordStart, char[] name, int nameStart, int nameEnd, char[][] superinterfaces, int[] superinterfaceStarts, int[] superinterfaceEnds, int bodyStart)
    enterMethod(int declarationStart, int[] javaDocPositions, int modifiers, int modifiersStart, char[] returnType, int returnTypeStart, int returnTypeEnd, int returnTypeDimensionCount, char[] name, int nameStart, int nameEnd, char[][] parameterTypes, int[] parameterTypeStarts, int[] parameterTypeEnds, char[][] parameterNames, int[] parameterNameStarts, int[] parameterNameEnds, int parametersEnd, int extendedReturnTypeDimensionCount, int extendedReturnTypeDimensionEnd, char[][] exceptionTypes, int[] exceptionTypeStarts, int[] exceptionTypeEnds, int bodyStart)
    protected void
    enterType(int declarationStart, int[] javaDocPositions, int modifiers, int modifiersStart, int keywordStart, char[] name, int nameStart, int nameEnd, char[] superclass, int superclassStart, int superclassEnd, char[][] superinterfaces, int[] superinterfaceStarts, int[] superinterfaceEnds, int bodyStart, boolean isClass)
    protected void
    exitAbstractMethod(int bodyEnd, int declarationEnd)
    Finishes the configuration of the constructors and methods.
    exitClass(int bodyEnd, int declarationEnd)
    Finishes the configuration of the class DOM object which was created by a previous enterClass call.
    exitConstructor(int bodyEnd, int declarationEnd)
    Finishes the configuration of the method DOM object which was created by a previous enterConstructor call.
    exitField(int bodyEnd, int declarationEnd)
    Finishes the configuration of the field DOM object which was created by a previous enterField call.
    exitInterface(int bodyEnd, int declarationEnd)
    Finishes the configuration of the interface DOM object which was created by a previous enterInterface call.
    exitMethod(int bodyEnd, int declarationEnd)
    Finishes the configuration of the method DOM object which was created by a previous enterMethod call.
    getParser(Map settings)
    Creates a new parser.
    protected void
    initializeBuild(char[] sourceCode, boolean buildingCompilationUnit, boolean buildingType, boolean singleMember)
    Initializes the builder to create a document fragment.

    Von Klasse geerbte Methoden java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

    Von Schnittstelle geerbte Methoden

    acceptLineSeparatorPositions, enterCompilationUnit, exitCompilationUnit
  • Felddetails

    • fBuildingSingleMember

      protected boolean fBuildingSingleMember
      True when parsing a single member - ignore any problems encountered after the member.
    • fFinishedSingleMember

      protected boolean fFinishedSingleMember
      True when the single member being built has been exited.
    • fFields

      protected ArrayList fFields
      Collection of multiple fields in one declaration
  • Konstruktordetails

    • DOMBuilder

      public DOMBuilder()
      Creates a new DOMBuilder
  • Methodendetails

    • acceptImport

      public void acceptImport(int declarationStart, int declarationEnd, int[] javaDocPositions, char[] name, int nameStart, boolean onDemand, int modifiers)
      Angegeben von:
      acceptImport in Schnittstelle IDocumentElementRequestor
      declarationStart - - a source position corresponding to the start of the package declaration
      declarationEnd - - a source position corresponding to the end of the package declaration
      javaDocPositions - - answer back an array of sourceStart/sourceEnd positions of the available JavaDoc comments. The array is a flattened structure: 2*n entries with consecutives start and end positions. If no JavaDoc is available, then null is answered instead of an empty array. e.g. { 10, 20, 25, 45 } --> javadoc1 from 10 to 20, javadoc2 from 25 to 45 The array is equals to null if there are no javadoc comments
      name - - the name of the package
      nameStart - - a source position corresponding to the first character of the name
      onDemand - - a boolean equals to true if the import is an import on demand
      Siehe auch:
    • acceptInitializer

      public void acceptInitializer(int declarationStart, int declarationEnd, int[] javaDocPositions, int modifiers, int modifiersStart, int bodyStart, int bodyEnd)
      Angegeben von:
      acceptInitializer in Schnittstelle IDocumentElementRequestor
      declarationStart - - a source position corresponding to the start of the package declaration
      declarationEnd - - a source position corresponding to the end of the package declaration
      javaDocPositions - - answer back an array of sourceStart/sourceEnd positions of the available JavaDoc comments. The array is a flattened structure: 2*n entries with consecutives start and end positions. If no JavaDoc is available, then null is answered instead of an empty array. e.g. { 10, 20, 25, 45 } --> javadoc1 from 10 to 20, javadoc2 from 25 to 45 The array is equals to null if there are no javadoc comments
      modifiers - - the modifiers for this initializer
      modifiersStart - - a source position corresponding to the start of the textual modifiers, is Ungültige Eingabe: "<" 0 if there are no textual modifiers
      bodyStart - - the position of the '{'
      bodyEnd - - the position of the '}'
      Siehe auch:
    • acceptPackage

      public void acceptPackage(int declarationStart, int declarationEnd, int[] javaDocPositions, char[] name, int nameStartPosition)
      Angegeben von:
      acceptPackage in Schnittstelle IDocumentElementRequestor
      declarationStart - - a source position corresponding to the start of the package declaration
      declarationEnd - - a source position corresponding to the end of the package declaration
      javaDocPositions - - answer back an array of sourceStart/sourceEnd positions of the available JavaDoc comments. The array is a flattened structure: 2*n entries with consecutives start and end positions. If no JavaDoc is available, then null is answered instead of an empty array. e.g. { 10, 20, 25, 45 } --> javadoc1 from 10 to 20, javadoc2 from 25 to 45 The array is equals to null if there are no javadoc comments
      name - - the name of the package
      nameStartPosition - - a source position corresponding to the first character of the name
      Siehe auch:
    • acceptProblem

      public void acceptProblem(CategorizedProblem problem)
      Sets the abort flag to true. The parser has encountered an error in the current document. If we are only building a single member, and we are done with the member - don't worry about the error.
      Angegeben von:
      acceptProblem in Schnittstelle IDocumentElementRequestor
      problem - - Used to report a problem while running the JDOM
      Siehe auch:
    • addChild

      protected void addChild(IDOMNode child)
      Adds the given node to the current enclosing scope, building the JDOM tree. Nodes are only added to an enclosing scope when a compilation unit or type is being built (since those are the only nodes that have children).

      NOTE: nodes are added to the JDOM via the method #basicAddChild such that the nodes in the newly created JDOM are not fragmented.

      Setzt außer Kraft:
      addChild in Klasse AbstractDOMBuilder
    • createCompilationUnit

      public IDOMCompilationUnit createCompilationUnit()
      Siehe auch:
    • createCompilationUnit

      public IDOMCompilationUnit createCompilationUnit(ICompilationUnit compilationUnit)
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      createCompilationUnit in Klasse AbstractDOMBuilder
      Siehe auch:
    • createField

      public IDOMField createField(char[] sourceCode)
      Siehe auch:
    • createFields

      public IDOMField[] createFields(char[] sourceCode)
    • createImport

      public IDOMImport createImport()
      Siehe auch:
    • createImport

      public IDOMImport createImport(char[] sourceCode)
      Siehe auch:
    • createInitializer

      public IDOMInitializer createInitializer(char[] sourceCode)
      Creates an INITIALIZER document fragment from the given source.
      Siehe auch:
    • createMethod

      public IDOMMethod createMethod(char[] sourceCode)
      Siehe auch:
    • createPackage

      public IDOMPackage createPackage()
      Siehe auch:
    • createPackage

      public IDOMPackage createPackage(char[] sourceCode)
      Siehe auch:
    • createType

      public IDOMType createType(char[] sourceCode)
      Siehe auch:
    • enterAbstractMethod

      protected void enterAbstractMethod(int declarationStart, int[] javaDocPositions, int modifiers, int modifiersStart, char[] returnType, int returnTypeStart, int returnTypeEnd, int returnTypeDimensionCount, char[] name, int nameStart, int nameEnd, char[][] parameterTypes, int[] parameterTypeStarts, int[] parameterTypeEnds, char[][] parameterNames, int[] parameterNameStarts, int[] parameterNameEnds, int parametersEnd, int extendedReturnTypeDimensionCount, int extendedReturnTypeDimensionEnd, char[][] exceptionTypes, int[] exceptionTypeStarts, int[] exceptionTypeEnds, int bodyStart, boolean isConstructor)
      Creates a new DOMMethod and inizializes.
      declarationStart - - a source position corresponding to the first character of this constructor declaration
      modifiers - - the modifiers for this constructor converted to a flag
      modifiersStart - - a source position corresponding to the first character of the textual modifiers
      returnType - - the name of the return type
      returnTypeStart - - a source position corresponding to the first character of the return type
      returnTypeEnd - - a source position corresponding to the last character of the return type
      returnTypeDimensionCount - - the array dimension count as supplied on the return type (for instance, 'public int[] foo() {}')
      name - - the name of this constructor
      nameStart - - a source position corresponding to the first character of the name
      nameEnd - - a source position corresponding to the last character of the name
      parameterTypes - - a list of parameter type names
      parameterTypeStarts - - a list of source positions corresponding to the first character of each parameter type name
      parameterTypeEnds - - a list of source positions corresponding to the last character of each parameter type name
      parameterNames - - a list of the names of the parameters
      parametersEnd - - a source position corresponding to the last character of the parameter list
      exceptionTypes - - a list of the exception types
      exceptionTypeStarts - - a list of source positions corresponding to the first character of the respective exception types
      exceptionTypeEnds - - a list of source positions corresponding to the last character of the respective exception types
      bodyStart - - a source position corresponding to the start of this constructor's body
    • enterClass

      public void enterClass(int declarationStart, int[] javaDocPositions, int modifiers, int modifiersStart, int keywordStart, char[] name, int nameStart, int nameEnd, char[] superclass, int superclassStart, int superclassEnd, char[][] superinterfaces, int[] superinterfaceStarts, int[] superinterfaceEnds, int bodyStart)
      Angegeben von:
      enterClass in Schnittstelle IDocumentElementRequestor
      declarationStart - - a source position corresponding to the start of this class.
      javaDocPositions - - answer back an array of sourceStart/sourceEnd positions of the available JavaDoc comments. The array is a flattened structure: 2*n entries with consecutives start and end positions. If no JavaDoc is available, then null is answered instead of an empty array. e.g. { 10, 20, 25, 45 } --> javadoc1 from 10 to 20, javadoc2 from 25 to 45 The array is equals to null if there are no javadoc comments
      modifiers - - the modifiers for this class
      modifiersStart - - a source position corresponding to the start of the textual modifiers, is Ungültige Eingabe: "<" 0 if there are no textual modifiers
      keywordStart - - a source position corresponding to the start of the keyword 'class'
      name - - the name of the class
      nameStart - - a source position corresponding to the start of the name
      nameEnd - - a source position corresponding to the end of the name
      superclass - - the name of the superclass
      superclassStart - - a source position corresponding to the start of the superclass name
      superclassEnd - - a source position corresponding to the end of the superclass name
      superinterfaces - - the name of the superinterfaces
      superinterfaceStarts - - an array of source positions corresponding to the start of their respective superinterface names
      superinterfaceEnds - - an array of source positions corresponding to the end of their respective superinterface names
      bodyStart - - a source position corresponding to the open bracket of the class body
      Siehe auch:
    • enterConstructor

      public void enterConstructor(int declarationStart, int[] javaDocPositions, int modifiers, int modifiersStart, char[] name, int nameStart, int nameEnd, char[][] parameterTypes, int[] parameterTypeStarts, int[] parameterTypeEnds, char[][] parameterNames, int[] parameterNameStarts, int[] parameterNameEnds, int parametersEnd, char[][] exceptionTypes, int[] exceptionTypeStarts, int[] exceptionTypeEnds, int bodyStart)
      Angegeben von:
      enterConstructor in Schnittstelle IDocumentElementRequestor
      declarationStart - - a source position corresponding to the first character of this constructor declaration
      javaDocPositions - - answer back an array of sourceStart/sourceEnd positions of the available JavaDoc comments. The array is a flattened structure: 2*n entries with consecutives start and end positions. If no JavaDoc is available, then null is answered instead of an empty array. e.g. { 10, 20, 25, 45 } --> javadoc1 from 10 to 20, javadoc2 from 25 to 45 The array is equals to null if there are no javadoc comments
      modifiers - - the modifiers for this constructor converted to a flag
      modifiersStart - - a source position corresponding to the first character of the textual modifiers
      name - - the name of this constructor
      nameStart - - a source position corresponding to the first character of the name
      nameEnd - - a source position corresponding to the last character of the name
      parameterTypes - - a list of parameter type names
      parameterTypeStarts - - a list of source positions corresponding to the first character of each parameter type name
      parameterTypeEnds - - a list of source positions corresponding to the last character of each parameter type name
      parameterNames - - a list of the names of the parameters
      parametersEnd - - a source position corresponding to the last character of the parameter list
      exceptionTypes - - a list of the exception types
      exceptionTypeStarts - - a list of source positions corresponding to the first character of the respective exception types
      exceptionTypeEnds - - a list of source positions corresponding to the last character of the respective exception types
      bodyStart - - a source position corresponding to the start of this constructor's body
      Siehe auch:
    • enterField

      public void enterField(int declarationStart, int[] javaDocPositions, int modifiers, int modifiersStart, char[] type, int typeStart, int typeEnd, int typeDimensionCount, char[] name, int nameStart, int nameEnd, int extendedTypeDimensionCount, int extendedTypeDimensionEnd)
      Angegeben von:
      enterField in Schnittstelle IDocumentElementRequestor
      declarationStart - - a source position corresponding to the first character of this field
      javaDocPositions - - answer back an array of sourceStart/sourceEnd positions of the available JavaDoc comments. The array is a flattened structure: 2*n entries with consecutives start and end positions. If no JavaDoc is available, then null is answered instead of an empty array. e.g. { 10, 20, 25, 45 } --> javadoc1 from 10 to 20, javadoc2 from 25 to 45 The array is equals to null if there are no javadoc comments
      modifiers - - the modifiers for this field converted to a flag
      modifiersStart - - a source position corresponding to the first character of the textual modifiers
      type - - the name of the field type
      typeStart - - a source position corresponding to the start of the fields type
      typeEnd - - a source position corresponding to the end of the fields type
      typeDimensionCount - - the array dimension indicated on the type (for example, 'int[] v')
      name - - the name of this constructor
      nameStart - - a source position corresponding to the first character of the name
      nameEnd - - a source position corresponding to the last character of the name
      extendedTypeDimensionCount - - the array dimension indicated on the variable, (for example, 'int v[]')
      extendedTypeDimensionEnd - - a source position corresponding to the end of the extened type dimension. This position should be -1 in case there is no extended dimension for the type.
      Siehe auch:
    • enterInterface

      public void enterInterface(int declarationStart, int[] javaDocPositions, int modifiers, int modifiersStart, int keywordStart, char[] name, int nameStart, int nameEnd, char[][] superinterfaces, int[] superinterfaceStarts, int[] superinterfaceEnds, int bodyStart)
      Angegeben von:
      enterInterface in Schnittstelle IDocumentElementRequestor
      declarationStart - - a source position corresponding to the start of this class.
      javaDocPositions - - answer back an array of sourceStart/sourceEnd positions of the available JavaDoc comments. The array is a flattened structure: 2*n entries with consecutives start and end positions. If no JavaDoc is available, then null is answered instead of an empty array. e.g. { 10, 20, 25, 45 } --> javadoc1 from 10 to 20, javadoc2 from 25 to 45 The array is equals to null if there are no javadoc comments
      modifiers - - the modifiers for this class
      modifiersStart - - a source position corresponding to the start of the textual modifiers, is Ungültige Eingabe: "<" 0 if there are no textual modifiers
      keywordStart - - a source position corresponding to the start of the keyword 'interface'
      name - - the name of the class
      nameStart - - a source position corresponding to the start of the name
      nameEnd - - a source position corresponding to the end of the name
      superinterfaces - - the name of the superinterfaces
      superinterfaceStarts - - an array of source positions corresponding to the start of their respective superinterface names
      superinterfaceEnds - - an array of source positions corresponding to the end of their respective superinterface names
      bodyStart - - a source position corresponding to the open bracket of the class body
      Siehe auch:
    • enterMethod

      public void enterMethod(int declarationStart, int[] javaDocPositions, int modifiers, int modifiersStart, char[] returnType, int returnTypeStart, int returnTypeEnd, int returnTypeDimensionCount, char[] name, int nameStart, int nameEnd, char[][] parameterTypes, int[] parameterTypeStarts, int[] parameterTypeEnds, char[][] parameterNames, int[] parameterNameStarts, int[] parameterNameEnds, int parametersEnd, int extendedReturnTypeDimensionCount, int extendedReturnTypeDimensionEnd, char[][] exceptionTypes, int[] exceptionTypeStarts, int[] exceptionTypeEnds, int bodyStart)
      Angegeben von:
      enterMethod in Schnittstelle IDocumentElementRequestor
      declarationStart - - a source position corresponding to the first character of this constructor declaration
      javaDocPositions - - answer back an array of sourceStart/sourceEnd positions of the available JavaDoc comments. The array is a flattened structure: 2*n entries with consecutives start and end positions. If no JavaDoc is available, then null is answered instead of an empty array. e.g. { 10, 20, 25, 45 } --> javadoc1 from 10 to 20, javadoc2 from 25 to 45 The array is equals to null if there are no javadoc comments
      modifiers - - the modifiers for this constructor converted to a flag
      modifiersStart - - a source position corresponding to the first character of the textual modifiers
      returnType - - the name of the return type
      returnTypeStart - - a source position corresponding to the first character of the return type
      returnTypeEnd - - a source position corresponding to the last character of the return type
      returnTypeDimensionCount - - the array dimension count as supplied on the return type (for example, 'public int[] foo() {}')
      name - - the name of this constructor
      nameStart - - a source position corresponding to the first character of the name
      nameEnd - - a source position corresponding to the last character of the name
      parameterTypes - - a list of parameter type names
      parameterTypeStarts - - a list of source positions corresponding to the first character of each parameter type name
      parameterTypeEnds - - a list of source positions corresponding to the last character of each parameter type name
      parameterNames - - a list of the names of the parameters
      parametersEnd - - a source position corresponding to the last character of the parameter list
      extendedReturnTypeDimensionCount - - the array dimension count as supplied on the end of the parameter list (for example, 'public int foo()[] {}')
      extendedReturnTypeDimensionEnd - - a source position corresponding to the last character of the extended return type dimension. This position should be -1 in case there is no extended dimension for the type.
      exceptionTypes - - a list of the exception types
      exceptionTypeStarts - - a list of source positions corresponding to the first character of the respective exception types
      exceptionTypeEnds - - a list of source positions corresponding to the last character of the respective exception types
      bodyStart - - a source position corresponding to the start of this method's body
      Siehe auch:
    • enterType

      protected void enterType(int declarationStart, int[] javaDocPositions, int modifiers, int modifiersStart, int keywordStart, char[] name, int nameStart, int nameEnd, char[] superclass, int superclassStart, int superclassEnd, char[][] superinterfaces, int[] superinterfaceStarts, int[] superinterfaceEnds, int bodyStart, boolean isClass)
    • exitAbstractMethod

      protected void exitAbstractMethod(int bodyEnd, int declarationEnd)
      Finishes the configuration of the constructors and methods.
      bodyEnd - - a source position corresponding to the closing bracket of the method
      declarationEnd - - a source position corresponding to the end of the method declaration. This can include whitespace and comments following the closing bracket.
    • exitClass

      public void exitClass(int bodyEnd, int declarationEnd)
      Finishes the configuration of the class DOM object which was created by a previous enterClass call.
      Angegeben von:
      exitClass in Schnittstelle IDocumentElementRequestor
      bodyEnd - - a source position corresponding to the closing bracket of the class
      declarationEnd - - a source position corresponding to the end of the class declaration. This can include whitespace and comments following the closing bracket.
      Siehe auch:
    • exitConstructor

      public void exitConstructor(int bodyEnd, int declarationEnd)
      Finishes the configuration of the method DOM object which was created by a previous enterConstructor call.
      Angegeben von:
      exitConstructor in Schnittstelle IDocumentElementRequestor
      bodyEnd - - a source position corresponding to the closing bracket of the method
      declarationEnd - - a source position corresponding to the end of the method declaration. This can include whitespace and comments following the closing bracket.
      Siehe auch:
    • exitField

      public void exitField(int bodyEnd, int declarationEnd)
      Finishes the configuration of the field DOM object which was created by a previous enterField call.
      Angegeben von:
      exitField in Schnittstelle IDocumentElementRequestor
      bodyEnd - - a source position corresponding to the end of the field.
      declarationEnd - - a source position corresponding to the end of the field. This can include whitespace and comments following the semi-colon.
      Siehe auch:
    • exitInterface

      public void exitInterface(int bodyEnd, int declarationEnd)
      Finishes the configuration of the interface DOM object which was created by a previous enterInterface call.
      Angegeben von:
      exitInterface in Schnittstelle IDocumentElementRequestor
      bodyEnd - - a source position corresponding to the closing bracket of the interface
      declarationEnd - - a source position corresponding to the end of the interface declaration. This can include whitespace and comments following the closing bracket.
      Siehe auch:
    • exitMethod

      public void exitMethod(int bodyEnd, int declarationEnd)
      Finishes the configuration of the method DOM object which was created by a previous enterMethod call.
      Angegeben von:
      exitMethod in Schnittstelle IDocumentElementRequestor
      bodyEnd - - a source position corresponding to the closing bracket of the method
      declarationEnd - - a source position corresponding to the end of the method declaration. This can include whitespace and comments following the closing bracket.
      Siehe auch:
    • getParser

      protected DocumentElementParser getParser(Map settings)
      Creates a new parser.
    • initializeBuild

      protected void initializeBuild(char[] sourceCode, boolean buildingCompilationUnit, boolean buildingType, boolean singleMember)
      Initializes the builder to create a document fragment.
      sourceCode - - the document containing the source code to be analyzed
      buildingCompilationUnit - - true if a the document is being analyzed to create a compilation unit, otherwise false
      buildingType - - true if the document is being analyzed to create a type or compilation unit
      singleMember - - true if building a single member