Klasse SimplePropertyDescriptor


public final class SimplePropertyDescriptor extends StructuralPropertyDescriptor
Descriptor for a simple property of an AST node. A simple property is one whose value is a primitive type (such as int or boolean) or some simple value type (such as String or InfixExpression.Operator).
Siehe auch:
  • ungültiges @see
  • ungültiges @see
    org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTNode#setStructuralProperty(StructuralPropertyDescriptor, Object)
  • Methodendetails

    • getValueType

      public Class getValueType()
      Returns the value type of this property.

      For example, for a node type like SingleVariableDeclaration, the "modifiers" property returns int.class.

      Gibt zurück:
      the value type of the property
    • isMandatory

      public boolean isMandatory()
      Returns whether this property is mandatory. A property value is not allowed to be null if it is mandatory.
      Gibt zurück:
      true if the property is mandatory, and false if it is may be null