Schnittstelle IUpdatableModule

Alle bekannten Implementierungsklassen:
BinaryModuleBinding, ModuleBinding, ModuleBinding.UnNamedModule, SourceModuleBinding

public interface IUpdatableModule
Interface to a module as needed to implement the updates for --add-reads and --add-exports command line options (or corresponding classpath attributes).
  • Verschachtelte Klassen - Übersicht

    Verschachtelte Klassen
    Modifizierer und Typ
    static class 
    static class 
    static enum 
    The compiler first wires modules only, before then wiring packages based on the module graph.
    static class 
    Structure for update operations, sorted by IUpdatableModule.UpdateKind.
  • Methodenübersicht

    Modifizierer und Typ
    addExports(char[] packageName, char[][] targetModules)
    Perform an --add-exports update on the module.
    addReads(char[] moduleName)
    Perform an --add-reads update on the module.
    Answer the name of the module to update.
    setMainClassName(char[] mainClassName)
    Define the ModuleMainClass to be recorded in the generated module-info.class.
    Passes names of packages to be recorded in the ModulePackages classfile attribute.
  • Methodendetails

    • name

      char[] name()
      Answer the name of the module to update.
    • addReads

      void addReads(char[] moduleName)
      Perform an --add-reads update on the module.
    • addExports

      void addExports(char[] packageName, char[][] targetModules)
      Perform an --add-exports update on the module.
    • setMainClassName

      void setMainClassName(char[] mainClassName)
      Define the ModuleMainClass to be recorded in the generated module-info.class.
    • setPackageNames

      void setPackageNames(SimpleSetOfCharArray packageNames)
      Passes names of packages to be recorded in the ModulePackages classfile attribute.