Class StructureViewPanel

All Implemented Interfaces:
ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, EventListener, Accessible, StructureViewRenderer

public class StructureViewPanel extends JPanel implements StructureViewRenderer
Represents the configuration of a structure view of the system, rendered by the StructureTreeManager.
Mik Kersten
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • treeManager

      protected org.aspectj.ajde.ui.swing.StructureTreeManager treeManager
    • currentView

      protected StructureView currentView
    • border1

      protected Border border1
    • border2

      protected Border border2
  • Constructor Details

    • StructureViewPanel

      public StructureViewPanel(FileStructureView structureView)
    • StructureViewPanel

      public StructureViewPanel(List structureViews)
  • Method Details

    • setCurrentView

      public void setCurrentView(StructureView view)
    • updateView

      public void updateView(StructureView structureView)
      Description copied from interface: StructureViewRenderer
      Implementors should updated the display of the corresponding file structure view.
      Specified by:
      updateView in interface StructureViewRenderer
    • setActiveNode

      public void setActiveNode(IStructureViewNode node)
      Description copied from interface: StructureViewRenderer
      Highlights and selects the given node as active. What "active" means depends on the renderer: a typical activation should cause the corresponding node's sourceline to be highlighted in the active editor.
      Specified by:
      setActiveNode in interface StructureViewRenderer
    • setActiveNode

      public void setActiveNode(IStructureViewNode node, int lineOffset)
      Description copied from interface: StructureViewRenderer
      Same behavior as setActiveNode(StructureViewNode) but highlights a particular line within the span of the node.
      Specified by:
      setActiveNode in interface StructureViewRenderer
      lineOffset - number of lines after the begin and before the end line of the corresponding StructureNode.
    • highlightActiveNode

      public void highlightActiveNode()
    • jbInit

      protected void jbInit()