Interface IJavaProject

All Superinterfaces:
org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable, IJavaElement, IOpenable, IParent
All Known Implementing Classes:
ExternalJavaProject, JavaProject

public interface IJavaProject extends IParent, IJavaElement, IOpenable
A Java project represents a view of a project resource in terms of Java elements such as package fragments, types, methods and fields. A project may contain several package roots, which contain package fragments. A package root corresponds to an underlying folder or JAR.

Each Java project has a classpath, defining which folders contain source code and where required libraries are located. Each Java project also has an output location, defining where the builder writes .class files. A project that references packages in another project can access the packages by including the required project in a classpath entry. The Java model will present the source elements in the required project; when building, the compiler will use the corresponding generated class files from the required project's output location(s)). The classpath format is a sequence of classpath entries describing the location and contents of package fragment roots.

Java project elements need to be opened before they can be navigated or manipulated. The children of a Java project are the package fragment roots that are defined by the classpath and contained in this project (in other words, it does not include package fragment roots for other projects). The children (i.e. the package fragment roots) appear in the order they are defined by the classpath.

An instance of one of these handles can be created via JavaCore.create(project).

See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • decodeClasspathEntry

      IClasspathEntry decodeClasspathEntry(String encodedEntry)
      Decodes the classpath entry that has been encoded in the given string in the context of this project. Returns null if the encoded entry is malformed.
      encodedEntry - the encoded classpath entry
      the decoded classpath entry, or null if unable to decode it
    • encodeClasspathEntry

      String encodeClasspathEntry(IClasspathEntry classpathEntry)
      Encodes the given classpath entry into a string in the context of this project.
      classpathEntry - the classpath entry to encode
      the encoded classpath entry
    • findElement

      IJavaElement findElement(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath path) throws JavaModelException
      Returns the IJavaElement corresponding to the given classpath-relative path, or null if no such IJavaElement is found. The result is one of an ICompilationUnit, IClassFile, or IPackageFragment.

      When looking for a package fragment, there might be several potential matches; only one of them is returned.

      For example, the path "java/lang/", would result in the ICompilationUnit or IClassFile corresponding to "java.lang.Object". The path "java/lang" would result in the IPackageFragment for "java.lang".

      path - the given classpath-relative path
      the IJavaElement corresponding to the given classpath-relative path, or null if no such IJavaElement is found
      JavaModelException - if the given path is null or absolute
    • findElement

      IJavaElement findElement(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath path, WorkingCopyOwner owner) throws JavaModelException
      Returns the IJavaElement corresponding to the given classpath-relative path, or null if no such IJavaElement is found. The result is one of an ICompilationUnit, IClassFile, or IPackageFragment. If it is an ICompilationUnit, its owner is the given owner.

      When looking for a package fragment, there might be several potential matches; only one of them is returned.

      For example, the path "java/lang/", would result in the ICompilationUnit or IClassFile corresponding to "java.lang.Object". The path "java/lang" would result in the IPackageFragment for "java.lang".

      path - the given classpath-relative path
      owner - the owner of the returned compilation unit, ignored if it is not a compilation unit.
      the IJavaElement corresponding to the given classpath-relative path, or null if no such IJavaElement is found
      JavaModelException - if the given path is null or absolute
    • findElement

      IJavaElement findElement(String bindingKey, WorkingCopyOwner owner) throws JavaModelException
      Finds the Java element corresponding to the given binding key if any, else returns null. Elements are looked up using this project's classpath. The first element corresponding to the given key on this project's classpath is returned.

      Possible elements are:

      Note: if two methods correspond to the binding key because their parameter types' simple names are the same, then the first one is returned. For example, if a class defines two methods foo(p1.Y, String) and foo(p2.Y, String), in both cases the parameter type's simple names are {"Y", "String"}. Thus foo(p1.Y, String) is returned.

      bindingKey - the given binding key
      owner - the owner of the returned element's compilation unit, or null if the default working copy owner must be used
      the Java element corresponding to the given key, or null if no such Java element is found
      JavaModelException - if this project does not exist or if an exception occurs while accessing its corresponding resource
    • findPackageFragment

      IPackageFragment findPackageFragment(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath path) throws JavaModelException
      Returns the first existing package fragment on this project's classpath whose path matches the given (absolute) path, or null if none exist. The path can be: - internal to the workbench: "/Project/src" - external to the workbench: "c:/jdk/"
      path - the given absolute path
      the first existing package fragment on this project's classpath whose path matches the given (absolute) path, or null if none exist
      JavaModelException - if this project does not exist or if an exception occurs while accessing its corresponding resource
    • findPackageFragmentRoot

      IPackageFragmentRoot findPackageFragmentRoot(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath path) throws JavaModelException
      Returns the existing package fragment root on this project's classpath whose path matches the given (absolute) path, or null if one does not exist. The path can be: - internal to the workbench: "/Compiler/src" - external to the workbench: "c:/jdk/"
      path - the given absolute path
      the existing package fragment root on this project's classpath whose path matches the given (absolute) path, or null if one does not exist
      JavaModelException - if this project does not exist or if an exception occurs while accessing its corresponding resource
    • findPackageFragmentRoots

      IPackageFragmentRoot[] findPackageFragmentRoots(IClasspathEntry entry)
      Returns the existing package fragment roots identified by the given entry. A classpath entry within the current project identifies a single root.

      If the classpath entry denotes a variable, it will be resolved and return the roots of the target entry (empty if not resolvable).

      If the classpath entry denotes a container, it will be resolved and return the roots corresponding to the set of container entries (empty if not resolvable).

      The result does not include package fragment roots in other projects referenced on this project's classpath.

      entry - the given entry
      the existing package fragment roots identified by the given entry
      See Also:
    • findUnfilteredPackageFragmentRoots

      IPackageFragmentRoot[] findUnfilteredPackageFragmentRoots(IClasspathEntry entry)
      In a Java 9 project, a classpath entry can be filtered using a IClasspathAttribute.LIMIT_MODULES attribute, otherwise for an unnamed module a default set of roots is used as defined in JEP 261. In both cases findPackageFragmentRoots(IClasspathEntry) will not contain all roots physically present in the container.

      This API can be used to bypass any filter and get really all roots to which the given entry is resolved.

      entry - a classpath entry of this Java project
      the unfiltered array of package fragment roots to which the classpath entry resolves
      See Also:
    • findType

      IType findType(String fullyQualifiedName) throws JavaModelException
      Returns the first type (excluding secondary types) found following this project's classpath with the given fully qualified name or null if none is found. The fully qualified name is a dot-separated name. For example, a class B defined as a member type of a class A in package x.y should have a the fully qualified name "x.y.A.B". Note that in order to be found, a type name (or its top level enclosing type name) must match its corresponding compilation unit name. As a consequence, secondary types cannot be found using this functionality. To find secondary types use findType(String, IProgressMonitor) instead.
      fullyQualifiedName - the given fully qualified name
      the first type found following this project's classpath with the given fully qualified name or null if none is found
      JavaModelException - if this project does not exist or if an exception occurs while accessing its corresponding resource
      See Also:
    • findType

      IType findType(String fullyQualifiedName, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor progressMonitor) throws JavaModelException
      Same functionality as findType(String) but also looks for secondary types if the given name does not match a compilation unit name.
      fullyQualifiedName - the given fully qualified name
      progressMonitor - the progress monitor to report progress to, or null if no progress monitor is provided
      the first type found following this project's classpath with the given fully qualified name or null if none is found
      JavaModelException - if this project does not exist or if an exception occurs while accessing its corresponding resource
      See Also:
    • findType

      IType findType(String fullyQualifiedName, WorkingCopyOwner owner) throws JavaModelException
      Returns the first type (excluding secondary types) found following this project's classpath with the given fully qualified name or null if none is found. The fully qualified name is a dot-separated name. For example, a class B defined as a member type of a class A in package x.y should have a the fully qualified name "x.y.A.B". If the returned type is part of a compilation unit, its owner is the given owner. Note that in order to be found, a type name (or its top level enclosing type name) must match its corresponding compilation unit name. As a consequence, secondary types cannot be found using this functionality. To find secondary types use findType(String, WorkingCopyOwner, IProgressMonitor) instead.
      fullyQualifiedName - the given fully qualified name
      owner - the owner of the returned type's compilation unit
      the first type found following this project's classpath with the given fully qualified name or null if none is found
      JavaModelException - if this project does not exist or if an exception occurs while accessing its corresponding resource
      See Also:
    • findType

      IType findType(String fullyQualifiedName, WorkingCopyOwner owner, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor progressMonitor) throws JavaModelException
      Same functionality as findType(String, WorkingCopyOwner) but also looks for secondary types if the given name does not match a compilation unit name.
      fullyQualifiedName - the given fully qualified name
      owner - the owner of the returned type's compilation unit
      progressMonitor - the progress monitor to report progress to, or null if no progress monitor is provided
      the first type found following this project's classpath with the given fully qualified name or null if none is found
      JavaModelException - if this project does not exist or if an exception occurs while accessing its corresponding resource
      See Also:
    • findType

      IType findType(String packageName, String typeQualifiedName) throws JavaModelException
      Returns the first type (excluding secondary types) found following this project's classpath with the given package name and type qualified name or null if none is found. The package name is a dot-separated name. The type qualified name is also a dot-separated name. For example, a class B defined as a member type of a class A should have the type qualified name "A.B". Note that in order to be found, a type name (or its top level enclosing type name) must match its corresponding compilation unit name. As a consequence, secondary types cannot be found using this functionality. To find secondary types use findType(String, String, IProgressMonitor) instead.
      packageName - the given package name
      typeQualifiedName - the given type qualified name
      the first type found following this project's classpath with the given package name and type qualified name or null if none is found
      JavaModelException - if this project does not exist or if an exception occurs while accessing its corresponding resource
      See Also:
    • findType

      IType findType(String packageName, String typeQualifiedName, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor progressMonitor) throws JavaModelException
      Same functionality as findType(String, String) but also looks for secondary types if the given name does not match a compilation unit name.
      packageName - the given package name
      typeQualifiedName - the given type qualified name
      progressMonitor - the progress monitor to report progress to, or null if no progress monitor is provided
      the first type found following this project's classpath with the given fully qualified name or null if none is found
      JavaModelException - if this project does not exist or if an exception occurs while accessing its corresponding resource
      See Also:
    • findType

      IType findType(String packageName, String typeQualifiedName, WorkingCopyOwner owner) throws JavaModelException
      Returns the first type (excluding secondary types) found following this project's classpath with the given package name and type qualified name or null if none is found. The package name is a dot-separated name. The type qualified name is also a dot-separated name. For example, a class B defined as a member type of a class A should have the type qualified name "A.B". If the returned type is part of a compilation unit, its owner is the given owner. Note that in order to be found, a type name (or its top level enclosing type name) must match its corresponding compilation unit name. As a consequence, secondary types cannot be found using this functionality. To find secondary types use findType(String, String, WorkingCopyOwner, IProgressMonitor) instead.
      packageName - the given package name
      typeQualifiedName - the given type qualified name
      owner - the owner of the returned type's compilation unit
      the first type found following this project's classpath with the given package name and type qualified name or null if none is found
      JavaModelException - if this project does not exist or if an exception occurs while accessing its corresponding resource
      See Also:
    • findType

      IType findType(String packageName, String typeQualifiedName, WorkingCopyOwner owner, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor progressMonitor) throws JavaModelException
      Same functionality as findType(String, String, WorkingCopyOwner) but also looks for secondary types if the given name does not match a compilation unit name.
      packageName - the given package name
      typeQualifiedName - the given type qualified name
      owner - the owner of the returned type's compilation unit
      progressMonitor - the progress monitor to report progress to, or null if no progress monitor is provided
      the first type found following this project's classpath with the given fully qualified name or null if none is found
      JavaModelException - if this project does not exist or if an exception occurs while accessing its corresponding resource
      See Also:
    • findModule

      IModuleDescription findModule(String moduleName, WorkingCopyOwner owner) throws JavaModelException
      Finds the first module with the given name found following this project's module path. If the returned module descriptor is part of a compilation unit, its owner is the given owner.
      moduleName - the given module name
      owner - the owner of the returned module descriptor's compilation unit
      the first module found following this project's module path with the given name or null if none is found
      JavaModelException - if this project does not exist or if an exception occurs while accessing its corresponding resource
    • getAllPackageFragmentRoots

      IPackageFragmentRoot[] getAllPackageFragmentRoots() throws JavaModelException
      Returns all of the existing package fragment roots that exist on the classpath, in the order they are defined by the classpath.
      all of the existing package fragment roots that exist on the classpath
      JavaModelException - if this element does not exist or if an exception occurs while accessing its corresponding resource
    • getNonJavaResources

      Object[] getNonJavaResources() throws JavaModelException
      Returns an array of non-Java resources directly contained in this project. It does not transitively answer non-Java resources contained in folders; these would have to be explicitly iterated over.

      Non-Java resources includes other files and folders located in the project not accounted for by any of it source or binary package fragment roots. If the project is a source folder itself, resources excluded from the corresponding source classpath entry by one or more exclusion patterns are considered non-Java resources and will appear in the result (possibly in a folder)

      an array of non-Java resources (IFiles and/or IFolders) directly contained in this project
      JavaModelException - if this element does not exist or if an exception occurs while accessing its corresponding resource
    • getOption

      String getOption(String optionName, boolean inheritJavaCoreOptions)
      Helper method for returning one option value only. Equivalent to (String)this.getOptions(inheritJavaCoreOptions).get(optionName) Note that it may answer null if this option does not exist, or if there is no custom value for it.

      For a complete description of the configurable options, see JavaCore#getDefaultOptions.

      optionName - the name of an option
      inheritJavaCoreOptions - - boolean indicating whether JavaCore options should be inherited as well
      the String value of a given option
      See Also:
    • getOptions

      Map<String,String> getOptions(boolean inheritJavaCoreOptions)
      Returns the table of the current custom options for this project. Projects remember their custom options, in other words, only the options different from the the JavaCore global options for the workspace. A boolean argument allows to directly merge the project options with global ones from JavaCore.

      For a complete description of the configurable options, see JavaCore#getDefaultOptions.

      inheritJavaCoreOptions - - boolean indicating whether JavaCore options should be inherited as well
      table of current settings of all options (key type: String; value type: String)
      See Also:
    • getOutputLocation

      org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath getOutputLocation() throws JavaModelException
      Returns the default output location for this project as a workspace- relative absolute path.

      The default output location is where class files are ordinarily generated (and resource files, copied). Each source classpath entry can also specify an output location for the generated class files (and copied resource files) corresponding to compilation units under that source folder. This makes it possible to arrange generated class files for different source folders in different output folders, and not necessarily the default output folder. This means that the generated class files for the project may end up scattered across several folders, rather than all in the default output folder (which is more standard).

      the workspace-relative absolute path of the default output folder
      JavaModelException - if this element does not exist
      See Also:
    • getPackageFragmentRoot

      IPackageFragmentRoot getPackageFragmentRoot(String externalLibraryPath)
      Returns a package fragment root for an external library (a ZIP archive - e.g. a .jar, a .zip file, etc. - or - since 3.4 - a class folder) at the specified file system path. This is a handle-only method. The underlying may or may not exist. No resource is associated with this local library package fragment root.
      externalLibraryPath - the library's file system path
      a package fragment root for the external library at the specified file system path
    • getPackageFragmentRoot

      IPackageFragmentRoot getPackageFragmentRoot(org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource resource)
      Returns a package fragment root for the given resource, which must either be a folder representing the top of a package hierarchy, or a ZIP archive (e.g. a .jar, a .zip file, etc.) This is a handle-only method. The underlying resource may or may not exist.
      resource - the given resource
      a package fragment root for the given resource, which must either be a folder representing the top of a package hierarchy, or a ZIP archive (e.g. a .jar, a .zip file, etc.)
    • getPackageFragmentRoots

      IPackageFragmentRoot[] getPackageFragmentRoots() throws JavaModelException
      Returns all of the package fragment roots contained in this project, identified on this project's resolved classpath. The result does not include package fragment roots in other projects referenced on this project's classpath. The package fragment roots appear in the order they are defined by the classpath.

      NOTE: This is equivalent to getChildren().

      all of the package fragment roots contained in this project, identified on this project's resolved classpath
      JavaModelException - if this element does not exist or if an exception occurs while accessing its corresponding resource
    • getPackageFragmentRoots

      IPackageFragmentRoot[] getPackageFragmentRoots(IClasspathEntry entry)
      Returns the existing package fragment roots identified by the given entry. A classpath entry within the current project identifies a single root.

      If the classpath entry denotes a variable, it will be resolved and return the roots of the target entry (empty if not resolvable).

      If the classpath entry denotes a container, it will be resolved and return the roots corresponding to the set of container entries (empty if not resolvable).

      The result does not include package fragment roots in other projects referenced on this project's classpath.

      entry - the given entry
      the existing package fragment roots identified by the given entry
      See Also:
    • getPackageFragments

      IPackageFragment[] getPackageFragments() throws JavaModelException
      Returns all package fragments in all package fragment roots contained in this project. This is a convenience method. Note that the package fragment roots corresponds to the resolved classpath of the project.
      all package fragments in all package fragment roots contained in this project
      JavaModelException - if this element does not exist or if an exception occurs while accessing its corresponding resource
    • getProject

      org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject getProject()
      Returns the IProject on which this IJavaProject was created. This is handle-only method.
      the IProject on which this IJavaProject was created
    • getModuleDescription

      IModuleDescription getModuleDescription() throws JavaModelException
      Returns the IModuleDescription this project represents or null if the Java project doesn't represent any named module. A Java project is said to represent a module if any of its source package fragment roots (see IPackageFragmentRoot.K_SOURCE) contains a valid Java module descriptor, or if one of its classpath entries has a valid IClasspathAttribute.PATCH_MODULE attribute affecting the current project. In the latter case the corresponding module description of the location referenced by that classpath entry is returned.
      the IModuleDescription this project represents.
      JavaModelException - if this element does not exist or if an exception occurs while accessing its corresponding resource
    • getOwnModuleDescription

      IModuleDescription getOwnModuleDescription() throws JavaModelException
      Returns the IModuleDescription owned by this project or null if the Java project doesn't own a valid Java module descriptor. This method considers only module descriptions contained in any of the project's source package fragment roots (see IPackageFragmentRoot.K_SOURCE). In particular any IClasspathAttribute.PATCH_MODULE attribute is not considered.
      the IModuleDescription this project owns.
      JavaModelException - if this element does not exist or if an exception occurs while accessing its corresponding resource
    • getRawClasspath

      IClasspathEntry[] getRawClasspath() throws JavaModelException
      Returns the raw classpath for the project, as a list of classpath entries. This corresponds to the exact set of entries which were assigned using setRawClasspath, in particular such a classpath may contain classpath variable and classpath container entries. Classpath variable and classpath container entries can be resolved using the helper method getResolvedClasspath; classpath variable entries also can be resolved individually using JavaCore#getClasspathVariable).

      Both classpath containers and classpath variables provides a level of indirection that can make the .classpath file stable across workspaces. As an example, classpath variables allow a classpath to no longer refer directly to external JARs located in some user specific location. The classpath can simply refer to some variables defining the proper locations of these external JARs. Similarly, classpath containers allows classpath entries to be computed dynamically by the plug-in that defines that kind of classpath container.

      Note that in case the project isn't yet opened, the classpath will be read directly from the associated .classpath file.

      the raw classpath for the project, as a list of classpath entries
      JavaModelException - if this element does not exist or if an exception occurs while accessing its corresponding resource
      See Also:
    • getRequiredProjectNames

      String[] getRequiredProjectNames() throws JavaModelException
      Returns the names of the projects that are directly required by this project. A project is required if it is in its classpath.

      The project names are returned in the order they appear on the classpath.

      the names of the projects that are directly required by this project in classpath order
      JavaModelException - if this element does not exist or if an exception occurs while accessing its corresponding resource
    • getResolvedClasspath

      IClasspathEntry[] getResolvedClasspath(boolean ignoreUnresolvedEntry) throws JavaModelException
      This is a helper method returning the resolved classpath for the project as a list of simple (non-variable, non-container) classpath entries. All classpath variable and classpath container entries in the project's raw classpath will be replaced by the simple classpath entries they resolve to.

      The resulting resolved classpath is accurate for the given point in time. If the project's raw classpath is later modified, or if classpath variables are changed, the resolved classpath can become out of date. Because of this, hanging on resolved classpath is not recommended.

      Note that if the resolution creates duplicate entries (i.e. entries which are Object.equals(Object)), only the first one is added to the resolved classpath.

      ignoreUnresolvedEntry - indicates how to handle unresolvable variables and containers; true indicates that missing variables and unresolvable classpath containers should be silently ignored, and that the resulting list should consist only of the entries that could be successfully resolved; false indicates that a JavaModelException should be thrown for the first unresolved variable or container
      the resolved classpath for the project as a list of simple classpath entries, where all classpath variable and container entries have been resolved and substituted with their final target entries
      JavaModelException - in one of the corresponding situation:
      • this element does not exist
      • an exception occurs while accessing its corresponding resource
      • a classpath variable or classpath container was not resolvable and ignoreUnresolvedEntry is false.
      See Also:
    • hasBuildState

      boolean hasBuildState()
      Returns whether this project has been built at least once and thus whether it has a build state.
      true if this project has been built at least once, false otherwise
    • hasClasspathCycle

      boolean hasClasspathCycle(IClasspathEntry[] entries)
      Returns whether setting this project's classpath to the given classpath entries would result in a cycle. If the set of entries contains some variables, those are resolved in order to determine cycles.
      entries - the given classpath entries
      true if the given classpath entries would result in a cycle, false otherwise
    • isOnClasspath

      boolean isOnClasspath(IJavaElement element)
      Returns whether the given element is on the classpath of this project, that is, referenced from a classpath entry and not explicitly excluded using an exclusion pattern.
      element - the given element
      true if the given element is on the classpath of this project, false otherwise
      See Also:
    • isOnClasspath

      boolean isOnClasspath(org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource resource)
      Returns whether the given resource is on the classpath of this project, that is, referenced from a classpath entry and not explicitly excluded using an exclusion pattern.
      resource - the given resource
      true if the given resource is on the classpath of this project, false otherwise
      See Also:
    • findContainingClasspathEntry

      IClasspathEntry findContainingClasspathEntry(org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource resource)
      Returns the class path entry which contains the given resource and not explicitly excluded using an exclusion pattern, or null otherwise.
      resource - the resource which may or may not on one of the class path entries.
      the class path entry which contains the given resource, or null, if it's not in any of the classpath entries, or the resource is null.
    • newEvaluationContext

      IEvaluationContext newEvaluationContext()
      Creates a new evaluation context.
      a new evaluation context.
    • newTypeHierarchy

      ITypeHierarchy newTypeHierarchy(IRegion region, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException
      Creates and returns a type hierarchy for all types in the given region, considering subtypes within that region.
      region - the given region
      monitor - the given progress monitor
      a type hierarchy for all types in the given region, considering subtypes within that region
      JavaModelException - if this element does not exist or if an exception occurs while accessing its corresponding resource
      IllegalArgumentException - if region is null
    • newTypeHierarchy

      ITypeHierarchy newTypeHierarchy(IRegion region, WorkingCopyOwner owner, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException
      Creates and returns a type hierarchy for all types in the given region, considering subtypes within that region and considering types in the working copies with the given owner. In other words, the owner's working copies will take precedence over their original compilation units in the workspace.

      Note that if a working copy is empty, it will be as if the original compilation unit had been deleted.

      region - the given region
      owner - the owner of working copies that take precedence over their original compilation units
      monitor - the given progress monitor
      a type hierarchy for all types in the given region, considering subtypes within that region
      JavaModelException - if this element does not exist or if an exception occurs while accessing its corresponding resource
      IllegalArgumentException - if region is null
    • newTypeHierarchy

      ITypeHierarchy newTypeHierarchy(IType type, IRegion region, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException
      Creates and returns a type hierarchy for the given type considering subtypes in the specified region.
      type - the given type
      region - the given region
      monitor - the given monitor
      a type hierarchy for the given type considering subtypes in the specified region
      JavaModelException - if this element does not exist or if an exception occurs while accessing its corresponding resource
      IllegalArgumentException - if type or region is null
    • newTypeHierarchy

      ITypeHierarchy newTypeHierarchy(IType type, IRegion region, WorkingCopyOwner owner, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException
      Creates and returns a type hierarchy for the given type considering subtypes in the specified region and considering types in the working copies with the given owner. In other words, the owner's working copies will take precedence over their original compilation units in the workspace.

      Note that if a working copy is empty, it will be as if the original compilation unit had been deleted.

      type - the given type
      region - the given region
      owner - the owner of working copies that take precedence over their original compilation units
      monitor - the given monitor
      a type hierarchy for the given type considering subtypes in the specified region
      JavaModelException - if this element does not exist or if an exception occurs while accessing its corresponding resource
      IllegalArgumentException - if type or region is null
    • readOutputLocation

      org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath readOutputLocation()
      Returns the default output location for the project as defined by its .classpath file from disk, or null if unable to read the file.

      This output location may differ from the in-memory one returned by getOutputLocation, in case the automatic reconciliation mechanism has not been performed yet. Usually, any change to the .classpath file is automatically noticed and reconciled at the next resource change notification event. However, if the file is modified within an operation, where this change needs to be taken into account before the operation ends, then the output location from disk can be read using this method, and further assigned to the project using setRawClasspath(...).

      The default output location is where class files are ordinarily generated (and resource files, copied). Each source classpath entry can also specify an output location for the generated class files (and copied resource files) corresponding to compilation units under that source folder. This makes it possible to arrange generated class files for different source folders in different output folders, and not necessarily the default output folder. This means that the generated class files for the project may end up scattered across several folders, rather than all in the default output folder (which is more standard).

      In order to manually force a project classpath refresh, one can simply assign the project classpath using the result of this method, as follows: proj.setRawClasspath(proj.readRawClasspath(), proj.readOutputLocation(), monitor) (note that the readRawClasspath/readOutputLocation methods could return null).

      the workspace-relative absolute path of the default output folder
      See Also:
    • readRawClasspath

      IClasspathEntry[] readRawClasspath()
      Returns the raw classpath for the project as defined by its .classpath file from disk, or null if unable to read the file.

      This classpath may differ from the in-memory classpath returned by getRawClasspath, in case the automatic reconciliation mechanism has not been performed yet. Usually, any change to the .classpath file is automatically noticed and reconciled at the next resource change notification event. However, if the file is modified within an operation, where this change needs to be taken into account before the operation ends, then the classpath from disk can be read using this method, and further assigned to the project using setRawClasspath(...).

      Classpath variable and classpath container entries can be resolved using the helper method getResolvedClasspath; classpath variable entries also can be resolved individually using JavaCore#getClasspathVariable).

      Note that no check is performed whether the project has the Java nature set, allowing an existing .classpath file to be considered independantly (unlike getRawClasspath which requires the Java nature to be associated with the project).

      In order to manually force a project classpath refresh, one can simply assign the project classpath using the result of this method, as follows: proj.setRawClasspath(proj.readRawClasspath(), proj.readOutputLocation(), monitor) (note that the readRawClasspath/readOutputLocation methods could return null).

      the raw classpath from disk for the project, as a list of classpath entries
      See Also:
    • setOption

      void setOption(String optionName, String optionValue)
      Helper method for setting one option value only.

      Equivalent to:

              Map options = this.getOptions(false);
              map.put(optionName, optionValue);

      For a complete description of the configurable options, see JavaCore#getDefaultOptions.

      optionName - the name of an option
      optionValue - the value of the option to set. If null, then the option is removed from project preferences.
      NullPointerException - if optionName is null (see Preferences.put(String, String)).
      See Also:
    • setOptions

      void setOptions(Map<String,String> newOptions)
      Sets the project custom options. All and only the options explicitly included in the given table are remembered; all previous option settings are forgotten, including ones not explicitly mentioned.

      For a complete description of the configurable options, see JavaCore#getDefaultOptions.

      newOptions - the new options (key type: String; value type: String), or null to flush all custom options (clients will automatically get the global JavaCore options).
      See Also:
    • setOutputLocation

      void setOutputLocation(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath path, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException
      Sets the default output location of this project to the location described by the given workspace-relative absolute path.

      The default output location is where class files are ordinarily generated (and resource files, copied). Each source classpath entries can also specify an output location for the generated class files (and copied resource files) corresponding to compilation units under that source folder. This makes it possible to arrange that generated class files for different source folders to end up in different output folders, and not necessarily the default output folder. This means that the generated class files for the project may end up scattered across several folders, rather than all in the default output folder (which is more standard).

      path - the workspace-relative absolute path of the default output folder
      monitor - the progress monitor
      JavaModelException - if the classpath could not be set. Reasons include:
      • This Java element does not exist (ELEMENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST)
      • The path refers to a location not contained in this project (PATH_OUTSIDE_PROJECT)
      • The path is not an absolute path (RELATIVE_PATH)
      • The path is nested inside a package fragment root of this project (INVALID_PATH)
      • The output location is being modified during resource change event notification (CORE_EXCEPTION)
      See Also:
    • setRawClasspath

      void setRawClasspath(IClasspathEntry[] entries, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath outputLocation, boolean canModifyResources, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException
      Sets both the classpath of this project and its default output location at once. The classpath is defined using a list of classpath entries. In particular such a classpath may contain classpath variable entries. Classpath variable entries can be resolved individually (JavaCore.getClasspathVariable(String)), or the full classpath can be resolved at once using the helper method getResolvedClasspath(boolean).

      A classpath variable provides an indirection level for better sharing a classpath. As an example, it allows a classpath to no longer refer directly to external JARs located in some user specific location. The classpath can simply refer to some variables defining the proper locations of these external JARs.

      If it is specified that this operation cannot modify resources, the .classpath file will not be written to disk and no error marker will be generated. To synchronize the .classpath with the in-memory classpath, one can use setRawClasspath(readRawClasspath(), true, monitor).

      Setting the classpath to null specifies a default classpath (the project root). Setting the classpath to an empty array specifies an empty classpath.

      If a cycle is detected while setting this classpath (and if resources can be modified), an error marker will be added to the project closing the cycle. To avoid this problem, use hasClasspathCycle(IClasspathEntry[]) before setting the classpath.

      This operation acquires a lock on the workspace's root.

      entries - a list of classpath entries
      outputLocation - the default output location
      canModifyResources - whether resources should be written to disk if needed
      monitor - the given progress monitor
      JavaModelException - if the classpath could not be set. Reasons include:
      See Also:
    • setRawClasspath

      void setRawClasspath(IClasspathEntry[] entries, boolean canModifyResources, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException
      Sets the classpath of this project using a list of classpath entries. In particular such a classpath may contain classpath variable entries. Classpath variable entries can be resolved individually (JavaCore.getClasspathVariable(String)), or the full classpath can be resolved at once using the helper method getResolvedClasspath(boolean).

      A classpath variable provides an indirection level for better sharing a classpath. As an example, it allows a classpath to no longer refer directly to external JARs located in some user specific location. The classpath can simply refer to some variables defining the proper locations of these external JARs.

      If it is specified that this operation cannot modify resources, the .classpath file will not be written to disk and no error marker will be generated. To synchronize the .classpath with the in-memory classpath, one can use setRawClasspath(readRawClasspath(), true, monitor).

      Setting the classpath to null specifies a default classpath (the project root). Setting the classpath to an empty array specifies an empty classpath.

      If a cycle is detected while setting this classpath (and if resources can be modified), an error marker will be added to the project closing the cycle. To avoid this problem, use hasClasspathCycle(IClasspathEntry[]) before setting the classpath.

      This operation acquires a lock on the workspace's root.

      entries - a list of classpath entries
      canModifyResources - whether resources should be written to disk if needed
      monitor - the given progress monitor
      JavaModelException - if the classpath could not be set. Reasons include:
      See Also:
    • setRawClasspath

      void setRawClasspath(IClasspathEntry[] entries, IClasspathEntry[] referencedEntries, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath outputLocation, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException
      Works similar to setRawClasspath(IClasspathEntry[], IPath, IProgressMonitor) and additionally allows persisting the given array of referenced entries for this project. The referenced entries and their attributes are stored in the .classpath file of this project. For details on referenced entries, see JavaCore.getReferencedClasspathEntries(IClasspathEntry, IJavaProject) and IClasspathEntry.getReferencingEntry().

      Since the referenced entries are stored in the .classpath file, clients can store additional information that belong to these entries and retrieve them across sessions, though the referenced entries themselves may not be present in the raw classpath. By passing a null referencedEntries, clients can choose not to modify the already persisted referenced entries, which is fully equivalent to setRawClasspath(IClasspathEntry[], IPath, IProgressMonitor). If an empty array is passed as referencedEntries, the already persisted referenced entries, if any, will be cleared.

      If there are duplicates of a referenced entry or if any of the referencedEntries is already present in the raw classpath(entries) those referenced entries will be excluded and not be persisted.

      entries - a list of classpath entries
      referencedEntries - the list of referenced classpath entries to be persisted
      outputLocation - the default output location
      monitor - the given progress monitor
      JavaModelException - if the classpath could not be set. Reasons include:
      See Also:
    • getReferencedClasspathEntries

      IClasspathEntry[] getReferencedClasspathEntries() throws JavaModelException
      Returns the list of referenced classpath entries stored in the .classpath file of this java project. Clients can store the referenced classpath entries using setRawClasspath(IClasspathEntry[], IClasspathEntry[], IPath, IProgressMonitor) If the client has not stored any referenced entries for this project, an empty array is returned.
      an array of referenced classpath entries stored for this java project or an empty array if none stored earlier.
    • setRawClasspath

      void setRawClasspath(IClasspathEntry[] entries, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException
      Sets the classpath of this project using a list of classpath entries. In particular such a classpath may contain classpath variable entries. Classpath variable entries can be resolved individually (JavaCore.getClasspathVariable(String)), or the full classpath can be resolved at once using the helper method getResolvedClasspath(boolean).

      A classpath variable provides an indirection level for better sharing a classpath. As an example, it allows a classpath to no longer refer directly to external JARs located in some user specific location. The classpath can simply refer to some variables defining the proper locations of these external JARs.

      Setting the classpath to null specifies a default classpath (the project root). Setting the classpath to an empty array specifies an empty classpath.

      If a cycle is detected while setting this classpath, an error marker will be added to the project closing the cycle. To avoid this problem, use hasClasspathCycle(IClasspathEntry[]) before setting the classpath.

      This operation acquires a lock on the workspace's root.

      entries - a list of classpath entries
      monitor - the given progress monitor
      JavaModelException - if the classpath could not be set. Reasons include:
      See Also:
    • setRawClasspath

      void setRawClasspath(IClasspathEntry[] entries, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath outputLocation, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException
      Sets the both the classpath of this project and its default output location at once. The classpath is defined using a list of classpath entries. In particular, such a classpath may contain classpath variable entries. Classpath variable entries can be resolved individually (see (JavaCore.getClasspathVariable(String)), or the full classpath can be resolved at once using the helper method getResolvedClasspath(boolean).

      A classpath variable provides an indirection level for better sharing a classpath. As an example, it allows a classpath to no longer refer directly to external JARs located in some user specific location. The classpath can simply refer to some variables defining the proper locations of these external JARs.

      Setting the classpath to null specifies a default classpath (the project root). Setting the classpath to an empty array specifies an empty classpath.

      If a cycle is detected while setting this classpath, an error marker will be added to the project closing the cycle. To avoid this problem, use hasClasspathCycle(IClasspathEntry[]) before setting the classpath.

      This operation acquires a lock on the workspace's root.

      entries - a list of classpath entries
      outputLocation - the default output location
      monitor - the progress monitor
      JavaModelException - if the classpath could not be set. Reasons include:
      • This Java element does not exist (ELEMENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST)
      • Two or more entries specify source roots with the same or overlapping paths (NAME_COLLISION)
      • A entry of kind CPE_PROJECT refers to this project (INVALID_PATH)
      • This Java element does not exist (ELEMENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST)
      • The output location path refers to a location not contained in this project (PATH_OUTSIDE_PROJECT)
      • The output location path is not an absolute path (RELATIVE_PATH)
      • The output location path is nested inside a package fragment root of this project (INVALID_PATH)
      • The classpath is being modified during resource change event notification (CORE_EXCEPTION)
      See Also:
    • getClasspathEntryFor

      IClasspathEntry getClasspathEntryFor(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath path) throws JavaModelException
      Returns the classpath entry that refers to the given path or null if there is no reference to the path.
      path - IPath
      the classpath entry or null.
    • determineModulesOfProjectsWithNonEmptyClasspath

      Set<String> determineModulesOfProjectsWithNonEmptyClasspath() throws JavaModelException
      When compiling test code in a modular project that has non-source classpath entries which don't have the IClasspathAttribute.MODULE set, the module is assumed to read the unnamed module (which is useful for test-only dependencies that should not be mentioned in the When executing test code that was compiled like this, corresponding "--add-reads" options need to be passed to the java runtime. This method returns the list of modules on the project's classpath for which this is the case.
      the set of module names
      JavaModelException - when access to the classpath or module description of the given project fails.