Class CompilationResult


public class CompilationResult extends Object
  • Field Details

    • problems

      public CategorizedProblem[] problems
    • tasks

      public CategorizedProblem[] tasks
    • problemCount

      public int problemCount
    • taskCount

      public int taskCount
    • compilationUnit

      public ICompilationUnit compilationUnit
    • qualifiedReferences

      public char[][][] qualifiedReferences
    • simpleNameReferences

      public char[][] simpleNameReferences
    • rootReferences

      public char[][] rootReferences
    • hasAnnotations

      public boolean hasAnnotations
    • hasFunctionalTypes

      public boolean hasFunctionalTypes
    • lineSeparatorPositions

      public int[] lineSeparatorPositions
    • recoveryScannerData

      public RecoveryScannerData recoveryScannerData
    • compiledTypes

      public Map compiledTypes
    • unitIndex

      public int unitIndex
    • totalUnitsKnown

      public int totalUnitsKnown
    • hasBeenAccepted

      public boolean hasBeenAccepted
    • fileName

      public char[] fileName
    • hasInconsistentToplevelHierarchies

      public boolean hasInconsistentToplevelHierarchies
    • hasSyntaxError

      public boolean hasSyntaxError
    • packageName

      public char[][] packageName
    • checkSecondaryTypes

      public boolean checkSecondaryTypes
    • annotations

      public List<AnnotationBinding[]> annotations
  • Constructor Details

    • CompilationResult

      public CompilationResult(char[] fileName, int unitIndex, int totalUnitsKnown, int maxProblemPerUnit)
    • CompilationResult

      public CompilationResult(ICompilationUnit compilationUnit, int unitIndex, int totalUnitsKnown, int maxProblemPerUnit)
  • Method Details

    • getAllProblems

      public CategorizedProblem[] getAllProblems()
    • getClassFiles

      public ClassFile[] getClassFiles()
    • getCompilationUnit

      public ICompilationUnit getCompilationUnit()
      Answer the initial compilation unit corresponding to the present compilation result
    • getErrors

      public CategorizedProblem[] getErrors()
      Answer the errors encountered during compilation.
    • getFileName

      public char[] getFileName()
      Answer the initial file name
    • getLineSeparatorPositions

      public int[] getLineSeparatorPositions()
    • getProblems

      public CategorizedProblem[] getProblems()
      Answer the problems (errors and warnings) encountered during compilation. This is not a compiler internal API - it has side-effects ! It is intended to be used only once all problems have been detected, and makes sure the problems slot as the exact size of the number of problems.
    • getCUProblems

      public CategorizedProblem[] getCUProblems()
      Same as getProblems() but don't answer problems that actually concern the enclosing package.
    • getTasks

      public CategorizedProblem[] getTasks()
      Answer the tasks (TO-DO, ...) encountered during compilation. This is not a compiler internal API - it has side-effects ! It is intended to be used only once all problems have been detected, and makes sure the problems slot as the exact size of the number of problems.
    • hasErrors

      public boolean hasErrors()
    • hasMandatoryErrors

      public boolean hasMandatoryErrors()
    • hasProblems

      public boolean hasProblems()
    • hasTasks

      public boolean hasTasks()
    • hasWarnings

      public boolean hasWarnings()
    • recordPackageName

      public void recordPackageName(char[][] packName)
    • record

      public void record(CategorizedProblem newProblem, ReferenceContext referenceContext)
    • record

      public void record(CategorizedProblem newProblem, ReferenceContext referenceContext, boolean mandatoryError)
    • record

      public void record(char[] typeName, ClassFile classFile)
      For now, remember the compiled type using its compound name.
    • removeProblem

      public void removeProblem(CategorizedProblem problem)
    • tagAsAccepted

      public CompilationResult tagAsAccepted()
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • scheduleProblem

      public void scheduleProblem(Runnable task)
    • materializeProblems

      public void materializeProblems()
    • isFromBinarySource

      public boolean isFromBinarySource()
    • noSourceAvailable

      public void noSourceAvailable()
    • removeProblems

      public int removeProblems(CompilationResult.ProblemsForRemovalFilter pf)
      Can be used to tidy up the problems set, if a problem is accepted by the filter, it will be removed. Returns number of problems removed.