Direct Known Subclasses:

public class CodeStream extends Object
  • Field Details

    • ImplicitThis

      public static FieldBinding[] ImplicitThis

      public static final int LABELS_INCREMENT
      See Also:

      public static final int LOCALS_INCREMENT
      See Also:

      public static final CompilationResult RESTART_IN_WIDE_MODE

      public static final CompilationResult RESTART_CODE_GEN_FOR_UNUSED_LOCALS_MODE
    • allLocalsCounter

      public int allLocalsCounter
    • bCodeStream

      public byte[] bCodeStream
    • classFile

      public ClassFile classFile
    • classFileOffset

      public int classFileOffset
    • constantPool

      public ConstantPool constantPool
    • countLabels

      public int countLabels
    • exceptionLabels

      public ExceptionLabel[] exceptionLabels
    • exceptionLabelsCounter

      public int exceptionLabelsCounter
    • generateAttributes

      public int generateAttributes
    • labels

      public BranchLabel[] labels
    • lastEntryPC

      public int lastEntryPC
    • lastAbruptCompletion

      public int lastAbruptCompletion
    • lineSeparatorPositions

      public int[] lineSeparatorPositions
    • lineNumberStart

      public int lineNumberStart
    • lineNumberEnd

      public int lineNumberEnd
    • locals

      public LocalVariableBinding[] locals
    • maxFieldCount

      public int maxFieldCount
    • maxLocals

      public int maxLocals
    • methodDeclaration

      public AbstractMethodDeclaration methodDeclaration
    • lambdaExpression

      public LambdaExpression lambdaExpression
    • pcToSourceMap

      public int[] pcToSourceMap
    • pcToSourceMapSize

      public int pcToSourceMapSize
    • position

      public int position
    • preserveUnusedLocals

      public boolean preserveUnusedLocals
    • stackDepth

      public int stackDepth
    • stackMax

      public int stackMax
    • startingClassFileOffset

      public int startingClassFileOffset
    • targetLevel

      protected long targetLevel
    • visibleLocals

      public LocalVariableBinding[] visibleLocals
    • wideMode

      public boolean wideMode
    • switchSaveTypeBindings

      public Stack<TypeBinding> switchSaveTypeBindings
    • lastSwitchCumulativeSyntheticVars

      public int lastSwitchCumulativeSyntheticVars
    • patternAccessorMap

      public Map<BlockScope,List<ExceptionLabel>> patternAccessorMap
    • accessorExceptionTrapScopes

      public Stack<BlockScope> accessorExceptionTrapScopes
  • Constructor Details

    • CodeStream

      public CodeStream(ClassFile givenClassFile)
  • Method Details

    • insertionIndex

      public static int insertionIndex(int[] pcToSourceMap, int length, int pc)
      This methods searches for an existing entry inside the pcToSourceMap table with a pc equals to @pc. If there is an existing entry it returns -1 (no insertion required). Otherwise it returns the index where the entry for the pc has to be inserted. This is based on the fact that the pcToSourceMap table is sorted according to the pc.
      pcToSourceMap - the given pcToSourceMap array
      length - the given length
      pc - the given pc
    • sort

      public static final void sort(int[] tab, int lo0, int hi0, int[] result)
    • aaload

      public void aaload()
    • aastore

      public void aastore()
    • aconst_null

      public void aconst_null()
    • addDefinitelyAssignedVariables

      public void addDefinitelyAssignedVariables(Scope scope, int initStateIndex)
    • addLabel

      public void addLabel(BranchLabel aLabel)
    • addVariable

      public void addVariable(LocalVariableBinding localBinding)
    • addVisibleLocalVariable

      public void addVisibleLocalVariable(LocalVariableBinding localBinding)
    • aload

      public void aload(int iArg)
    • aload_0

      public void aload_0()
    • aload_1

      public void aload_1()
    • aload_2

      public void aload_2()
    • aload_3

      public void aload_3()
    • anewarray

      public void anewarray(TypeBinding typeBinding)
    • areturn

      public void areturn()
    • arrayAt

      public void arrayAt(int typeBindingID)
    • arrayAtPut

      public void arrayAtPut(int elementTypeID, boolean valueRequired)
    • arraylength

      public void arraylength()
    • astore

      public void astore(int iArg)
    • astore_0

      public void astore_0()
    • astore_1

      public void astore_1()
    • astore_2

      public void astore_2()
    • astore_3

      public void astore_3()
    • athrow

      public void athrow()
    • baload

      public void baload()
    • bastore

      public void bastore()
    • bipush

      public void bipush(byte b)
    • caload

      public void caload()
    • castore

      public void castore()
    • checkcast

      public void checkcast(int baseId)
    • checkcast

      public void checkcast(TypeBinding typeBinding)
    • checkcast

      public void checkcast(TypeReference typeReference, TypeBinding typeBinding, int currentPosition)
    • d2f

      public void d2f()
    • d2i

      public void d2i()
    • d2l

      public void d2l()
    • dadd

      public void dadd()
    • daload

      public void daload()
    • dastore

      public void dastore()
    • dcmpg

      public void dcmpg()
    • dcmpl

      public void dcmpl()
    • dconst_0

      public void dconst_0()
    • dconst_1

      public void dconst_1()
    • ddiv

      public void ddiv()
    • decrStackSize

      public void decrStackSize(int offset)
    • dload

      public void dload(int iArg)
    • dload_0

      public void dload_0()
    • dload_1

      public void dload_1()
    • dload_2

      public void dload_2()
    • dload_3

      public void dload_3()
    • dmul

      public void dmul()
    • dneg

      public void dneg()
    • drem

      public void drem()
    • dreturn

      public void dreturn()
    • dstore

      public void dstore(int iArg)
    • dstore_0

      public void dstore_0()
    • dstore_1

      public void dstore_1()
    • dstore_2

      public void dstore_2()
    • dstore_3

      public void dstore_3()
    • dsub

      public void dsub()
    • dup

      public void dup()
    • dup_x1

      public void dup_x1()
    • dup_x2

      public void dup_x2()
    • dup2

      public void dup2()
    • dup2_x1

      public void dup2_x1()
    • dup2_x2

      public void dup2_x2()
    • exitUserScope

      public void exitUserScope(BlockScope currentScope, Predicate<LocalVariableBinding> condition)
    • exitUserScope

      public void exitUserScope(BlockScope currentScope)
    • f2d

      public void f2d()
    • f2i

      public void f2i()
    • f2l

      public void f2l()
    • fadd

      public void fadd()
    • faload

      public void faload()
    • fastore

      public void fastore()
    • fcmpg

      public void fcmpg()
    • fcmpl

      public void fcmpl()
    • fconst_0

      public void fconst_0()
    • fconst_1

      public void fconst_1()
    • fconst_2

      public void fconst_2()
    • fdiv

      public void fdiv()
    • fieldAccess

      public void fieldAccess(byte opcode, FieldBinding fieldBinding, TypeBinding declaringClass)
    • fload

      public void fload(int iArg)
    • fload_0

      public void fload_0()
    • fload_1

      public void fload_1()
    • fload_2

      public void fload_2()
    • fload_3

      public void fload_3()
    • fmul

      public void fmul()
    • fneg

      public void fneg()
    • frem

      public void frem()
    • freturn

      public void freturn()
    • fstore

      public void fstore(int iArg)
    • fstore_0

      public void fstore_0()
    • fstore_1

      public void fstore_1()
    • fstore_2

      public void fstore_2()
    • fstore_3

      public void fstore_3()
    • fsub

      public void fsub()
    • generateBoxingConversion

      public void generateBoxingConversion(int unboxedTypeID)
    • generateClassLiteralAccessForType

      public void generateClassLiteralAccessForType(Scope scope, TypeBinding accessedType, FieldBinding syntheticFieldBinding)
      Macro for building a class descriptor object
    • generateCodeAttributeForProblemMethod

      public final void generateCodeAttributeForProblemMethod(String problemMessage)
      This method generates the code attribute bytecode
    • generateConstant

      public void generateConstant(Constant constant, int implicitConversionCode)
    • generateEmulatedReadAccessForField

      public void generateEmulatedReadAccessForField(FieldBinding fieldBinding)
    • generateEmulatedWriteAccessForField

      public void generateEmulatedWriteAccessForField(FieldBinding fieldBinding)
    • generateEmulationForConstructor

      public void generateEmulationForConstructor(Scope scope, MethodBinding methodBinding)
    • generateEmulationForField

      public void generateEmulationForField(FieldBinding fieldBinding)
    • generateEmulationForMethod

      public void generateEmulationForMethod(Scope scope, MethodBinding methodBinding)
    • generateImplicitConversion

      public void generateImplicitConversion(int implicitConversionCode)
      Generates the sequence of instructions which will perform the conversion of the expression on the stack into a different type (e.g. long l = someInt; --> i2l must be inserted).
      implicitConversionCode - int
    • generateInlinedValue

      public void generateInlinedValue(boolean inlinedValue)
    • generateInlinedValue

      public void generateInlinedValue(byte inlinedValue)
    • generateInlinedValue

      public void generateInlinedValue(char inlinedValue)
    • generateInlinedValue

      public void generateInlinedValue(double inlinedValue)
    • generateInlinedValue

      public void generateInlinedValue(float inlinedValue)
    • generateInlinedValue

      public void generateInlinedValue(int inlinedValue)
    • generateInlinedValue

      public void generateInlinedValue(long inlinedValue)
    • generateInlinedValue

      public void generateInlinedValue(short inlinedValue)
    • generateOuterAccess

      public void generateOuterAccess(Object[] mappingSequence, ASTNode invocationSite, Binding target, Scope scope)
    • generateReturnBytecode

      public void generateReturnBytecode(Expression expression)
    • invokeDynamicForStringConcat

      public void invokeDynamicForStringConcat(StringBuilder recipe, List<TypeBinding> arguments)
    • generateStringConcatenationAppend

      public void generateStringConcatenationAppend(BlockScope blockScope, Expression oper1, Expression oper2)
      The equivalent code performs a string conversion:
      blockScope - the given blockScope
      oper1 - the first expression
      oper2 - the second expression
    • generateSyntheticBodyForConstructorAccess

      public void generateSyntheticBodyForConstructorAccess(SyntheticMethodBinding accessBinding)
      accessBinding - the access method binding to generate
    • generateSyntheticBodyForArrayConstructor

      public void generateSyntheticBodyForArrayConstructor(SyntheticMethodBinding methodBinding)
    • generateSyntheticBodyForArrayClone

      public void generateSyntheticBodyForArrayClone(SyntheticMethodBinding methodBinding)
    • generateSyntheticBodyForFactoryMethod

      public void generateSyntheticBodyForFactoryMethod(SyntheticMethodBinding methodBinding)
    • generateSyntheticBodyForEnumValueOf

      public void generateSyntheticBodyForEnumValueOf(SyntheticMethodBinding methodBinding)
    • generateSyntheticBodyForDeserializeLambda

      public void generateSyntheticBodyForDeserializeLambda(SyntheticMethodBinding methodBinding, SyntheticMethodBinding[] syntheticMethodBindings)
      This is intended to match what javac generates. First there is a switch statement on the hashcode of the lambda method name - based on that an id is computed (0..N). An unrecognized hash gets the id -1. Then a second switch is on the id and each case here checks all the properties of the serialized lambda. If they all checkout OK an invokedynamic call to a bootstrap method targeting the altMetafactory. If any of the tests fail an IllegalArgumentException is thrown. This exception is not typically seen by the 'user', instead they seem to see a NPE when the lambda does not deserialize properly.
    • loadInt

      public void loadInt(int value)
      Based on the supplied value add the most efficient load instruction to the code stream for that value. Note: Does not handle negative values.
    • generateSyntheticBodyForEnumValues

      public void generateSyntheticBodyForEnumValues(SyntheticMethodBinding methodBinding)
    • generateSyntheticBodyForEnumInitializationMethod

      public void generateSyntheticBodyForEnumInitializationMethod(SyntheticMethodBinding methodBinding)
    • generateSyntheticBodyForFieldReadAccess

      public void generateSyntheticBodyForFieldReadAccess(SyntheticMethodBinding accessMethod)
    • generateSyntheticBodyForFieldWriteAccess

      public void generateSyntheticBodyForFieldWriteAccess(SyntheticMethodBinding accessMethod)
    • generateSyntheticBodyForMethodAccess

      public void generateSyntheticBodyForMethodAccess(SyntheticMethodBinding accessMethod)
    • generateSyntheticBodyForSwitchTable

      public void generateSyntheticBodyForSwitchTable(SyntheticMethodBinding methodBinding)
    • generateSyntheticEnclosingInstanceValues

      public void generateSyntheticEnclosingInstanceValues(BlockScope currentScope, ReferenceBinding targetType, Expression enclosingInstance, ASTNode invocationSite)
      Code responsible to generate the suitable code to supply values for the synthetic enclosing instance arguments of a constructor invocation of a nested type.
    • generateSyntheticOuterArgumentValues

      public void generateSyntheticOuterArgumentValues(BlockScope currentScope, ReferenceBinding targetType, ASTNode invocationSite)
      Code responsible to generate the suitable code to supply values for the synthetic outer local variable arguments of a constructor invocation of a nested type. (bug 26122) - synthetic values for outer locals must be passed after user arguments, e.g. new X(i = 1){}
    • generateSyntheticBodyForRecordCanonicalConstructor

      public void generateSyntheticBodyForRecordCanonicalConstructor(SyntheticMethodBinding canonConstructor)
    • generateSyntheticBodyForRecordEquals

      public void generateSyntheticBodyForRecordEquals(SyntheticMethodBinding methodBinding, int index)
    • generateSyntheticBodyForRecordHashCode

      public void generateSyntheticBodyForRecordHashCode(SyntheticMethodBinding methodBinding, int index)
    • generateSyntheticBodyForRecordToString

      public void generateSyntheticBodyForRecordToString(SyntheticMethodBinding methodBinding, int index)
    • generateUnboxingConversion

      public void generateUnboxingConversion(int unboxedTypeID)
    • generateWideRevertedConditionalBranch

      public void generateWideRevertedConditionalBranch(byte revertedOpcode, BranchLabel wideTarget)
    • getBaseTypeValue

      public void getBaseTypeValue(int baseTypeID)
    • getContents

      public final byte[] getContents()
    • getConstantPoolDeclaringClass

      public static TypeBinding getConstantPoolDeclaringClass(Scope currentScope, FieldBinding codegenBinding, TypeBinding actualReceiverType, boolean isImplicitThisReceiver)
      Returns the type that should be substituted to original binding declaring class as the proper receiver type
      the receiver type to use in constant pool
    • getConstantPoolDeclaringClass

      public static TypeBinding getConstantPoolDeclaringClass(Scope currentScope, MethodBinding codegenBinding, TypeBinding actualReceiverType, boolean isImplicitThisReceiver)
      Returns the type that should be substituted to original binding declaring class as the proper receiver type
      the receiver type to use in constant pool
    • getPosition

      protected int getPosition()
    • getTYPE

      public void getTYPE(int baseTypeID)
    • goto_

      public void goto_(BranchLabel label)
      We didn't call it goto, because there is a conflit with the goto keyword
    • goto_w

      public void goto_w(BranchLabel label)
    • i2b

      public void i2b()
    • i2c

      public void i2c()
    • i2d

      public void i2d()
    • i2f

      public void i2f()
    • i2l

      public void i2l()
    • i2s

      public void i2s()
    • iadd

      public void iadd()
    • iaload

      public void iaload()
    • iand

      public void iand()
    • iastore

      public void iastore()
    • iconst_0

      public void iconst_0()
    • iconst_1

      public void iconst_1()
    • iconst_2

      public void iconst_2()
    • iconst_3

      public void iconst_3()
    • iconst_4

      public void iconst_4()
    • iconst_5

      public void iconst_5()
    • iconst_m1

      public void iconst_m1()
    • idiv

      public void idiv()
    • if_acmpeq

      public void if_acmpeq(BranchLabel lbl)
    • if_acmpne

      public void if_acmpne(BranchLabel lbl)
    • if_icmpeq

      public void if_icmpeq(BranchLabel lbl)
    • if_icmpge

      public void if_icmpge(BranchLabel lbl)
    • if_icmpgt

      public void if_icmpgt(BranchLabel lbl)
    • if_icmple

      public void if_icmple(BranchLabel lbl)
    • if_icmplt

      public void if_icmplt(BranchLabel lbl)
    • if_icmpne

      public void if_icmpne(BranchLabel lbl)
    • ifeq

      public void ifeq(BranchLabel lbl)
    • ifge

      public void ifge(BranchLabel lbl)
    • ifgt

      public void ifgt(BranchLabel lbl)
    • ifle

      public void ifle(BranchLabel lbl)
    • iflt

      public void iflt(BranchLabel lbl)
    • ifne

      public void ifne(BranchLabel lbl)
    • ifnonnull

      public void ifnonnull(BranchLabel lbl)
    • ifnull

      public void ifnull(BranchLabel lbl)
    • iinc

      public final void iinc(int index, int value)
    • iload

      public void iload(int iArg)
    • iload_0

      public void iload_0()
    • iload_1

      public void iload_1()
    • iload_2

      public void iload_2()
    • iload_3

      public void iload_3()
    • imul

      public void imul()
    • ineg

      public void ineg()
    • init

      public void init(ClassFile targetClassFile)
    • initializeMaxLocals

      public void initializeMaxLocals(MethodBinding methodBinding)
      methodBinding - the given method binding to initialize the max locals
    • inlineForwardReferencesFromLabelsTargeting

      public boolean inlineForwardReferencesFromLabelsTargeting(BranchLabel targetLabel, int gotoLocation)
      Some placed labels might be branching to a goto bytecode which we can optimize better.
    • instance_of

      public void instance_of(TypeBinding typeBinding)
      We didn't call it instanceof because there is a conflict with the instanceof keyword
    • instance_of

      public void instance_of(TypeReference typeReference, TypeBinding typeBinding)
      We didn't call it instanceof because there is a conflict with the instanceof keyword
    • invoke

      protected void invoke(byte opcode, int receiverAndArgsSize, int returnTypeSize, char[] declaringClass, char[] selector, char[] signature, TypeBinding type)
    • _invoke

      protected void _invoke(byte opcode, int receiverAndArgsSize, int returnTypeSize, char[] declaringClass, char[] selector, char[] signature, int typeId)
    • invoke

      protected void invoke(byte opcode, int receiverAndArgsSize, int returnTypeSize, char[] declaringClass, char[] selector, char[] signature, int typeId, TypeBinding type)
    • invokeDynamic

      public void invokeDynamic(int bootStrapIndex, int argsSize, int returnTypeSize, char[] selector, char[] signature, int typeId, TypeBinding type)
    • invokeDynamic

      public void invokeDynamic(int bootStrapIndex, int argsSize, int returnTypeSize, char[] selector, char[] signature, boolean isConstructorReference, TypeReference lhsTypeReference, TypeReference[] typeArguments, int typeId, TypeBinding type)
    • invoke

      public void invoke(byte opcode, MethodBinding methodBinding, TypeBinding declaringClass)
    • invoke

      public void invoke(byte opcode, MethodBinding methodBinding, TypeBinding declaringClass, TypeReference[] typeArguments)
    • invokeAccessibleObjectSetAccessible

      protected void invokeAccessibleObjectSetAccessible()
    • invokeArrayNewInstance

      protected void invokeArrayNewInstance()
    • invokeClassForName

      public void invokeClassForName()
    • invokeClassGetDeclaredConstructor

      protected void invokeClassGetDeclaredConstructor()
    • invokeClassGetDeclaredField

      protected void invokeClassGetDeclaredField()
    • invokeClassGetDeclaredMethod

      protected void invokeClassGetDeclaredMethod()
    • invokeEnumOrdinal

      public void invokeEnumOrdinal(char[] enumTypeConstantPoolName)
    • invokeIterableIterator

      public void invokeIterableIterator(TypeBinding iterableReceiverType)
    • invokeAutoCloseableClose

      public void invokeAutoCloseableClose(TypeBinding resourceType)
    • invokeThrowableAddSuppressed

      public void invokeThrowableAddSuppressed()
    • invokeJavaLangAssertionErrorConstructor

      public void invokeJavaLangAssertionErrorConstructor(int typeBindingID)
    • invokeJavaLangAssertionErrorDefaultConstructor

      public void invokeJavaLangAssertionErrorDefaultConstructor()
    • invokeJavaLangIncompatibleClassChangeErrorDefaultConstructor

      public void invokeJavaLangIncompatibleClassChangeErrorDefaultConstructor()
    • invokeJavaLangClassDesiredAssertionStatus

      public void invokeJavaLangClassDesiredAssertionStatus()
    • invokeJavaLangEnumvalueOf

      public void invokeJavaLangEnumvalueOf(ReferenceBinding binding)
    • invokeJavaLangEnumValues

      public void invokeJavaLangEnumValues(TypeBinding enumBinding, ArrayBinding arrayBinding)
    • invokeJavaLangErrorConstructor

      public void invokeJavaLangErrorConstructor()
    • invokeJavaLangReflectConstructorNewInstance

      public void invokeJavaLangReflectConstructorNewInstance()
    • invokeJavaLangReflectFieldGetter

      protected void invokeJavaLangReflectFieldGetter(TypeBinding type)
    • invokeJavaLangReflectFieldSetter

      protected void invokeJavaLangReflectFieldSetter(TypeBinding type)
    • invokeJavaLangReflectMethodInvoke

      public void invokeJavaLangReflectMethodInvoke()
    • invokeJavaUtilIteratorHasNext

      public void invokeJavaUtilIteratorHasNext()
    • invokeJavaUtilIteratorNext

      public void invokeJavaUtilIteratorNext()
    • invokeJavaUtilObjectsrequireNonNull

      public void invokeJavaUtilObjectsrequireNonNull()
    • invokeNoClassDefFoundErrorStringConstructor

      public void invokeNoClassDefFoundErrorStringConstructor()
    • invokeObjectGetClass

      public void invokeObjectGetClass()
    • invokeStringConcatenationAppendForType

      public void invokeStringConcatenationAppendForType(int typeID)
      The equivalent code performs a string conversion of the TOS
      typeID - int
    • invokeStringConcatenationDefaultConstructor

      public void invokeStringConcatenationDefaultConstructor()
    • invokeStringConcatenationStringConstructor

      public void invokeStringConcatenationStringConstructor()
    • invokeStringConcatenationToString

      public void invokeStringConcatenationToString()
    • invokeStringEquals

      public void invokeStringEquals()
    • invokeObjectEquals

      public void invokeObjectEquals()
    • invokeStringHashCode

      public void invokeStringHashCode()
    • invokeStringIntern

      public void invokeStringIntern()
    • invokeStringValueOf

      public void invokeStringValueOf(int typeID)
    • invokeThrowableToString

      public void invokeThrowableToString()
    • invokeSystemArraycopy

      public void invokeSystemArraycopy()
    • invokeThrowableGetMessage

      public void invokeThrowableGetMessage()
    • ior

      public void ior()
    • irem

      public void irem()
    • ireturn

      public void ireturn()
    • isDefinitelyAssigned

      public boolean isDefinitelyAssigned(Scope scope, int initStateIndex, LocalVariableBinding local)
    • ishl

      public void ishl()
    • ishr

      public void ishr()
    • istore

      public void istore(int iArg)
    • istore_0

      public void istore_0()
    • istore_1

      public void istore_1()
    • istore_2

      public void istore_2()
    • istore_3

      public void istore_3()
    • isub

      public void isub()
    • iushr

      public void iushr()
    • ixor

      public void ixor()
    • jsr

      public final void jsr(BranchLabel lbl)
    • jsr_w

      public final void jsr_w(BranchLabel lbl)
    • l2d

      public void l2d()
    • l2f

      public void l2f()
    • l2i

      public void l2i()
    • ladd

      public void ladd()
    • laload

      public void laload()
    • land

      public void land()
    • lastore

      public void lastore()
    • lcmp

      public void lcmp()
    • lconst_0

      public void lconst_0()
    • lconst_1

      public void lconst_1()
    • ldc

      public void ldc(float constant)
    • ldc

      public void ldc(int constant)
    • ldc

      public void ldc(String constant)
    • ldc

      public void ldc(TypeBinding typeBinding)
    • ldc2_w

      public void ldc2_w(double constant)
    • ldc2_w

      public void ldc2_w(long constant)
    • ldcForIndex

      public void ldcForIndex(int index)
    • ldiv

      public void ldiv()
    • lload

      public void lload(int iArg)
    • lload_0

      public void lload_0()
    • lload_1

      public void lload_1()
    • lload_2

      public void lload_2()
    • lload_3

      public void lload_3()
    • lmul

      public void lmul()
    • lneg

      public void lneg()
    • load

      public final void load(LocalVariableBinding localBinding)
    • load

      public final void load(TypeBinding typeBinding, int resolvedPosition)
    • lookupswitch

      public void lookupswitch(CaseLabel defaultLabel, int[] keys, int[] sortedIndexes, CaseLabel[] casesLabel)
    • lor

      public void lor()
    • lrem

      public void lrem()
    • lreturn

      public void lreturn()
    • lshl

      public void lshl()
    • lshr

      public void lshr()
    • lstore

      public void lstore(int iArg)
    • lstore_0

      public void lstore_0()
    • lstore_1

      public void lstore_1()
    • lstore_2

      public void lstore_2()
    • lstore_3

      public void lstore_3()
    • lsub

      public void lsub()
    • lushr

      public void lushr()
    • lxor

      public void lxor()
    • monitorenter

      public void monitorenter()
    • monitorexit

      public void monitorexit()
    • multianewarray

      public void multianewarray(TypeReference typeReference, TypeBinding typeBinding, int dimensions, ArrayAllocationExpression allocationExpression)
    • new_

      public void new_(TypeBinding typeBinding)
    • new_

      public void new_(TypeReference typeReference, TypeBinding typeBinding)
    • newarray

      public void newarray(int array_Type)
    • newArray

      public void newArray(ArrayBinding arrayBinding)
    • newArray

      public void newArray(TypeReference typeReference, ArrayAllocationExpression allocationExpression, ArrayBinding arrayBinding)
    • newJavaLangAssertionError

      public void newJavaLangAssertionError()
    • newJavaLangError

      public void newJavaLangError()
    • newJavaLangIncompatibleClassChangeError

      public void newJavaLangIncompatibleClassChangeError()
    • newJavaLangMatchException

      public void newJavaLangMatchException()
    • invokeJavaLangMatchExceptionConstructor

      public void invokeJavaLangMatchExceptionConstructor()
    • newNoClassDefFoundError

      public void newNoClassDefFoundError()
    • newStringContatenation

      public void newStringContatenation()
    • newWrapperFor

      public void newWrapperFor(int typeID)
    • nop

      public void nop()
    • optimizeBranch

      public void optimizeBranch(int oldPosition, BranchLabel lbl)
    • pop

      public void pop()
    • pop2

      public void pop2()
    • pushExceptionOnStack

      public void pushExceptionOnStack(TypeBinding binding)
    • pushOnStack

      public void pushOnStack(TypeBinding binding)
    • record

      public void record(LocalVariableBinding local)
    • recordExpressionType

      public void recordExpressionType(TypeBinding typeBinding)
    • recordExpressionType

      public void recordExpressionType(TypeBinding typeBinding, int delta, boolean adjustStackDepth)
    • recordPositionsFrom

      public void recordPositionsFrom(int startPC, int sourcePos)
    • recordPositionsFrom

      public void recordPositionsFrom(int startPC, int sourcePos, boolean widen)
    • registerExceptionHandler

      public void registerExceptionHandler(ExceptionLabel anExceptionLabel)
      anExceptionLabel - org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.codegen.ExceptionLabel
    • removeNotDefinitelyAssignedVariables

      public void removeNotDefinitelyAssignedVariables(Scope scope, int initStateIndex)
    • removeUnusedPcToSourceMapEntries

      public void removeUnusedPcToSourceMapEntries()
      Remove all entries in pcToSourceMap table that are beyond this.position
    • removeVariable

      public void removeVariable(LocalVariableBinding localBinding)
    • reset

      public void reset(AbstractMethodDeclaration referenceMethod, ClassFile targetClassFile)
      referenceMethod - org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.AbstractMethodDeclaration
      targetClassFile - org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.codegen.ClassFile
    • reset

      public void reset(LambdaExpression lambda, ClassFile targetClassFile)
    • reset

      public void reset(ClassFile givenClassFile)
    • resetForProblemClinit

      public void resetForProblemClinit(ClassFile targetClassFile)
      targetClassFile - The given classfile to reset the code stream
    • resetInWideMode

      public void resetInWideMode()
    • resetForCodeGenUnusedLocals

      public void resetForCodeGenUnusedLocals()
    • ret

      public final void ret(int index)
    • return_

      public void return_()
    • saload

      public void saload()
    • sastore

      public void sastore()
    • sendOperator

      public void sendOperator(int operatorConstant, int type_ID)
      operatorConstant - int
      type_ID - int
    • sipush

      public void sipush(int s)
    • store

      public void store(LocalVariableBinding localBinding, boolean valueRequired)
    • swap

      public void swap()
    • tableswitch

      public void tableswitch(CaseLabel defaultLabel, int low, int high, int[] keys, int[] sortedIndexes, int[] mapping, CaseLabel[] casesLabel)
    • throwAnyException

      public void throwAnyException(LocalVariableBinding anyExceptionVariable)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • writePosition

      protected void writePosition(BranchLabel label)
    • writePosition

      protected void writePosition(BranchLabel label, int forwardReference)
    • writeSignedWord

      protected final void writeSignedWord(int value)
    • writeSignedWord

      protected void writeSignedWord(int pos, int value)
    • writeWidePosition

      protected void writeWidePosition(BranchLabel label)
    • clearTypeBindingStack

      public void clearTypeBindingStack()
    • pushPatternAccessTrapScope

      public void pushPatternAccessTrapScope(BlockScope scope)
      Stack the scope responsible for any pattern access exceptions not trapped by subscopes. Not all scopes bear responsibility: only method scopes (including clinit, init, lambdas) and try block scopes need to trap component pattern accessor exceptions and install handlers that throw a MatchException.
      scope - some scope where the buck should stop for all pattern access exceptions underneath
    • patternAccessorsMayThrow

      public boolean patternAccessorsMayThrow(BlockScope scope)
      Should the reference context associated with the scope handle pattern access exceptions ?
      scope -
      true if pattern accesses do occur underneath, false otherwise
    • handleRecordAccessorExceptions

      public void handleRecordAccessorExceptions(BlockScope scope)