Interface IGenericMethod

All Known Subinterfaces:
IBinaryMethod, ISourceMethod
All Known Implementing Classes:
AnnotationMethodInfo, AnnotationMethodInfoWithAnnotations, CodeSnippetSkeleton.BinaryMethodSkeleton, MethodInfo, MethodInfoWithAnnotations, SourceAnnotationMethodInfo, SourceConstructorInfo, SourceConstructorWithChildrenInfo, SourceMethodElementInfo, SourceMethodInfo, SourceMethodWithChildrenInfo

public interface IGenericMethod
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Answer the names of the argument or null if the argument names are not available.
    Answer an int whose bits are set according the access constants defined by the VM spec.
  • Method Details

    • getModifiers

      int getModifiers()
      Answer an int whose bits are set according the access constants defined by the VM spec.
    • isConstructor

      boolean isConstructor()
    • getArgumentNames

      char[][] getArgumentNames()
      Answer the names of the argument or null if the argument names are not available.