Class CompilationUnitProblemFinder

All Implemented Interfaces:
ITypeRequestor, ProblemSeverities

public class CompilationUnitProblemFinder extends Compiler
Responsible for resolving types inside a compilation unit being reconciled, reporting the discovered problems to a given IProblemRequestor.
  • Constructor Details

    • CompilationUnitProblemFinder

      protected CompilationUnitProblemFinder(INameEnvironment environment, IErrorHandlingPolicy policy, CompilerOptions compilerOptions, ICompilerRequestor requestor, IProblemFactory problemFactory)
      Answer a new CompilationUnitVisitor using the given name environment and compiler options. The environment and options will be in effect for the lifetime of the compiler. When the compiler is run, compilation results are sent to the given requestor.
      environment - org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.api.env.INameEnvironment Environment used by the compiler in order to resolve type and package names. The name environment implements the actual connection of the compiler to the outside world (e.g. in batch mode the name environment is performing pure file accesses, reuse previous build state or connection to repositories). Note: the name environment is responsible for implementing the actual classpath rules.
      policy - org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.api.problem.IErrorHandlingPolicy Configurable part for problem handling, allowing the compiler client to specify the rules for handling problems (stop on first error or accumulate them all) and at the same time perform some actions such as opening a dialog in UI when compiling interactively.
      compilerOptions - The compiler options to use for the resolution.
      requestor - org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.api.ICompilerRequestor Component which will receive and persist all compilation results and is intended to consume them as they are produced. Typically, in a batch compiler, it is responsible for writing out the actual .class files to the file system.
      problemFactory - org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.api.problem.IProblemFactory Factory used inside the compiler to create problem descriptors. It allows the compiler client to supply its own representation of compilation problems in order to avoid object conversions. Note that the factory is not supposed to accumulate the created problems, the compiler will gather them all and hand them back as part of the compilation unit result.
      See Also:
      • invalid reference
      • invalid reference
  • Method Details